The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

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  • #962
Oh, I can totally expect that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it seems that Rickeybirds start to go bad at an early age.
Here's a young Rickeybird who still has a horn-colored beak (doesn't turn black until 6-9 months).

*c o n t i n u e d*

I think this is a great idea! Lots of hot chicks and sunshine. What could go wrong?

I'm not the least bit worried about the ball rolling over him, or the hens (especially the human ones) trampling him, or an osprey picking him off.

Go get 'em, little Rickeybird.
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  • #965
Okay, sing it out loud to yourself...

*c o n t i n u e d*

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  • #966
*c o n t i n u e d*

These Rickeybird couples are in their nesting burrows.
For SOME REASON, they are all thinking the same thing...

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  • #968
Thanks for asking.
His first inspiration was a parrot in the bird store where I found him as a 3 month old chick... a Hahn's. He was much bigger than the Hahn's (and smaller than a B&G hen who was courting him). He didn't care much for the other birds but DID learn to say the Hahn's name... Rickey. "Rickey" and "Hello, Rickey". I had no idea he'd ever learn more words/names, so I left it as was. OH MAN, I HAD SO MANY CUTE NAMES IN MIND!!!! I had no idea he'd be a good mimic.
As the years went by, he developed such a reputation of rude and innapprprpriate behavior that people just started objectfying him as "the Rickeybird". I joined in.
Funny thing, though... he STOPPED saying "Rickey"... hasn't said his own name in 20 years.
A man who believes himself to be attractive, and attempts to force his unwelcomed attentions on a woman, often in public.
A woman is approached and touched by a man in an inappropriate way. She could respond by hitting him with her purse and yelling "Masher!"
A man who believes himself to be attractive, and attempts to force his unwelcomed attentions on a woman, often in public.
A woman is approached and touched by a man in an inappropriate way. She could respond by hitting him with her purse and yelling "Masher!"

If my dear heart hit such a male with 'her' purse, the idiot would suffer from seriously crushed bones!!! :D
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  • #973
*c o n t i n u e d*

WORD, Mr. Boat.

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  • #977
He's a complete self-centered hypocrite. HE steals food but nobody should steal his. HE screams, but nobody else should. HE bites, but nobody should bite him. On and on.

*c o n t i n u e d*

Hey Gail...

For whatever reason, I can't PM you. I can't type in the message box on the PM screen. Not sure if it's an issue with my computer or the site. Anyway, I have a picture I want to share with you. Do you have an email addie I could send it to? I sure I can receive and read PM's, just can't type one. Weird.
Thanks a bunch!

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