The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

I love RB saying Kirby. He's so cute. I kind of used to think he was mean but I now see how endearing he is. I like his red belly and feet a lot also.
I resemble that remark.
[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions: "KirbyKirbyKirbyKirbyKirby!" - YouTube[/ame]
Rival... you DO resemble that remark. And it's rude not to come when you're called.

Kiwi... yeah, and thanks! Patagonians are the hugest conure. He's pretty typical - 20-ish inches long, 240-ish grams.

Sunny... you're sweet. The Rb *IS* mean. I bet you're the type of optimist who thinks the Grinch just needs a little love! I think he's adorable... maybe we should form a club of people who think the Rb is cute!!!!

LeaKP... you're inducted into the club! Snarky. That's the word. Remember the rap group Pretty Ricky? Rb can perform as Snarky Rickey. Like this...

*c o n t i n u e d*

Rickeybird raps... again!


I'm Rickey and I'm mobile, yo, and people call me snarky.
I gett aroun all over town becuz I've got the car key.

I chase the henz but they don't run tooo fast becuz they want me.
And why they are resistin mee is totally beyond me.
Yo if they had some sense at all they'd alll be right up on me.
And rumors spread that I grab tails but no no no that's not me.
Except for that one time, hey, when securitee cams got me.
And those times when the nosy haters spied on me and caught me.

So if you are a hott henn and you wanna ride wit Rickey,
Just get your snark on, climb on in, an we will do da Kwik-E!
Praise from a Mistress of Rap is valued praise indeed.
xo from "...the Queen of Bavaria, whose rhymes gonna bury ya!"

(to those who don't know, the Bavaria reference was excerpted from a mind-blowing rap that Kentuckienne wrote for ME a while back. I'm still gathering the courage to rap it on Youtube.)
Please do the rap on YouTube. The world needs more of that.

And I thought you should know that the day I read this whole thread, I had my daughter translate the Argentinian slang for me (she lived there for 6 months) and now she's home for a bit and hopes to teach Bumble to say boludos. So that will be fun. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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He IS soooo cute. I can see why you love him even if his thinks you're a floating head on shoulders. He steps up at least and he LOVES you. You're such a good bird mommy!
Inger... I'm building my courage up... I WILL rap it, I swear.
Ayyyyyyyyyyyy, boludos!!???!! Even the potty-mouthed Rb doesn't say THAT!!!

Sunny... welllllllllllllllllll, sometimes he steps up and sometimes he bites. But thank you, and I sincerely appreciate your compliment. Please tell Ollie to send the Rb sweetness-vibes.
Please do the rap on YouTube. The world needs more of that.

And I thought you should know that the day I read this whole thread, I had my daughter translate the Argentinian slang for me (she lived there for 6 months) and now she's home for a bit and hopes to teach Bumble to say boludos. So that will be fun. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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I hope that her friends are okay and safe. Argentina is such a beautiful Country, I hope that things settle quickly and safely!
Mr. Boat... YESSSS to that. Terrible riots, and the President has resigned.
What a beautiful place, with such a rich history...
*c o n t i n u e d*

Mr. Boat and LeaKP... agreed... panhandling and human (body parts) trafficking are taken to a new level of debauchery.
Leave it to the Rb.
This will send him to jail again for sure.
*c o n t i n u e d*

And while locked up AGAIN...
The Rickeybird decides to use the gym to work out and get buff.
Part 1 of 3

*c o n t i n u e d*

Part 2 of 3
The Locked-Up Trilogy Continues


Even the parakeets are getting in on RBs workout craze.

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Hahahahahahahaha! Oh, that little clip is high comedy!

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