The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

And, then again! RickeyBird falls off the scripted statement! Barely twelve words in and he's off creating his own version!?!

More work tomorrow at Yellow Nape Law Offices! Some clients just need more oversight than others!
Well, dang... I am having troubles accessing the site... this usually resolves soon... I suspect the Rickeybird caused it somehow.
Rickeybird? Are you guilty???? Confess!


Oh for crying out loud, put him on permanent house-arrest................
No, cage-arrest. Leave him there.

Let the Attorneyzons spend their time defending the truly needy victims of innappropriate human expectations...... the nippy Senegals, the dandery 'toos, the mouthy Greys, the crimes-of-passion 'zons, the chattery budgies, the poop-bombing macaws......

Rickeybird needs a GAG ORDER. Oh please, may it come to pass. Shut that beak.
Unresponsive to criticism, the Rb forges on...

*c o n t i n u e d*


Gregg... you were my idol, too...
Thanks for the music.
And thanks for signing such a generous autograph in 1987 at the Starwood. The Rb was three years old. Back in the day, he had a horrible version of your "I'm No Angel" chorus... but I loved it. I loved you. Always will.

You were a model of soul, humility, and musical beauty.

Again, please rest in peace.
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I'll miss him. He was in concert as recently as this year.
This Midnight Rider Rickeybird will be my screensaver for a while.
Life is just so fragile and fleeting, isn't it?
*c o n t i n u e d*

*c o n t i n u e d*

Oh, LeaKP, that's rich!
Kermit is Rb's brother from another mother... driving around flirting, slamming adult beverages, showing off for young hens...

TRYIN' TO CATCH ME RIDIN' DIRTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or Weird Al's version... GUESS I'M JUST TOO WHITE AND NERDY!
LOVE this, lovelovelove it!
Just too blue-and-gold and nerdy??????????????????????

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White and Nerdy, OMG that explains far to much - hmmm going to need to make a lot of superficial changes to deflect being noticed.

Hide-out with the Amazons! Yaaa, that will work!

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