The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

As the Rickeybird enters his senior years, he feels a certain need to be more dignified... more gentlemanly... more well-dressed... as he establishes himself as a respected bird-about-town.
August 2, 2016

(But seriously, this photo-creation was done by a dealer on ETSY: "Animal Folk". She takes photos of your pet and "poses" them in antique Victorian photographs. Delightful, I think.)

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Thanks, RavensGryf! I just sent her a few pictures, and the "Animal Folk" creator picked just the right attitude , pose, and clothes to set off the "vibe" she got from him. :)
Mr. Rival sounds a lot like my oldest son until Charlotte came around. Charlotte won him over. He's outside doing yard work again with her. He thinks she's cool because she doesn't bite him and likes death metal music.
Wow, Gail! I'd missed this thread, so I just read through the whole thing from the beginning. Love it! I have thoroughly enjoyed the glimpses you've given us into The Rickeybird's scrapbook... and into your lives together!

Keep the updates coming!

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Beatrice... I can hope! If only the Rickeybird had Charlotte's charm. Sadly, he's a charm-school drop-out if there ever was one. But still my hero. Anti-hero.

Anansi... thank you so much. If you read the book, then you know how thoroughly delighted I am to have found "my people"!!! And the Rickeybird's people... err... biirds. All of you.

I read similar sentiments in other new members' posts... I was lost, but now I'm found!
It'll just take the right bird. Goofy is, like most amazons, a one person bird and doesn't really like anybody but MrC, however, he reserved a particularly intense hatred for my oldest. Cookie is a grumpy old man and pretty much wants to be left alone. So the kid had decided all birds are evil, and sort of kept that attitude when I bright home Leo. Them Charlotte came around and he fell in love.
I'm not sure there are many miracles out there like Charlotte!

I'll be happy if my ol' man just understands a little bit more about the whole "BIRD THING". And he DOESZSZSZSZSZ!!!

I love you Parrot Forumszszszszsz!
Charlotte is a pretty special bird. But I'm sure the bird that will bring Mr Rival to the bird side is out there somewhere!
Mr. Rival. I like that. I think I'll just start calling him that! With any luck, the RBird will pick it up!!!!! And I'll get a video of it!!!
MrC sometimes answers to MrC in real life. His actual last name starts with a T, and his honorific is technically Dr not Mr. BeatriceC, btw, is an alter ego, not my real name. It's a user name I use in a couple different places online. Beatrice Cenci is a 16th century Italian woman who's famous for killing her father.
Aha, now I know about your avatar's inspiration. I'll have to Google that in a bit. Inquiring minds... you know.

I called my ol' man "Mr. Rival" in front of a neighborhood kid, who then asked... "What's an ival?" (or eyevall?)
She's an interesting person. There's not much written about her but she's got quite the following in and around her hometown.
I just read about her... fascinating young lady. Those were the bad old days when there was no help or awareness of domestic abuse.
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A few of you may have seen these in a different thread, but they really belong in the official scrapbook, too, I believe, and they're not included in his "Day in the Life" movie.
Here's the RB...
Making fun of my irritating giggle.

Yelling at me (GAIL!), demanding to be picked up.

Learning a new whistle... but since he CAN'T whistle, he does it 'verbally'... so a wolf-whistle is RIT-ROO and a hey-you whistle (the one he's learning here) is RIR-RIT!

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