The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

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I LOVE this thread! Lol!
Kentuckienne, LeaKP... life ISN'T fair... and no relief in sight for Rival...



Oh, Rickeybird!

Oh, Rickeybird, my hiney!

My ol' lady (aka GaleriaGila, aka Gail, aka Gila, aka HEN OF THE RICKEYBIRD) is a total enabler and agent of the little green bounder.

Lea and Anansi, I appreciate your appreciation.

[holding on to the mic as I may need it as a missile since the missus is chasing the Bird around, waving a fat green chile to lure him into the cage for the night]
Let me interrupt this little poetry slam...
The Rbird also sings, you know.

Here is his "Green Chile Aria".
He loses his MIND over his daily chile. He corners it and then goes nuts. I am sorry for the far away vid but if he knows I'm filming, he stops. Y'all know how that is!

I would say he's a tenor... tenor conure... tenure.

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Ah Abigail, in this case music is truly in the ear of the listener. Lol!

Wow, you weren't exaggerating at all when you said he loses his mind over his chili peppers, huh? That is some serious enthusiasm!
Anansi... yeah, and that's every day! I usually give it to him an hour or so before bedtime, to get him into the cage. I toss the chile in and he swoops in after it, and then... the rapture begins!
Big mistake made in the SailBoat Household! Julio was sitting on my shoulder defining the walkers as they passed by my home office window. Then the error - I press the play button of the most recent RickeyBird Video!

A certain member of the Yellow Nape Law Office became very still, leaned forward as to assure who was in the video. He glanced at me a couple of times with very wide eyes, between returning to view the Video. After it ended, he just stood there, as if something total new had occurred in front of him.

I would not be surprised if RB's cases are handled Differently in the future.
He *IS* happy, absolutey enraptured. Only parrot-people can understand the joy it puts in my heart! Every day...

Mr. Boat...

I can imagine the situation...
I hope that the Yellow Nape Law Office will continue to consider the Rbird as a potential client in the future. Even Charlie Manson gets representation...
Maybe a special file is called for. *cringe*


Oh, Rickeybird!
He *IS* happy, absolutey enraptured. Only parrot-people can understand the joy it puts in my heart! Every day...

Mr. Boat...

I can imagine the situation...
I hope that the Yellow Nape Law Office will continue to consider the Rbird as a potential client in the future. Even Charlie Manson gets representation...
Maybe a special file is called for. *cringe*


Oh, Rickeybird!

Sorry to inform you, but to a degree, just a bit surprised that you did not know that RB's been a long time client of the Firm!?! That said, it would make sense, since his defense costs have all been handled by a third party.

Also, no arrest, no record, no crime! Charlie Manson failed to understand the need for great representation very early in the process. Plus, he had serious issues with reality (far beyond Hens and Green Chile that is) and I will leave it there.

There is likely activities /involvements that you are totally not aware! The underworld life of RB is much larger and longer lived than an afternoon TV soap.
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Mr. Boat, my mind is reeling!
You reminded e of a wondeful memory. When my sainted mother was spending her last years with us, she would prank me by putting cigars in Rb's (closed) toy-box, an un-openned beer in the corner of his room. She bought a "gentlemen's" magazine (RIP, Hugh Hefner) once and "hid" it in his newpaper pile. She (and my brothers, at her behest) were always signing the Rb (Mr. Richard T. Bird) up for yacht-catalogs, cigar-catalogs, and other ridiculous things. She would laugh and laugh, alternately telling the stories and denying everything. His personality problems have been part of our family's mythology and humor for a long time.
Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah...
Maybe it's better that I am blissfully unaware (and/or forgetful) concerning the Rb's machinations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ms. 'Ienne, that's the ticket. Birdnip! If it weren't for birdnip, I truly don't know what I'd do. Clip his wings and get a pair of those big bad gloves, I guess.
This time, it's... OH RIVAL!

Yeah, like you've never seen a wet t-shirt contest SOMEPLACE!!!!????
If not in person... Major network TV? PG Movies? And I'm sure you looked away!

The LIMERICKeybird strikes again.

He INSISTED on raising the level of civility...


Awwwww, Rickeybird!
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