The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

*c o n t i n u e d*

This wild Rickeybird couple is considering burrow improvement projects.


And just as Mrs' RB was about to smile, our hero stuck his claw in his beak and stated: No, I was thinking cutting out a big Rooster Cave, with a big screen TV and ... at that moment RB felt the hard beak bump of Mrs, confirming that was not happening!
ROOSTER CAVE!!!!! lololololol

*c o n t i n u e d*

And the disgruntled Rickeybird flew away in a pout...
But it isn't long before he gets distracted by an attractive neighbor.
He looks so innocent in that picture.
That is truly interesting! Since, our Julio's event with that small gathering of Turkeys that attempted to take-over his Kingdom and the slow reaction of his staff to his clear demands of their immediate removal. He has had much the same description of his staff! Interesting.
A personal assistant?
He can't afford one!
Unlike Julio and Nigel, he has been locked up most of his life, can't keep a job, and if it weren't for his domestically-abused human hen, he wouldn't have two pellets to rub together!

*c o n t i n u e d*

Oh, yes, them's URBAN Rickeybirdz...

Here are the wild ones!

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