The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates


After reading RBs resume, even Nigel was speechless.

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Well, like I always say, he hates to toot his own horn, but he'll ring his own bell.
Just breathe, dear Nigel.
Kentuckienne... maybe the Rotton Tomatoes Job Page...

A while back, Kentuckienne observed that Patagonians are one of the species having EYELASHES.
Over the decades, I have found just a few. Almost microscopic little feathers!!!!!


Not feathers! They are in fact hair - eyelashes!

Amazons have these hairs, commonly Black and with DYHA they are clear, which make them very hard to see!
They ARE tiny. I just assumed they were eensy-weensy stalk-like feathers.
Rb's are grey.

Half the size of my lower eyelashes (sans thickening/extending mascara).

Birds are so amazing. So much to study and learn and treasure...
I have eyelashes. They're a nice golden brown. And they're attached to eyes which rest in a humble but harmless face which has no functional resemblance to a wood-chipper or pliers or guillotine.
Just sayin'.
Not feathers! They are in fact hair - eyelashes!

Amazons have these hairs, commonly Black and with DYHA they are clear, which make them very hard to see!

They ARE tiny. I just assumed they were eensy-weensy stalk-like feathers.
Rb's are grey.

Half the size of my lower eyelashes (sans thickening/extending mascara).

Birds are so amazing. So much to study and learn and treasure...

Warning Parrot Geek Time:

Aside from the Eye Leashes, our Parrots also have body hair! Now that will be a shock to a whole bunch of Parrot Owners! Now, our Parrots do not have the amount of hair as some Humans and about the same by area as others. These tiny single hairs sit under the feathers of the Body and 'possible' the lower Rump and Wings, but those two areas are still under discussion.

So, of the Body hair that is known, the question becomes WHY! Clearly there is not enough of them, nor are they close enough to provide warmth, so it continues. We know that Birds are designed to FLY! And, that factor eliminations near everything that does not support Flight! Based on that reality, there is seemingly no good reason for a Parrot to have hair on its body.

That all said, our Parrots have Body Hair, and it must have a damn good reason for being there! The Reason, the hair sit below a series of Body Feathers and based on the pressure and direction of pressure a judgement is made as to the position of the feathers above and provides a feed-back loop as to the air pressure around that area and the placement of the feathers. This placement of the feathers, i.e. the position of the feather is one of the drivers that results in a Parrot fluffing its feather while perched.

'It Is Believed' that during Flight, this feed-back loop provides a determination of the air's pressure around the bird. Likely looking for higher pressure under and just aft and lower pressure above and just above the bird. This would define an bird in lifting flight!

Now that is just a tiny fraction of this wonderful thing called Flight! And a bit on just how they do it with such great ease!

Mr. Boat!

That is beyond amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

My mind is boggling and reeling.

HAIRZSZSZSZS???? Hairszszsz.

I confess to complete surprise, but the Rickeybird assures me he has long known that he has a roosterly carpet of manly feathers.


Oh, Rickeybird!
Hair on parrots - love it!! Baby has these cute little whiskers on his nose. He's a lil stud and he knows it!

He loves to groom my five o' clock shadow that lingers for a few days.

I love RB and this thread. He's a handsome Rickey!
Tasha... he actually once got hold of a curler many years ago... ripped the little plastic part off and flew away with it. I never saw it again.
Thanks for your sweet words.
And HEYYYYYYYY to your EkkieBoyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

LeaKP... I think Nigel is more the type for such refined grooming tools. I can just see him preening himself to perfection. Not that he isn't already perfect in every way.

SM... this whole hair thang is a whole NEW THANG for me. After all these years, there's more to learn. Aren't our parrots amazing? Yeah!
I think Baby is a wonderfully metrosexual rooster, to groom your shadow whilst sporting his own whiskers so proudly!
By the way, everybody, the Scrapbook is gradually recovering from the Photobucket Apocalypse. Someday soon I hope it will be largely regenerated. After (approximately) page 50, I had switched to Imgur even before the debaucle.
Thanks to everybody for the feedback and encouragement as the Rb and I recover.
The Scrapbook is such a big part of our history together, and my heart is warmed by every single view. Every single view...
Patagonian hugzszszszsz'n'kissezszszszsz!!!!!!!

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