The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

*c o n t i n u e d*

The Rickeybird never quits...

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From The Rickeybird Dictionary
"Butt-Feather. Verb. The act of flashing tail feathers as if 'mooning' the recipient."

I foresee a series of Rickeybird Yoga positions...
Thanks, Kentuckienne!

Buttfeathered - verb. past tense. Act of feathered mooning in the past.

Consider yourself to be buttfeathered.

I'm crying! Nigel buttfeathers all the time. What an insolent snob. :-D
There is no fairness or morality in the parrots' world.
Even the lofty practice of yoga is corrupted.


The bird achieves Nirvana by flashing an offensive gesture.
The RB yoga poses are killing me LOLOL!
Thank you!

Keep your funny bone handy, cuz more are on the way.

No honorable tradition or culture is safe in the world of the Rickeybird...
So this morning and into the afternoon, I was *very* productive. Housework, cooking, really getting stuff done. Then I took a break and decided I should read The Scrapbook. All of it. And everything else got ignored. I laughed out loud a LOT - the music oh my word "tis the season to poo holly," and the artwork - Gail you're very talented and the crocheted RB that was made for you is unbelievable (I knit and crochet so I love that stuff) - and of course all the feels. My eyes were leaking more than once. Gladware as headwear - ahahah birds are weird. And the love you have for that little critter is beautiful. And the way Rival loves you so much he's willing to put up with RB. And knowing that other people are as gaga about their birds as I am about Bumble. Just fantastic!

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Inger, you amaze me. The whole Scrapbook??? Wow!
Thank you for that, and for your responses and compliments.
That's what makes this community so wonderful... sharing our darlings with like-minded parronts, isn't it?
I read your remarks to Rival, who thanks you for "some respect, for crying out loud".
I wish an equally long and adventurous relationship for you and your beloved Bumble. I remember when the Rb was only a few months old. I would just stare at him and wonder if/how I was going to keep him alive. I felt so clueless and alone and afraid.
Never again... I have this place, and people like you, and our community... always here for me AND the Rb, who of course couldn't care less as long as he has his chiles. Little monster.
Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart!

In this pose, the bird squats on an upside-down plastic bowl while staring at his parront, threatening to repeat very naughty words in front of neighbors...

In this pose, the bird pretends to contemplate the meaning of life, but is actually fantasizing about the hen who laid it. Ewwwww!
I have a question: Why did RB call you a "Kirby" in your YouTube video? Is this a person or and insult? Lol.
Sunny... Kirby is my husband's (and the RBb's rival), so yes, it's kind of an insult. Sometimes we gang up on poor Kirby and drive him nuts by yelling his name while he is hiding in another room pretending he can't hear us.

Puck, thanks!! He had a blog but I got lazy and let it lapse. He specialized in comments about politics, weather, and J-Lo.
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On the first day of summer, the Rickeybird wishes you a happy one with a song (sung to the tune of "Happy Birthday").

sunny... Kirby is my husband's (and the rbb's rival), so yes, it's kind of an insult. Sometimes we gang up on poor kirby and drive him nuts by yelling his name while he is hiding in another room pretending he can't hear us.
rickeybirdproductions: "kirbykirbykirbykirbykirby!" - youtube

puck, thanks!! He had a blog but i got lazy and let it lapse. He specialized in comments about politics, weather, and j-lo.

i resemble that remark!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeing that Kirby video Gail, I must say I never realized how big RB was! I was imagining slightly larger than the conures I see at petco and petsmart. He's a lot bigger! Is he pretty "average" size or a large individual?

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