The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Family mementos I can usually let go...but I might need that SCSI cable one day. Iā€™ve cussed myself for getting rid of PS/2 cables and various serial cables. I sometimes have old equipment to run obsolete software. One example - a 1997 era laptop running Windows 95, because thatā€™s what the software that controls the infrared cameras requires. I fished a couple of old CAD tablets out of a dumpster and I had just tossed the gender changer I needed to try them out!
Family mementos I can usually let go...but I might need that SCSI cable one day. Iā€™ve cussed myself for getting rid of PS/2 cables and various serial cables. I sometimes have old equipment to run obsolete software. One example - a 1997 era laptop running Windows 95, because thatā€™s what the software that controls the infrared cameras requires. I fished a couple of old CAD tablets out of a dumpster and I had just tossed the gender changer I needed to try them out!

If you're ever in San Diego, please stop by my house. I have a few things for you.
My friends, you my be shocked, but...
I am a minimalist in decor, clothes, everything. I go through the house with two bags ('garbage' and 'donate') every Spring (at least) and if it hasn't been used or appreciated, out it goes. Yes, I've wished I had something back, now and then, but... it can't be helped... that's my compulsion. The Miscellaneous Drawer is the one area that escapes my obsession, but if it doesn't FIT in there, it's fair game.
Isn't it interesting when a thread branches out into a sharing of such personal domesticities?

Is there an awful LIMERICKeybird limerick for this occason? Seems so.

Oh, Rickeybird!

I think I can accommodate both you ladies, Kentuckienne and Beatrice. If either of you are ever in the Cleveland area, I will gladly covet any old cables or tablets, and/or contribute a Patagonian and his drawer(s), Miss Laneous' included.
Meanwhile, in Patagonia...

*c o n t i n u e d*





Performed by a perching parrot, the act of turning the back and hoisting the tail, thus exposing the nether-feathers in a display of defiance, mockery, or mischief.
Buttfeather, buttfeathers, buttfeathering, buttfeathered
"The bird would often buttfeather his owner when feeling ignored."
Synonym: "moon" (slang, obsolete)
Is there no END to this? Must we humans be the BUTT of our birds' jokes? We must get to the BOTTOM of this mockery! How long can we turn the other CHEEK? CAN we get BEHIND a movement to unSEAT this BUM rap!?
Is there no END to this? Must we humans be the BUTT of our birds' jokes? We must get to the BOTTOM of this mockery! How long can we turn the other CHEEK? CAN we get BEHIND a movement to unSEAT this BUM rap!?

Apparently, the answers are... NO, YES, NO WAY, FOREVER, and NO.

And the LIMERICKeybird strikes again...

The limerick section of the show ā€œExtreme Buttfeatheringā€ features the RB rendition: ā€œYou gonna get the buttfeather.ā€

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We should pitch this show to the Animal Planet Channel. It has promise, especially for people who leave the TV on for their birds during the work-day, ya know?
Or maybe we should look into...
CNN (Conure News Nework)
ABC (Amazon Broadcasting Company)
CBS (Congo Bird Station)
TBS (Timneh Bird Station)
NBC (Neo-Tropical Birds Company)
... I could go on...
You say beautiful day, just look at the weather
But stay outta my way or you get the buttfeather.
Iā€™m Rickey the Bird and I own the high ground
Iā€™ll show you the works, both feather and down
Homey, this is my cage, my hen, my chili
You mess with my world and Iā€™ll feather you silly.
The strong gonna crumble, the mighty will fall,
They saw what I did to the Demon Ball
The Devil, Godzilla, and Hannibal Lector
All gonna need a buttfeather protector
Run fast as you can, hide best you can hide,
Youā€™ll never be safe from my under side.
Wherever you go Iā€™ll be up above
And Iā€™m gonna show you some rooster butt love
Look up overhead and BAM! You been served
You puny old humans got what you deserved
You oughta be glad I allowed you to see
The glorious butt feathers underneath me
There was never a sunrise, never a flower,
Compete with my Patagonian power
Come on you hot henz dressed in satin and leathers
Weā€™ll show all the losers the Rickeybutt feathers!
Oh My!

Its time for this Human Staff Member to slide-on-over to a safer Amazon World! At least one gets bitten before buttfeathered! I am so thankful for the small, yet pointed difference! :D

We got us some writers' here!
Kentuckienne... words fail me... fortunately, you have plenty, and they RHYME! I'm stunned. I think I will have this made into a poster. Thank you so much!

Lea... yes, MUCH LOVE! *thump-thump*

Mr. Boat... I'm doin' some slidin' myself. Unbelievable... unbelievable...
That Amazonienne is amazingonnienne.

Y'all, pardon me while my head explodes.
You say beautiful day, just look at the weather
But stay outta my way or you get the buttfeather.
Iā€™m Rickey the Bird and I own the high ground
Iā€™ll show you the works, both feather and down
Homey, this is my cage, my hen, my chili
You mess with my world and Iā€™ll feather you silly.
The strong gonna crumble, the mighty will fall,
They saw what I did to the Demon Ball
The Devil, Godzilla, and Hannibal Lector
All gonna need a buttfeather protector
Run fast as you can, hide best you can hide,
Youā€™ll never be safe from my under side.
Wherever you go Iā€™ll be up above
And Iā€™m gonna show you some rooster butt love
Look up overhead and BAM! You been served
You puny old humans got what you deserved
You oughta be glad I allowed you to see
The glorious butt feathers underneath me
There was never a sunrise, never a flower,
Compete with my Patagonian power
Come on you hot henz dressed in satin and leathers
Weā€™ll show all the losers the Rickeybutt feathers!


And that's the best that the Rb's got... for now...

I read (rapped) Kentuckienne's post to the remains of our Thanksgiving audience... they were blown away. BLOWN AWAY!

The rapping has awakened the Rapper Too Lil Chip. LC has gone gangster and is looking to recruit...

Itā€™s me the LC
I got the beat
You canā€™t keep up
Or take the heat
The RB is now my crew
I donā€™t share
No I donā€™t stand in queue
Keep the beat
Keep the flame
Me and RB
Parrot super fame.

Oh yeah boom boom
Oh yeah...

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Speaking of BLOWN AWAY! Say HELLO to LC's little friend(s), or as I like to say, "my leetle freng"!

Ms. Kentuckienne is bringing out the lyricists in our birds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before long, we'll have enough rappin' parrots for a session on TotalRequestLive (MTV)!

Does our site rock, or what?

I just love US.

The rapping has awakened the Rapper Too Lil Chip. LC has gone gangster and is looking to recruit...

Itā€™s me the LC
I got the beat
You canā€™t keep up
Or take the heat
The RB is now my crew
I donā€™t share
No I donā€™t stand in queue
Keep the beat
Keep the flame
Me and RB
Parrot super fame.

Oh yeah boom boom
Oh yeah...

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Throw DOWN!
I had to post what I got in the mail yesterday!
After helping Gail with a thread, I got partial ownership of none other than The Rb!
It's in writing, Miss Gail, no backing out of such a legal document, signed by the Great Rb himself!!!
I am officially Auntie Terry now, woohoo! Flood my inbox away, please!
(My scanning abilities are a little crooked, apparently!)


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