The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THING? Did that come from our house? Is it still here? Is the Bird now amassing his own stash of technical gadgets, and doesn't even know what's there? Maybe it's a parrot-disappearing-ray-generator sumthinsumthin. Yeah, maybe that's what it is. :) Press the button and let's see, Bird.
WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THING? Did that come from our house? Is it still here? Is the Bird now amassing his own stash of technical gadgets, and doesn't even know what's there? Maybe it's a parrot-disappearing-ray-generator sumthinsumthin. Yeah, maybe that's what it is. :) Press the button and let's see, Bird.

So, did he press the button? Did the car start-up, the garage door open, the security system alarm was set-off? Cleanly, RB didn't disappear as he has already been seem in yet another Post.

And, it looks like he is getting others to make his bread ($) for him! Nothings changed in RB land!
Another lamentable limerick from the LIMERICKeybird.


Oh, Rickeybird!

We never DID figure out what it was. Some kind of weird fastener with a button-push unlock mechanism of some kind... like off a backpack or such. I found it in a basement closet, and eventually just tossed it in our "Miscellaneous" Drawer in the kitchen (doesn't everybody have one of those?).

And yes, the Rbird lives on to annoy his Rival(s) for another day...
Life would not be complete without a: "Miscellaneous" Drawer in the kitchen! Not everyone has such a draw and that explain why there are so many who's life is incomplete.

I know, we should all donate a bit from our "Miscellaneous" Drawers! :D

By the way, is there a clean-out the "Miscellaneous" Drawer Day?
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LOL, we have a Miscellaneous computer hutch, because all the junk could not fit in a drawer. Gail, you know I dont think we have ever sorted out the stuff in there, everything from old computer towers, to little tools, to receopts and instructions for every thing we have ever bought that has more then 1 working part. SOme stuff we have thrown away, but we still have the instructions. Fake flowers. Assorted vases. Boxes of old cables. Bags of scraps of cloth. Tabletop water fountains ( yes plural ). A whole bowl full of adapters and wall warts. Cassette type video recorders. And the stupid hutch is right next to Saltys cage so emptying it would involve letting Salty 'help'. How do you guys manage to keep it down to just a drawer??
I'm working on cleaning out the miscellaneous junk *closet*. It's a walk in closet in one of the guest rooms that is literally packed floor to ceiling with junk. Then there's the miscellaneous cupboard in the kitchen, the other, smaller closet in the rec room, and the one drawer in the informal dining room. I got the other guest room closet sorted out, and the large storage closet. It's a never ending battle.
LOL, we have a Miscellaneous computer hutch, because all the junk could not fit in a drawer. Gail, you know I dont think we have ever sorted out the stuff in there, everything from old computer towers, to little tools, to receopts and instructions for every thing we have ever bought that has more then 1 working part. SOme stuff we have thrown away, but we still have the instructions. Fake flowers. Assorted vases. Boxes of old cables. Bags of scraps of cloth. Tabletop water fountains ( yes plural ). A whole bowl full of adapters and wall warts. Cassette type video recorders. And the stupid hutch is right next to Saltys cage so emptying it would involve letting Salty 'help'. How do you guys manage to keep it down to just a drawer??

We moved from 5800 sqft to 2300 sqft. We furnished the homes of several younger family members and enhanced the homes of several more.

FYI: Once the technology is replaced with new technology, trash all the stuff that worked or was part of the older technology. Because it will not work with the new technology. Yes, they do that on purpose to force us to buy new stuff!
My friends, you my be shocked, but...
I am a minimalist in decor, clothes, everything. I go through the house with two bags ('garbage' and 'donate') every Spring (at least) and if it hasn't been used or appreciated, out it goes. Yes, I've wished I had something back, now and then, but... it can't be helped... that's my compulsion. The Miscellaneous Drawer is the one area that escapes my obsession, but if it doesn't FIT in there, it's fair game.
Isn't it interesting when a thread branches out into a sharing of such personal domesticities?

Is there an awful LIMERICKeybird limerick for this occason? Seems so.

Oh, Rickeybird!
LOL, we have a Miscellaneous computer hutch, because all the junk could not fit in a drawer. Gail, you know I dont think we have ever sorted out the stuff in there, everything from old computer towers, to little tools, to receopts and instructions for every thing we have ever bought that has more then 1 working part. SOme stuff we have thrown away, but we still have the instructions. Fake flowers. Assorted vases. Boxes of old cables. Bags of scraps of cloth. Tabletop water fountains ( yes plural ). A whole bowl full of adapters and wall warts. Cassette type video recorders. And the stupid hutch is right next to Saltys cage so emptying it would involve letting Salty 'help'. How do you guys manage to keep it down to just a drawer??

