The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

For a number of years, it was common while sailing across Lake Michigan, in the evening, to listen to the adventures on the Shadow Radio Program.

Yes! Only " The Shadow Knowzszszszszszszs... "

A very enjoyable memory, right up to where the 'RB' is interjected! :D

And, Grey Town is yet again, gripped in Fear!

FYI: When considering the true depth of the Shadow and the factors of over-sight and control, with agents around the World! I believe we are in fact talking about the true player in Grey Town. And, just who might that be! Hmmmm, Who indeed!

The goings on in Greytown have always had an undercurrent of the Patagonian type. Buttfeathering was never commonplace until certain connections were made with a certain RB.

There’s no worry, however, when it comes to buttfeathering the greys won.

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You say beautiful day, just look at the weather
But stay outta my way or you get the buttfeather.
I’m Rickey the Bird and I own the high ground
I’ll show you the works, both feather and down
Homey, this is my cage, my hen, my chili
You mess with my world and I’ll feather you silly.
The strong gonna crumble, the mighty will fall,
They saw what I did to the Demon Ball
The Devil, Godzilla, and Hannibal Lector
All gonna need a buttfeather protector
Run fast as you can, hide best you can hide,
You’ll never be safe from my under side.
Wherever you go I’ll be up above
And I’m gonna show you some rooster butt love
Look up overhead and BAM! You been served
You puny old humans got what you deserved
You oughta be glad I allowed you to see
The glorious butt feathers underneath me
There was never a sunrise, never a flower,
Compete with my Patagonian power
Come on you hot henz dressed in satin and leathers
We’ll show all the losers the Rickeybutt feathers!

And I think the Amazonienne's ode brings those new to butt-feathering up to speed.

For a number of years, it was common while sailing across Lake Michigan, in the evening, to listen to the adventures on the Shadow Radio Program.

Yes! Only " The Shadow Knowzszszszszszszs... "

A very enjoyable memory, right up to where the 'RB' is interjected! :D

And, Grey Town is yet again, gripped in Fear!

FYI: When considering the true depth of the Shadow and the factors of over-sight and control, with agents around the World! I believe we are in fact talking about the true player in Grey Town. And, just who might that be! Hmmmm, Who indeed!

The goings on in Greytown have always had an undercurrent of the Patagonian type. Buttfeathering was never commonplace until certain connections were made with a certain RB.

There’s no worry, however, when it comes to buttfeathering the greys won.

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Not only have the greys won, they rule this town: Per the FYI above: "I believe we are in fact talking about the true player in Grey Town. And, just who might that be! Hmmmm, Who indeed!" The answer: Nigel, the true player of Grey town: HRH, Nigel the Great!
Who else? Nigel rocketh and reigneth. I'm just glad that he has a soft spot for the Rbird, his despicable minion and commander of the 101rst Airborne Thug Battalion, at the ready to poop-bomb any and all enemies of Grey Town Establishment and Status Quo.


Just say NO, Forum Friends, just say NO!
Not letting Bumble see this. She’ll want to run right off and be friends with RB.

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Good for you, Inger!
The Rickeybird's neighborhood is on the wrong side of the tracks of Greytown, for sure.
Better just to look at postcards...
Soon you'll need to have the TALK with her... you know... the one about the roosters and the bees!
Good for you, Inger!
The Rickeybird's neighborhood is on the wrong side of the tracks of Greytown, for sure.
Better just to look at postcards...
Soon you'll need to have the TALK with her... you know... the one about the roosters and the bees!

Thankfully I have so many experienced parronts here to help me out when the time comes!

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Set the coffee down and move away from that mug!

No Drinking, until after reading Parrot Forums this morning!!! :D:D:D

Humor over-load this Morning!!!

Yet, another reason why I love this Place!
Same thing happens to me ALL THE TIME, Mr. Boats...

Oh, wait a minute... what's that in the grass out there?

Run, cricket, run!
I did find evidence that the Rb ate at least one cricket in his day.
Way back in New Mexico, there was a chirping cricket in his room. I could not find that bug for the life of me.
Then one day I found the lower half of a good-sized rear cricket LEG on the cage floor, and heard no more chirps.
I showed it to the bird in hopes of a reaction. Nothing.
Run, cricket, run!
I did find evidence that the Rb ate at least one cricket in his day.
Way back in New Mexico, there was a chirping cricket in his room. I could not find that bug for the life of me.
Then one day I found the lower half of a good-sized rear cricket LEG on the cage floor, and heard no more chirps.
I showed it to the bird in hopes of a reaction. Nothing.

Hmmm, clearly he as been a long time client of Yellow Nape Law! :D
The LIMERICKeybird has no worries...

Speaking of attorneys, consiglieris, etc., etc., here's my POTM contribution... a "mouthpiece" you definitely want to avoid.


The root of all evil.
Speaking of attorneys, consiglieris, etc., etc., here's my POTM contribution... a "mouthpiece" you definitely want to avoid.


The root of all evil.

OMG little parrot tongues are THE CUTEST!

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Speaking of attorneys, consiglieris, etc., etc., here's my POTM contribution... a "mouthpiece" you definitely want to avoid.


The root of all evil.

OMG little parrot tongues are THE CUTEST!

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OMG, RickeyBird just got a 'CUTEST!' This could puff that head beyond its limits! :D

But the 'little parrot' thing could result in unforeseen problems!

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