The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

*c o n t i n u e d*

The Rickeybird reassures a new acquaintance...

Yeah, this reminds me of when I was first dating you, my future wife, and I was trying to get friendly with the Rickeybird. He "reassured" ME...............................

Yes, but it was the beginning of a great relationship, though, right?
Okay, YOURS and MINE, anyway! xoxoxoxo
Lea... I almost spat Canada Dry Diet Cranberry Ginger Ale all over the keyboard!!!!!!!!!!!! That's wonderful.

Sailboat... kinda like "in vino veritas"... IN LAUGHTER VERITAS!

The Rb wouldn't get it, of course.

OMG! If the violinist didn't see THAT coming, he needs glasses. I love how the bird leisurely climbs back, having clearly neutralized the offending party.

Rickeybirds usually aren't very musical (remember the Rb's apocalyptic version of Jennifer Lopez's "Booty" song), but here's a somewhat more refined offering...

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Thank you, keakea!

I'm really enjoying getting to know you here. You're already a valued member of our community.

*big Patagonian hugzszszszs*
Rickeybirds usually aren't very musical (remember the Rb's apocalyptic version of Jennifer Lopez's "Booty" song), but here's a somewhat more refined offering...

He actually hits some harmonizing squawks.......................I mean notes. Bizarre.
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Well, at least he's not living in a BOX anymore!
Clearly, he's rehabilitated and upwardly mobile...
It's clearly a close relative of the Rickeybird! A soulmate at the very least!

RICKEYBIRD! Stop that!

Well, dang... I am having troubles accessing the site... this usually resolves soon... I suspect the Rickeybird caused it somehow.
Rickeybird? Are you guilty???? Confess!


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