The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

HAHA! Rickeybird and Jury, my Jenday, would get along great! Jury also can't whistle except for using his voice:)

BTW, I am so glad you found us too!
Finally, a kindred konure... I wish they could do a dueling-(non)whistles number.

RB- rit rit rit rit roo roo roo roo rooooo..
Jury- rit rit rooo roo rooo rit roo roooo rooooo...
RB - rit roo roo roo roo, roo rooo rooooooo...
Jury - rit roo roo roo, rit rooo rit rooooo...
If you need any glass-breaking shrieks, ask Charlotte and Leo to join the choir. I swear I'm just waiting for the day when one of their high pitched squeals actually breaks my windows.

(Funny aside...I accidentally typed widow instead of window, which would still be relevant as MrC is a widower. Dark humor. Sorry.)
The Rickeybird Scrapbook Update

My own art is quite contemporary, but I have always admired the amazing bird illustrations done by the English artist and author Edward Lear.(1812-88). He is most famous for his prints of parrots and toucans. I have one of his original signed toucans on my mantle. He also loved nonsense poems and humor... he wrote "The Owl and the *****cat", for instance. [Woopsie... kitty got censored!]

Here are a couple of examples. I've had them for years, but they're going into the official Scrapbook today! Of course, both are Rickeybirds!

Reproduction of a print from the most rare and valuable series of Lear parrots, "Illustrations of the Family of Psittacidae", 1830-2. This one is post-card size; the original folios are about 23 x 25 inches.
Note that a Rickeybird was called Patagonian Parakeet-macaw (Psittacara patagonica). Today, they are Patagonian Conures (Cyanolesius patagonus). They're called Loros Barranqueros (Burrowing Parrots) in their native land.

This print is authentic, and mine. It's a small octavo print, about 4 x 7 inches. It's a hand-colored steel engraving from the 1836 volume of parrots in "The Naturalist's Library". By this time, a Rickeyburd was called a Patagonian Arara (Arara patagonica).
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Gail what a wonderful collection, and all of your baby's family too.
That's way cool. When I was a kid, one treat was to go to my grandpa's house and look at his old Currier and Ives prints, so I love everything that classic style of prints. Say hi to Ricky from Seltzer.
Thank you, Mr. GoodWrench! I had had the RB maybe five years when I saw that little 1836 print in an antique shop. It was 29 dollars, which was a small fortune in those fresh-out-of-school days, but I didn't hesitate. I found the reproduction years later in a collection of postcards. Cheers, Seltzer!

RavensGryf... if you're not partial to Lear, you could probably Google "species x antique print" and find some online. It can be tricky due to changing names, but you could track them down. Often, eBay will yield some. Old prints are often surprisingly inexpensive... 10-15 dollars for non-famous (but still beautiful) ones. It's a fun adventure... nice parrot-related hobby. Hunting and finding, developing a collection.

I used to wheel and deal in antique parrot prints on eBay. Lear and other artists. I finally decided to liquidate almost all of my collection and buy the big Lear toucan. Of course, I kept the Rickeybird prints. :)
I love the RB stories, he cracks me up. I actually laugh out loud. The story of him flying around like a bat out of hell, screaming unintelligible kills me. Gives me hysterical laughter. I honestly love a sassy bird. RB has stolen my heart.

Cheryl... you don't know how much it warms my heart to hear that. Well, actually... yes, you, do! You have that little Early Bird imp in your household and heart.
By the way, that E. Bird looks very chic in that outfit. La-dee-dah!
Gail, thank you for sharing that! The toucan is magnificent!
Rival, have I mentioned yet how much I love your posts?
Wow over 30 years together.You must take great care of him.Hope me and Rio have the same luck.


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Terry... thank YOU for being interested. It's the second thing (after the Rbird) that I would grab and save if the house were on fire. As for Mr. Rival, he already has the big head over his clever repartee here. I'm sure he's already cooking up his next wisecrack. :38:

Sean, thank you so much. I sincerely wish the same for you and Rio. Hey... start a scrapbook! And thanks for looking. Oooooh, Rio is SO cute! :47:

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