The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

I had to post what I got in the mail yesterday!
After helping Gail with a thread, I got partial ownership of none other than The Rb!
It's in writing, Miss Gail, no backing out of such a legal document, signed by the Great Rb himself!!!
I am officially Auntie Terry now, woohoo! Flood my inbox away, please!
(My scanning abilities are a little crooked, apparently!)

Wait one moment! Was that signature was made in Blood!!!
Scary, really scary that be!
Wait one moment! Was that signature was made in Blood!!!
Scary, really scary that be!

Yikes, you could be right! Rival? Are you okay???
Terry... This basically proves the saying that "No good deed goes un-punished!" Thanks for all that help on the thread.

Mr. Boat, and Terry, too... I'll look into that! The Rival has indeed lost blood in the line of rivalrous duties...

Kentuckienne... Groucho had a lot of things figured out, for sure. Remember when the lady says "Walk this way", and he says "Lady, if I could walk like that..."

Hey, I just had a thought... if anbody else would like to do me any enormous favors, I might give YOU a piece of the Rb. Maybe someday I could have him COMPLETELY dispersed! OH, THE RAPTURE!!!!!!!!!!
Terry... This basically proves the saying that "No good deed goes un-punished!" Thanks for all that help on the thread.

Mr. Boat, and Terry, too... I'll look into that! The Rival has indeed lost blood in the line of rivalrous duties...

Kentuckienne... Groucho had a lot of things figured out, for sure. Remember when the lady says "Walk this way", and he says "Lady, if I could walk like that..."

Hey, I just had a thought... if anbody else would like to do me any enormous favors, I might give YOU a piece of the Rb. Maybe someday I could have him COMPLETELY dispersed! OH, THE RAPTURE!!!!!!!!!!

Wait, is that the EPA at the door?

What, something about illegal transportation of hazardous /dangerous material across State lines?

Sorry sir, but you will need to talk to my Attorney. Here is his card.

Yes, he is a Partner at Yellow Nape Law Offices, why?

You have the wrong address? Well okay, good day to you also!?!
My pleasure, Sweet Pea, and I got the best reward ever!

Steven, you always crack me up!

Sorry... that print is kinda small...

"We're the attorneys
Who put foes on gurneys!"
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One of the senior partners at Yellow Nape Attorneys is taking things into his own hands. Or feet. Or something.

One of the senior partners at Yellow Nape Attorneys is taking things into his own hands. Or feet. Or something.

Yup!!! Clearly a government agency training sessions at the Yellow Nape Law Offices; smack the kneecap with the handle-end and then slowly carve away at it with the butter knife! Sessions have been known to go for hours until an agreeable settlement is obtained!

I needed this Firm when the IRS came after me in '09.

I'm not sure, which is more enjoyable, the settlement or what procedure was employed to obtain it! Okay! It's Both!!! :D
Many non-parronts do not understand the real depth and breadth of the mysterious goings-on in the world of parrots and their minions, plots, and machinations. Witness the recent pages!!!!!!

And yet another example...

I can't think of anyone better to lead this shadow conspiracy than the Rb!
For a number of years, it was common while sailing across Lake Michigan, in the evening, to listen to the adventures on the Shadow Radio Program.

Yes! Only " The Shadow Knowzszszszszszszs... "

A very enjoyable memory, right up to where the 'RB' is interjected! :D

And, Grey Town is yet again, gripped in Fear!

FYI: When considering the true depth of the Shadow and the factors of over-sight and control, with agents around the World! I believe we are in fact talking about the true player in Grey Town. And, just who might that be! Hmmmm, Who indeed!
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If the Rb was smart, or nice, or quiet, or in any way a good pet, he'd be...
Another bird.

Which reminds me, I am going to beat the Missus to the POTM contest this month. I definitely need to thank the Bird for all his 'gifts'... the headaches, ringing ears, attacked toes, interrupted phone calls, missing buttons on keypads, defiled upholstery, destroyed fringe on rugs, and stolen pecans (AFTER I SHELL THEM). I'm sure I left some stuff out... there are just so many gifts that a grateful Rival loses track, you see.
If the Rb was smart, or nice, or quiet, or in any way a good pet, he'd be...
Another bird.

Which reminds me, I am going to beat the Missus to the POTM contest this month. I definitely need to thank the Bird for all his 'gifts'... the headaches, ringing ears, attacked toes, interrupted phone calls, missing buttons on keypads, defiled upholstery, destroyed fringe on rugs, and stolen pecans (AFTER I SHELL THEM). I'm sure I left some stuff out... there are just so many gifts that a grateful Rival loses track, you see.

Well now I won’t even bother entering Bumble. RB is sure to win this one!

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