The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Re: The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984-present

Mods... sorry to be such a dweeb... can I re-title???????

If so, please delete the new thread, I guess, please?

Deleting it now:)
Rickey called santa a maggot:eek:? Did I read that right? LOL. I bet he got some kale in his stocking that year:09:

Please do share more of you and RB!
He surely did, Kiwi!!! It was a popular insult in those days... one of my husband's favorites. That's where the bird picked it up. Santa was verrrrrry nervous... bird was yelling and snapping at him.
By the way, I love Kiwi's rescue story and picture... just wonderful.
I completely missed the Santa maggot part! I am dying, that is awesome!
@1990, MAGGOT was every other word out of his beak. Fortunately, it has slipped away. I haven't heard him call anybody a maggot in five years or so. Once during those early days, I took him to a blessing-of-the-animals, and he called the priest a maggot! The priest joked that some animals are less in need of a blessing and more in need of an exorcism! The crowd roared!
Another couple of pages from The Rickeybird's Scrapbook.

Wherever we live, he always has to have his own bedroom. He's simply so loud that he has to go to his room when we are on the phone, or having unfamiliar guests over, or doing something that makes it impossible to keep a constant eye on him!

These pictures are from 1995-1997. Mostly, they're just pictures of the Rickeybird being beautiful. A couple of photos are R-rated... they show us smooching and petting!!!!! Hey... we're in love.

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I so love the story of the blessing of the animals!
Love these last pictures, and of course Rickey has his own room! Every child needs one:)
Terry... the blessing didn't work anyway... he's still a demon. He was screaming and snapping the same way he did with Santa. I really struggled to hold him by the body and cover his head while the poor priest did the traditional "laying on" of hands... he just touched the tip of his tail!!! The priest was a friend of my husband's. For years after, until he moved away, the priest would inquire about "the little Lucifer". I'm sure it was hysterical to watch.

GraciesMom... thank you so much. Yes... imagine calling SANTA and a PRIEST the worst word you know. I mean who's the real maggot in those situations??? My husband contends it was the bird.
Gail, I have thoroughly enjoyed flipping through the pages of Rickeybird's scrapbook! This a sweet thread, so personal and so touching to see such a long happy relationship that is still in tact! Thank you so much for sharing love, laughter and pure joy!
Thank YOU,All!
As I was doing the scrapbook over the years, I always figured it was just for me. Occasionally, I would harass somebody into looking at it, and they enjoyed it a bit, I suppose, but... you need to be BIRD PERSON to appreciate it fully. Since we moved up North from the Southwest, ages ago, I just don't run into many people with a parrot. So imagine how happy I am to find a place where people are actually really truly really truly INTERESTED in my relationship with the Rbird!!! Anywayyyyyyyyyy, thank you again... more to come.

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