The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Of course he liked the box better, calls for less personal space when his henz arrive.


The talons of those Hens that Rival is recommending would make quick work of cardboard and sadly poor RB would likely barely get out of the way in time! Seen a couple of those ladies up close and in full action. Quick, concise and with no consideration for mercy!

So, close quarters with any of the offered Hens would quick stretch the limits of personal space as the cardboard blurs into open space just as the talons strike their next target. Fly low RB. Fly low and fast!

FYI: Those be Killer Hens! And, that is more than just their stunning looks, big guy!
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*c o n t i n u e d*


This Rickeybird got a new ladder... he liked the box better.

You are right, Boat, old sport. I'm putting my foot down. NO RAPTOR HENS ON MY WATCH! I don't need the drama. The Bird is a delusional reprobate would-be womanizer. Hen-izer.
Now if the wife would just let me throw the dang box out.

*c o n t i n u e d*


This Rickeybird got a new ladder... he liked the box better.

You are right, Boat, old sport. I'm putting my foot down. NO RAPTOR HENS ON MY WATCH! I don't need the drama. The Bird is a delusional reprobate would-be womanizer. Hen-izer.

Now if the wife would just let me throw the dang box out.


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Inger... WOMHENIZER! Yes!

True story...

Back in New Mexico... he had a huge window, openning on the nearby desert. Our condo was MAYBE a MILE from the Rio Grande... a great watershed and marsh/migration locale.

All kinds of birds were visible, but I recall a little American Kestrel which perched and interacted on a fence within feet of his window. He launched into his rooster-display... kinda like this. INFIDEL!!! He ends with a HELLO, GAIL... Hypocrytical faithless rooster.

Delusional Rb. I haven't seen any recent advances towards local raptors...
Oh, Rickeybird!

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - swaggg! (clicking and strutting) - YouTube[/ame]
*c o n t i n u e d*

RICKEYBIRD LIMERICKS??? A new venue????? Oh, Rickeybird...

This limerick was WAY too much fun for me, Mr. Boat. Expect more shortly, dear readers.

But meanwhile, shout-outs and hopes and prayers to all flocks who may be in the horrible path of a hurricane. My heart aches for what you are going through. Soon, I hope, things will be better and you'll all be safe, sound, and so relieved. and able to smile again with us.

****c o n t i n u e d****

Another dreadful limerick from the Rickeybird... make that Limerickeybird!

****c o n t i n u e d****

Another dreadful limerick from the Rickeybird... make that Limerickeybird!


The Rickeybird's Rival (my ol' man, for new folks) prides himself on his Irish heritage, Mr. Boat, and apparently resents the Rb's foray into limericks. He is taking your suggestion as we speak, and says to tell you "Cheers!"

Meanwhile, the Rb has a retort.


That's PATIS, and anyway, you're from Patagonia!

This will be our entry in the Picture of the Month (September POTM "Back to School") contest . The way I figure it, if the Rb went to school, he'd be in Time-Out all day long.
There are some terrific entries so far. If you haven't already, have a look!!
Some really good LOLs!

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And, in un-related news...

With all due apologies to "Right Said Fred" (AND THE FORUM), the Rbird offers his cover of the 1992 mega-hit "I'm Too Sexy".


And for you purists...
[ame=""]Right Said Fred I`m Too Sexy The Original - YouTube[/ame]
"A Limerickeybird Limerick about Gentleparrots, for my dude Nigel"

"Grey ladies, don't just wanna HIT you,
But you know that when I say RIT-ROO,
I'm ready to preen
All my shades of green!
Grey ladies, I'll be GENTLE wit you!
Signed, Rb"

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - RIT-ROO redux - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, Rickeybird!
Nigel, you tried!

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