The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Some of you know that I recently moved the Rb from a Western window room to an Eastern one. This has triggered a very early and intense onset of The Season of Love. He has begun his roosterly regurgitations and gyrations... climbing up under my hair at the nape of my neck and having his way with me. When I finally succeed at evicting him by shaking and jumping and twisting, he flies nearby and...
He continues to bust his little barfing-and-booty-popping moves, while watching me (first one eye, then the other), focusing his horny stare on me as if he's watching an X-rated movie.
My ol' man just fixates on the television or tries to get swallowed up by his Lazyboy.


The little horn-dawg just goes at it while ogling his center-fold, my wife. *&^%$#%^%&*(&^%$% bird.
Hahahahaha! Is there even a line the RB on't cross? He's just a habitual line stepper, isn't he?
*c o n t i n u e d*

The Rickeybird perches on a high window sill and ogles his hen while enjoying his roosterly gyrations...

The Rickeybird vs. the Gladware

Part One

Our hero battles an evil Gladware container in hopes of liberating a small, helpless toy inside.
Part Two
The epic battle exhausts both combatants, but finally the Gladware surrenders and opens, allowing the toy to fly away freely!

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Hahahahaha! Victory!

Too bad the small, helpless toy plummeted to its death mere seconds after its liberation! Lol! But it's the thought that counts, right RB?
Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, yeah... there WAS THAT...

Poor toy. :56:

Rb's such a little brute!!!!!!!!!!!!
Save the trapped victims at all costs! Its not whether they live to be come victims another day, but that they had been released from the evil container!

Neat 'digges' our hero has there!
The Rickeybird vs. the Gladware

Part One
Our hero battles an evil Gladware container in hopes of liberating a small, helpless toy inside.
Part Two
The epic battle exhausts both combatants, but finally the Gladware surrenders and opens, allowing the toy to fly away freely!

rickeybirdproductions - Gladware - YouTube
rickeybirdproductions - Gladware 1 - YouTube

Agreed. I would like to show that I approve of the little creep's more wholesome activities, such as liberating toys from evil Gladware.
Good job, bird.
You got me curious, Ms. K.
For those of you who don't know, the DEMONBALL is one of the Rbird's nemeses. It's big and bouncey and unpredictable, and he never misses a chance to attack and vanquish it. Rb loves to rescue preferred toys from the bowels of Gladware, but let's see what he does when the DEMONBALL is in the Gladware.
As you'll see, he decided that the Demon could just STAY where it was.
That's my nervous/embarassed giggle he's choosing to imitate. Hehehe!
I should add, again... thanks, Mr. Wrench, for the gift of the DEMONBALL originally!

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That's what I'm thinkin'... after I took it away, you can see him there on cam, kinda rushing it after the fact, like "AND STAY OUT!"

Speaking of his kingdom and all...

I love it when you all share photos of your bird's (and your) areas.
Here's where the Rb lives. Former guest room... yeah, like anybody would stay there now.
That's the crocheted Rickeybird my wonderful penpal Marileen made for me.
And a knitted/crocheted bag featuring the Rb, made by a family friend.
And "The Bird About Town", which I purchased on Etsy from a business valled AnimalFolk (they do fun pet portraits).
And a Patagonian Conure ornament.
And a walking stick carved for me by a relative, with Rb sitting on top.
And the actual Rickeybird Scrapbook (we only went virtual after I started this thread). I do still add from time to time. The last entry was a print-out of his title page here, plus my signature, etc.

I love this room. It's such a fun, happy place for me, kinda like the Forum!







A very nice little space. But................... I think it's at its most pure and complete when the bird is in his cage, with the room door shut. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......................
Just for you, my ol' man, for all you put up with.
Ten minutes after sundown in Ohio, EST.
The Rb is roosted and quiet... night-time on Planet Rickeybird.


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