The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

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  • #901
He *IS* a nut, and a gambler and a womanizer... henizer... whatever.

Okay, this isn't MY Rickeybird, but I think it's a video worthy of the scrapbook. This Rickeybird is named "MayDay"...

[ame=""]Mayday the Greater Patagonian Conure Finds a new Hiding Place! - YouTube[/ame]
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  • #902
*c o n t i n u e d*

I have witnessed such an event. I also witnessed an unauthorized Rbird landing in a salad bowl, which sent my mushroom slices and bean sprouts and broccoli florets into the great beyond (the ceiling and floor). The flotsam and jetsam were gathered, washed, and returned to the bowl. Yeah, I ate it. Sure. ~sigh~
Bad Bird, indeed.
32 years old, unemployed, living off his long-suffering hen, abusing her physically and emotionally, treating her legal husband like a voo-doo doll, and still feels entitled to THE REMOTE. :eek:
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  • #907
Still not satisfied! Ever!

Here he is, playing with his bell (thanks again, Mr. Wrench!). He pitched a fit until I let him have it INSIDE the cage, but still finds merit in attacking it from above. Look how excited he gets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crazy conure!!!!!!!!!!!
This is sundown, and I have taken out all big toys except the wrecking ball and the BELL!

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - below the bell - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions wrecking ball - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - below the bell - YouTube[/ame]

[Quote GaleriaGila]
"Noise is his best friend"

Does he HAVE any other friends? Really?
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  • #909
*c o n t i n u e d*

Meanwhile, back in Patagonia...

Nigel's standards are already extremely alarming. As I told you he relies on expensive call hens. He has built a high end nesting condo to support his playboy ways.

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  • #913

I guess I should be grateful for the Rbird's working-class ways...
Meanwhile, here he is hanging out at a local bus stop, fantasizing...

*c o n t i n u i n g*


Yeah, sure Rickeybird, sure............................
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  • #916
Ms. K... absolutely... poor little hen is probaby preparing to make a run for it!
The Rickeybird has this effect on just about everybody.


*c o n t i n u e d*

A good reason for more immigration vetting... no... wait... what... no... wait... what???
The Rb makes me question my most basic beliefs.
Let the Patagonians in.
A good reason for more immigration vetting... no... wait... what... no... wait... what???
The Rb makes me question my most basic beliefs.
Let the Patagonians in.

You do know that there is already a Band in place on immigration of Patagonians. :D And before that, they had been held in 'Holding Cages' up to 90 days and could still be rejected! The Courts are all over the places, its just so confusing. :D

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