The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

There is a major event coming very soon as; The Rickeybird Scrapbook obtains the level of 50,000 Views!!!

Let me be the first to wish you, Rival and yes, The Rickeybird on obtaining this level of Views and with easy, before the end of August!!! Congratulations!

As an FYI: This is also the 145 th. Page of Rickeybird-isms!
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*** SIGH ***

A mythical Rickeybird reflects upon his metamorphosis from wholesome South American icon to Parrot Forum Thug Rooster. And he likes it.

Oh, Rickeybird!

Oh, Madonna!

[ame="[MEDIA=youtube]O7SArP-Rb4Y, list: RDO7SArP-Rb4Y[/MEDIA]"]Antonio Banderas - Evita, Don't Cry for me Argentina Oh What A Circus and High Flying Adored-Live- - YouTube[/ame]
Oh, Antonio!

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Yes there's a strong musical element of talent springing up among the birds....

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There are some Great Questions in life..........

Why is much of the Eastern world (me included) still curious about who Jack The Ripper was?
How about DB Cooper?
Why do intelligent people still wonder if Oswald really acted alone?

Why will the Rickeybird soon be the recipient of 50k views? Oh, yes, I HAVE participated.......... I must admit it.

Welll, what the hey. Salud, my lady GaleriaGila.

And a tip of my online hat to you, RB!!!!! You make our lady (hen? ack) happy and amuse a bunch of good people in that making.

I must now go into beer-therapy for the evening. Cheers, good people. :)
Cheers, my love!

I think you and the Rickeybird are a fine pair of roosters with whom I am proud to share a nest. House.
Roost. Barstool.

About that beer...
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The eclipse simply gave RB and the elusive Kevin opportunity for more shenanigans! Where are the owls when you need them?

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*c o n t i n u e d*


Yeah, Bird, check it out. Have a good look. By the way, Patagonian Conures don't need those special eclipse-glasses. Enjoy, buddy.

PS, The Missus was so worried he might stare at the eclipse, she lowered his blinds. Me? I got no special attention, I guess she figured I could take care of myself. I'm fine, honey! lol
We went to the vet today... semi-annual visit for my little senior-psittacine...

It's such a marvel to watch a maestro like our world-class avian vet in action. He and his staff totally take charge, examine, evaluate.

The Rb is in great health.

Dr. Lindstrom reported on some astounding recent advances in avian medicine at the big 2016 conference. Some innovations are actually having profound and expanding implications for assessment and therapy in HUMAN medicine. Something called The African Grey Project is contributing to a huge outreach into human biomedical research.

Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyyy... of particular fascination to me was the maturing awareness of the advantages of captivity (no predation, good nutrition, safety) versus disadvantages (lack of flight, sunlight, natural trace nutrients).

Dr. L. gave me some specific ideas for beefing my skinny Rb up. I'll search for that thread ON SKINNY BIRDS and hope to update it. Overview... green chiles, while healthy, are low-cal and very filling... I should limit them to one small chile a day... beans and brown rice are good, healthy, beef-up foods. Amazingly, I need to lessen those fab chiles.

I feel great. It's all about... staying open, learning, being flexible. None of us live forever, but it feels good to keep learning.

We also discussed end-of-life options... various aternatives for accidents, illness, euthanasia, post-MY-death options... SPECIFICS... wills. I finally got brave. Very personal stuff. It's good to have a "team".

On the way home, MC Rickeybird sang his own bizarro re-mix of a local window replacement commercial over and over... "I love my windows! Winnnnn winnnn winnnnndowszszsz! I I I love..... winnnnnn winnnnnn winn!" Lightened the stress.

The Take-away. I'm so glad I TALKED about all of this. With my trusted, trusted vet.
What an amazing vet! I hate to think of the RB having chili rations only. These are desperate times!

The value of having a good AV is a luxury those living in the west should take advantage of.

Go RB! Go Gail!

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Wow what a visit that must have been! As for the chills-well you only have to put him back in his cage once a day, right? [emoji6]

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Amazing vet! And good on you for having the courage to begin the discussions no one wants to have. All these things are so very important.

I'd also like to point out the phenomenal job you're doing with RB. He moves like a conure half his age, and I think it a reflection of the amazing level of love and care that you give him.
Dearest friends...

LeaKP... yes, Dr. L. is a treasure in our lives.
Inger... yeah, well, this will work for the Rb, as everything does... now he'll be out all day except for those times when I HAVE to go do human business outside his domain.
Anansi... the vet said the same things. I really felt vindicated, validated, verified. I alliterate when I'm emotional!
Wrench... you are important to me/us. Thank you for affirming the decision.

I have reflected on this stuff all day. None of us lives forever. A beautiful life should not be stained by an undignified, un-beloved death. I have loved this conure for 33 years, since he was 3 months old. He will NOT spend his last days alone and afraid and abandoned. Our cremated remains will be ensconced together in a local century-old columbarium. If I am deceased (or indisposed towards the end), Dr. L. and the Rival will make that happen.

THANK YOU to those of you who agree with me and support my decision, AND to those of you who may not agree and who have refrained from judgment.

The Rb spent his day out and about, terrorizing the household... throwing pellets at the dog, trying to pleasure himself on my neck, and calling his Rival a "maggot". He finally went into his cage, for a chile, at about 7:30 p.m.

The Rival looks forward, as always, to the Winter Solstice, when Rb bedtime is at the earliest.

Love y'all.
I have reflected on this stuff all day. None of us lives forever. A beautiful life should not be stained by an undignified, un-beloved death. I have loved this conure for 33 years, since he was 3 months old. He will NOT spend his last days alone and afraid and abandoned. Our cremated remains will be ensconced together in a local century-old columbarium. If I am deceased (or indisposed towards the end), Dr. L. and the Rival will make that happen.

I think this is a beautiful and fitting plan. 33 and counting years is more than most of us spend with a single human anymore, and that relationship between you and RB deserves acknowledgement. ❤️❤️ And you've really won the lottery, having Rival who's willing to take care of this if you can't. Speaks to a well lived life right there, madam.

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LeaKP... little does that vet know that he has a snooty little grey megalomaniac to thank for his intact fingers! Without Nigel's example, I'm sure the Rb would have chomped him up without a second thought!

Inger... thanks. This issue has tortured me for a long time... here's a thread I started long ago, for those who may be contemplating the same thing, and might want to read people's thoughts.
My vet really helped me settle on the right solution for me and the Rb.

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