The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

I hear THAT, CC.

Meanwhile back at the roof... here is yet ANOTHER Patagonian owner sending his bird into the blue... this one is beyond belief, almost, but there it is!

[ame=""]Patagonian Conure Flying From The Roof Top - YouTube[/ame]
Too scary [emoji33]

❤️ Animals are like little angels sent to earth to teach us how to love ❤️
CC and Nicky... I know! They are surely taking years off the bird's life expectancy due to possible predators, injury, and exposure to diseases/parasites/contamination from wild birds!!!!!!!!!!! I just don't get it.

Mr. Rival is quite beside himself in merriment: he's laughing himself silly making up plans to take you-know-who here or there for some exciting free flight. Tsk tsk tsk.
Unbelievable... yet ANOTHER person who free-flies his Patagonian up into densely wooded wilds and then whistles him back...!!!

My ol' man is still chuckling... "See? Let's free-fly the Rickeybird!"


[ame=""]Patagonian Conure Flying MORGAN - YouTube[/ame]
I just watched this one with my's his input...
"Wow. You let the bird fly. And come back. Isn't that what birds do? I'm not impressed."
Does Mr.Rival need a friend?

If I'm counting correctly, this is the fifth YouTube vid of a Patagonian Conure allowed free flight in an unprotected area. It's simultaneously horrifying and beautiful to me. My ol' man, of course, continues his happy suggestions that we try the same. No!

Here it is... Notice the grey stays in the safe cage!
[ame=""]Free high flying parrot Miki - YouTube[/ame]
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Okay, this will be the last video (oh, yes, there are more!) of people free-flying their Patagonians. My nerves can't take it, and my ol' man is having too much fun fantasizing about sending the Rickeybird out the window.

This bird flies amazingly high and far... and fassst!

[ame=""]Si.."chemonk"..patagonian conure - YouTube[/ame]
This isn't MY Rickeybird. It's somebody else's 4 week old Rickeybird...
MANNNN, is it LOUDDDDD, even at such a baby-age. Already screeching. Amazing.

[ame=""]Squeak, my baby patagonian conure at 4 weeks, 4 days old - YouTube[/ame]
This is Part 2 of 5... of that same baby Patagonian above. Here he is at 5 weeks!

Mercifully, in this vid he is full and quiet!

[ame=""]Squeak, my baby patagonian conure at 5 weeks - YouTube[/ame]
I don't know the location of the video, and it's in Spanish. But, this man that has an aviary of Patagonians and he lets them out and they just crawl all over him, fly all over the yard, walk in the grass. To me it was more amazing than flight recall. They clearly love him and just follow him around.


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