The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

I did, Mr. Boat, AND posted a thread about it. Many of us are being hit!

DEATH TO PHOTOBUCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I have seen in your Other Thread, this is having a huge effect of numerous Threads deep into the recent and long history of Parrot Forums!

Tons of work to recover from this PhotoBucket dumpster drive.

The Rb agrees.
For those of you who haven't heard...
What a crying shame.
OOooooooHhhhhHhhhH, Moderatorzszszszsz?
Photobucket has changed their rules and now requires $$ to host. The first pages of my Scrapbook were on that site. I then switched to Imgur. I will definitely reload the missing photos there. Meanwhile, could somebody place a header or notice or something at the beginning of the scrapbook, to that effect, so that new folks will know what's up?Hellllllllllllllllp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait, what? I'm just seeing this. Are you saying that Photobucket no longer offers any free services and that photos that were already up using a free account are being removed pending payment? Or do you mean that they won't upload pics for free going forward? (Or have I entirely missed what's going on altogether? Lol!)

I took the upgrade for more storage space last year, which would probably explain why I don't know what's going on. But please let me know the effect this is having.
OOooooooHhhhhHhhhH, Moderatorzszszszsz?
Photobucket has changed their rules and now requires $$ to host. The first pages of my Scrapbook were on that site. I then switched to Imgur. I will definitely reload the missing photos there. Meanwhile, could somebody place a header or notice or something at the beginning of the scrapbook, to that effect, so that new folks will know what's up?Hellllllllllllllllp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait, what? I'm just seeing this. Are you saying that Photobucket no longer offers any free services and that photos that were already up using a free account are being removed pending payment? Or do you mean that they won't upload pics for free going forward? (Or have I entirely missed what's going on altogether? Lol!)

I took the upgrade for more storage space last year, which would probably explain why I don't know what's going on. But please let me know the effect this is having.

Past posts are being blocked, they are slowly rolling it out to everyone! $400 to get it back!
Do a Google search on Photobucket and third party hosting, it is a bit upsetting!
All of birdman666's is also gone!
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Thanks, David! Terry also just caught me up behind the scenes. I just don't understand the strategy behind a move like this. It's just too drastic and hostile to work as a business model.
They're breaking a lot of hearts.

The Rb and I are throwing them over, along with the Demonbounceyball.

Begone, Demonbucket.
I'm still grieving for the monumental loss of online photos and vids... a life's work, for some... a valuable resource for many... a delight to most of us.
My losses are tiny, compared to so many dedicated bloggers and tutorial-makers and explorers and outreachers.
I wish us/you/me, all... strength and resilience.

Okay, bird. For once I agree with you. Fotobuck--- PHOTOBUCKET --- has committed a crime against the public trust. It has decimated a couple of Hardware/Tool Bulletin Boards near and dear to my heart. Many (even some heartless old codgers like myself) have been brought to tears because of the loss of history and lore. I have a friend whose kid has a rare neuromuscular disorder. There was a forum of photos and diagnostic/therapeutic info which is now defunct.
My hand is 'razed'.
Disaster averted. *The Rb was playing with the pink toy shown here (one of several similar, purchased from the wonderful MySafeBirdStore... I don't recall the brand).
I got him to pose with them so that you can see the similarity of their radius to his neck's radius. *While spinning it around and around in his beak (a favorite thing to do with any ring or such) he flipped it up and over his head and suddenly it was around his neck. *I watched the whole thing. And leaped to him and tugged it up and off. *He was so stunned that he didn't even fight. *He just froze.
Something similar happened 20 - 30 years ago with one of those neck rings on plastic gallon milk jugs... the things left behind after you twist off the top. *I gave it to him and within seconds it was a very tight necklace.
I had completely forgotten about that incident. *Duh!!!
So this is just a reminder to be wary of any toys that could fit over your darling' s heads!
This could have been a horrible, horrible, horrible night.

(Moderators, please pardon double-post... here and in "Hazardous Toys... I really wanted a wide audience.)

I pride myself on my paranoia and trouble-shooting, but that one got right by me.
"Pride goes before a fall."
Thanks, friends...
I had a few day-time night-mare (daymare?) flashbacks, but I'm past it. Gave all the dangerous ring-toys to a crafter friend.
And of course the Rb has not a care in the world... except...

Thanks, friends...
I had a few day-time night-mare (daymare?) flashbacks, but I'm past it. Gave all the dangerous ring-toys to a crafter friend.
And of course the Rb has not a care in the world... except...


We wants the PRECIOUS...we wants it, yes...
The Rb is an infidel.
Oh, Rickeybird!

*c o n t i n u e d*

This cousin of the Rickeybird's has similar refined interests in life.

*c o n t i n u e d*


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