The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Mr. Rival must be extremely traumatized. Poor Mr. Rival. In truth I know he couldn't get his hands near RB's neck, that's just a pipe dream 😆

That's a fact, CC. The Rb is no lightweight!

Well, you know what I mean...
HAHA! I notice that RB is nowhere to be seen in that video...while the fids away, the men will play...hehe
When Superior Beings are loose, mere mortals behave themselves.

This just doesn't get old, throttling an imaginary Rickeybird on video

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.”
― Albert Einstein
Enjoy the couch tonight, Mr. Rival.

Here is my knight in shining feather, doing battle with two great demons of the Netherworld, the Bouncey Ball (thanks to Mr. Wrench for the give-away!) and the Yellow Disc. He subdues them and ejects them from his penthouse in short order. One thing I still wonder... how can I de sure he's having fun, not vanquishing enemies? Then again, maybe a little vanquishing is good for a mighty warrior rooster now and then. I'd be interested in your opinion.

My hero!

The Bouncey Ball ... begone!

The Yellow Disc ... he's screaming "NO!" but he doesn't sound his Ns very well.

Dear Rickeybird, I love you.

That actually made me laugh, he seems like he does not want those foreign parrot killing objects on his house. He threw the bouncy ball off of the roof and tried to murder it. He peered over the ledge to make certain it was dead. I don't think he likes them. His body language says angry to me.

Does he get angry if you put new toys inside his cage? That was a big no for Bing. He didn't put up with that kind of nonsense. It would be better if I had just flushed my money down the toilet.

Thanks, CC...

I posted a separate inquiry about this issue..."Toy or Terror" and as usual, got so many good insights.

There's no rhyme or reason to his taste in toys or their placement. Taste: I made a pun!

Anyway, I'm convinced now that the evil toys MAY be actually eliciting some fury and anger and genuine attacks, BUT... that's a natural part of their behavior. I don't know if the videos show it well, but after he tosses the enemy, he struts up and down the cage.

Our birds are SOOOO fascinating!
Rickeybird's Scrapbook
August 26, 2016

This is astonishing footage... a Patagonian Conure doing recall training outdoors.
Scares me to watch it! Still, the bird seems oriented and confident. But what about sudden wind? Predators?? YIKES!
[ame=""]Patagonian Conure Flying - YouTube[/ame]
CherylCali... yeah... impressive but... SCARYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

Mamaof3... thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're an old married couple.
Holy cow, I found another outdoor flying.
[ame=""]Patagonian Conure Flying - YouTube[/ame]
I think the flight video from last night scared me because I had a worrisome dream that Early flew away from me to a 2nd floor apartment balcony and wouldn't come down because she made friends with two lovebirds and she was gobbling up their food 😅 no more free flight videos for me.

Oooooooh, sorry to hear that, CC...

Yeah, I have a couple of recurrent nightmares... they involve the Rb getting attacked by big dogs. I wake up wanting to cry. Still, it keeps me super-vigilant about other animals.

About videos, my ol' man found another flying Patagonian video. He was joking about "isn't it interesting that so many people don't care if their Patagonians fly away?" Stinker!

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