The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

It's all too late to help me, come to think of it. At least the missus locks the little thug up at night so I can sleep in peace, the better to face the next day with eyes wide open. ~sigh~
You're bad, Rival!

Meanwhile, life in Patagonia goes on.

*c o n t i n u e d*


Actually, I suppose that should be...

"Gran sabor" y "Menos relleno".
That really fits their beak positions better. Good one, LeaKP!!!!!!!!!!!
*c o n t i n u e d*


Yes, in fact, I do. The last time I kept a shirt white was back in 1984...
Coincidentally, the year I got YOU.

National White Shirt Day, also know as National White T-Shirt Day, is always observed*on February 11th.
This unofficial national holiday honors the men and women who participated in the strike at General Motors in 1937.
The United Auto Workers (UAW) union was helped by these autoworkers to become the sole bargaining agent for General Motors autoworkers.
This is why you were not invited to our wedding, bird. There was a lot of WHITE involved, bird. And we wanted it to STAY white, bird.
*c o n t i n u e d*

I think this merits re-posting. Whatever your political affiliation, surely you will support my campaign for border security concerning this Patagonian terrorist.
I think this is the photo I'll drop in the POTM thread!

At least the Rb can't be deported now, evil Rival.

*c o n t i n u e d*

Well, I must say, they're holding true to their stereotypes.
The Rickeybrd is being a low-life and lawyering up, and Nigel is looking down his beak at all of us as he secretly listens to Rb's naughty confessions!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, my Rival love!

Meanwhile, the Rbird is moping because no "hotttt henzszszsz" were beating down his digital doors on Valentine's Day. What an egomaniac.

In related news... OMG... there are OTHERS who share my affliction. Just saw this. It's like when NightOfTheLivingDead refugees discover there are other colonies...
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I feel you need to have the sign we have on Goofy's cage. It reads "Beware of Attack Parrot". It would work for the RB too.
I just want you to know GaleriaGila, I think your unconditional devotion and love to the RB is truly amazing. Seriously, after reading your post after post, it amazes me how much you care, and that you are willing to put aside all your hopes and dreams of a loving and cuddly and tame puppy-dog parrot, and accept him for who he is. Bless you. There aren't many people out there who would do the same. I have the utmost respect for you and what you do for him.

My dream has always been to own a macaw, but I'm terrified of having a bird that will hit sexual maturity and never be the same, won't let me touch or pet it, but you've taught me that it is okay to let them just be birds, as they were intended to be, and to love them no matter what. Thanks again for caring.
Attack Patagonian! Yesssss, Beatrice... I should consider it a responsibility to warn burglers.
Walking Dead! Spot on as always, LeaKP. Nigel will be the first to know, as TB's cousel.
SQUAWKING Dead! Ms. K, you crack me totally UP. down, and sideways.
Jackie, what a wonderful post. You made me misty-eyed, which always surpries me... how much I do love him and how proud of him I am, and how wonderful it is to get an atta-girl from one of us bird-people.

Love you guys.

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