We moved from 5800 sqft to 2300 sqft. We furnished the homes of several younger family members and enhanced the homes of several more.

FYI: Once the technology is replaced with new technology, trash all the stuff that worked or was part of the older technology. Because it will not work with the new technology. Yes, they do that on purpose to force us to buy new stuff!

We're at 4200 sqft, and MrC has some hoarding tendencies. Then the sentimental value of his grown kids' things and his late wife's things, and he keeps a lot of stuff around. I, on the other hand, have lost everything I own not once, but twice, and don't get attached to stuff, so get rid of things rather quickly. Perhaps too quickly. I've been slowly working on getting the stuff issue in this house under control since I moved in. It's slow going because MrC is also autistic and doesn't handle change well at all. But when I moved in, only his bedroom/bath, one of the other bathrooms, the kitchen and the informal dining room (which he used as an eating area, office, and bird room combined) were usable. Now the entire house is usable and I'm just going through closets and other storage spaces little by little. In general, he's happier. Instead of dusty boxes of stuff that belonged to his kids and late wife, I've been able to display a lot of stuff so it can be appreciated. Other things just needed to be organized and packed reasonably so they're accessible. It's getting there...
LOL, we have a Miscellaneous computer hutch, because all the junk could not fit in a drawer. Gail, you know I dont think we have ever sorted out the stuff in there, everything from old computer towers, to little tools, to receopts and instructions for every thing we have ever bought that has more then 1 working part. SOme stuff we have thrown away, but we still have the instructions. Fake flowers. Assorted vases. Boxes of old cables. Bags of scraps of cloth. Tabletop water fountains ( yes plural ). A whole bowl full of adapters and wall warts. Cassette type video recorders. And the stupid hutch is right next to Saltys cage so emptying it would involve letting Salty 'help'. How do you guys manage to keep it down to just a drawer??

We moved from 5800 sqft to 2300 sqft. We furnished the homes of several younger family members and enhanced the homes of several more.

FYI: Once the technology is replaced with new technology, trash all the stuff that worked or was part of the older technology. Because it will not work with the new technology. Yes, they do that on purpose to force us to buy new stuff!

We're at 4200 sqft, and MrC has some hoarding tendencies. Then the sentimental value of his grown kids' things and his late wife's things, and he keeps a lot of stuff around. I, on the other hand, have lost everything I own not once, but twice, and don't get attached to stuff, so get rid of things rather quickly. Perhaps too quickly. I've been slowly working on getting the stuff issue in this house under control since I moved in. It's slow going because MrC is also autistic and doesn't handle change well at all. But when I moved in, only his bedroom/bath, one of the other bathrooms, the kitchen and the informal dining room (which he used as an eating area, office, and bird room combined) were usable. Now the entire house is usable and I'm just going through closets and other storage spaces little by little. In general, he's happier. Instead of dusty boxes of stuff that belonged to his kids and late wife, I've been able to display a lot of stuff so it can be appreciated. Other things just needed to be organized and packed reasonably so they're accessible. It's getting there...

Aaaaah, the Kid's stuff! And, then the great reality: Anytime they visit, send them home with their stuff! Also, anytime you visit, bring them stuff! And, if they have been happily storing it at Dad's, they make great Christmas Gifts, Birthday Gifts, plus any and all occasions Gifts!

When faced with the reality of the move, Mrs Boats got real, really fast! Guess who's homes got furnished first! :D
Yeah...we had a bit of a snit over me going through stuff. MrC pretty much shrugged his shoulders and said she could have gotten her stuff like he's been asking her to do for the last 11 years, and I wouldn't be going through it now. I'm not even getting rid of anything; just going through it and repacking it efficiently and in boxes that I can store easily. The other daughter is local and doesn't have quite so much stuff stored at Dad's. She's been gradually getting her things since she's moved back to the area a couple years ago.
I feel like I know you all a lot better now. I envy your stashes and access and distribution plans. I have some areas in the garage that are of no interest to the missus (aka The Purger), so I have a few hidie-holes for stuff that doesn't fit safely into the sanctuary Miscellaneous Drawer.

Oh, for crying out loud, "MISS LANEOUS"? Miss Laneous' DRAWER(s)????? Sometimes I think I can't take it anymore.
Oh boy...the drawers...RB really needs another diversion but I have to say when it comes to making up limericks, you are a wealth of talent.

Yes, I am a purger - I don't like clutter - and regularly get rid of miscellaneous.

I mean we don't want to find Miss Laneous drawers lying around.

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