The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Oh, Mr. Boats... so true. Hmmm. Maybe the Rb should consult with Yellow Napes attorneys to see if he should pursue a patent or copyright. Maybe he could make some money. His job as a textile artist has only produced revenues of about 35 US dollars so far. That's an annual salary of a little over a buck a year.

Ms. 'Ienne... that is a masterpiece. Fabulous for the Rb, but, also... I swear I'm gonna archive that and haul it out at my ol' man's next hatch day. Birthday. You know.
Thanks, y'all.

I passed your want /'need' for RB to develop income along to Julio and his recommendation was that RB should consider exchanging (insert laundering) chilies for cash from his 'gifts' he received from his after hour friends and associates. The existing 'Gladware' patents cover any and all uses of their product. No opportunities there - they have been documenting and writing patents for a very long time. Oh, the copyright thing, seems that it has not been used as part of any the Posts to date! That is a sleeping dog best left to sleep!
The Gladware Chronicles, Part... ummm... 13?

Who knew that Gladware platforms make such a great spot for grooming your feet?


This reminds me of those platforms that we stand on to have our suits tailored.
I'd like to tailor his feathers. Hold still, bird...............................

Sailboat, it comes as no surprise to me that our bird has no respectable or marketable inspirations or talents, however delicately Julio puts it. My thanks, Julio. :cool26:
Nice shot! Nothing like putting your parrot on a pedastle. Salty likes to flip these right side up, and talk to himself into them. Just Amazon gibberish, but sounds funny as hell.
Like this?
It's a great echo-chamber. Rickeybirds aren't big on gibberish... mostly shrieking.

Sometimes he speaks very quietly in there, though...
We're exchanging 'hellos' below.
[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions gladware hello - YouTube[/ame]
There was several Saturday morning 'Children Shows' that would use a 'Looking' board, mirror, etc... to see the kids that had been watching the program. And, though some special magic, the person using the device would call out their names to say HI to the kids. Aaaah, those magical moments!

Anyway, it looks like RB is seeing something when he is looking into the Gladware. More Magic: A viewing Gladware container - no one is safe!

Gladware has replaced the 'Soap Box!' Hmmm, I wonder if the Legal Amazon's at Gladware considered that use?
For example...
The Rb says...

*c o n t i n u e d*

Fedder fodder!

Annnnd... that cockatoooohhhh is clearly a genius of sound amplification and theater. DJ Cockatoo rocks the cup. Good one. Even the Rb was impressed, trulyou, Patagonienne!
OMG, the Gladware Web (Bots) Spiders are likely spinning theirselves nuts trying to understand this Thread! And now, the BurgerKing Web (Bots) Spiders are doing their thing. Likely representing up to half the viewership of the Thread. Well at least they will push the numbers up!

Consider the confusion that must be occurring in a couple of Boardrooms! :D. Calls to the Marketing and Legal Departments and loads of staff ROTFLOL!!!

Is it not a wonderful thing to be bring a moment of Sunlight into those windowless offices! :D
Mr. Boat... this is the first time the Rb has ever sunshine anyplace... he's more the eclipse type...

Patagonienne, that's an idea. I'll try it. The challenge will be to get him on a flat surface near the scale, then lure him on it with Gladware. I'm on it. I'm sure it will take many steps, just as the original perch thing did. Thank you.

Meanwhile... alert the media! DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR QUAKER HEN IS TONIGHT?

WhoEVER she is, her parront should put her on cage-arrest for the rest of the spring rooster-season.
Afterthought, do they make bird chastity belt harnesses?
Meanwhile... alert the media! DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR QUAKER HEN IS TONIGHT?

Quaker hens unaccounted for yesterday evening... see above picture.
Harry(etta?)? Sol? Aurora? Clotil? Chicken?
Mmmm mmmm MMMMMM!
*c o n t i n u e d*

It's a giant, secret conspiracy. THEY'RE ALL PSYCHICALLY CONNECTED! When one gets mad, we all pay in one way or another!!!!!! SURRENDER!
*c o n t i n u e d*

The Rickeybird reassures a new acquaintance...

*c o n t i n u e d*

The Rickeybird reassures a new acquaintance...

Yeah, this reminds me of when I was first dating you, my future wife, and I was trying to get friendly with the Rickeybird. He "reassured" ME...............................

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