The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

*c o n t i n u e d*

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About that walnut thing...... WHOSE THUMB KNUCKLES are we talking about???????????? Nevermind. I know.

About the rude Rickeybird sticking his tongue out...... Let's save some time...... let us know when you have a NOT-rude LOL Rickeybird.

Rival out.
Unfortunately, the Rb is dead broke, as usual. Does Nigel accept naughty stories about hottt henzszsz as payment?

*c o n t i n u e d*

You can't take the Rickeybird ANYPLACE nice, trust me! Even the kitchen is a risk...

I think Nigel needs a thread. Something snobby-sounding. He could give advice and put people down in his own adorable way.
Lord Nigel sounds most refined. But I bet he has his secrets. Maybe the RB can perform some "public service" acts in payment. Lord Nigel may have some, shall we say inconvenient "situations" calling for a little less finesse and a bit more, shall we say "persuasion"?
Oh, I do believe you're on to something, Ms. K.

Even if it doesn't work out due to the distance between the two stinkers, it would make an absolutely lurid parrot pulp fiction thread.

We could call it "50 Shades of Nigel". Nigel pontificates on the virtues of manners, fine food, and the company of genteel hens, but he has a secret stash of sunflower seeds, handcuff leg-bands, and pictures of hens in leather harnesses. His butler (let's make him a nosy little Severe Macaw; they just LOOK nosy to me) finds the stash, steals it, and threatens to go to the tabloids. In need of some 'special services' since he hates to get his hands... er... feet dirty, Nigel engages the Rickeybird to sort things out. The Rb has a surprise 'meeting' with the butler, resulting in chewed up Severe tailfeathers, a very rattled little macaw, and full recovery of the stash. Nigel agrees to let the Rb keep some of the photos of "hott hensz what knows how to partty", and the two unlikely associates part ways until... next time...

Yeah, y'all are gonna have to keep your roosters away from my sweet, innocent Charlotte. Her big brothers will protect her from their shenanigans if they try.
Ms. K., yes, the stinkers are rewarded yet again for bad behavior.

Beatrice... brothers are a great protection... sometimes wanted, sometimes not! I also have 2 (human brothers). Sometimes I had to sneak off to have my fun. If caught, I was not above blaming the "roosters".

*looking squinty-eyed at Charlotte*
Oh, I do believe you're on to something, Ms. K.

Even if it doesn't work out due to the distance between the two stinkers, it would make an absolutely lurid parrot pulp fiction thread.

We could call it "50 Shades of Nigel". Nigel pontificates on the virtues of manners, fine food, and the company of genteel hens, but he has a secret stash of sunflower seeds, handcuff leg-bands, and pictures of hens in leather harnesses. His butler (let's make him a nosy little Severe Macaw; they just LOOK nosy to me) finds the stash, steals it, and threatens to go to the tabloids. In need of some 'special services' since he hates to get his hands... er... feet dirty, Nigel engages the Rickeybird to sort things out. The Rb has a surprise 'meeting' with the butler, resulting in chewed up Severe tailfeathers, a very rattled little macaw, and full recovery of the stash. Nigel agrees to let the Rb keep some of the photos of "hott hensz what knows how to partty", and the two unlikely associates part ways until... next time...


This thread is going to be the end of me :-D

You forgot Nigel's messengers, the carrier pigeons. He can't have the appearance of impropriety since he's the president of his HOA at the grey condo where his 50 shades series is a hit behind closed doors.
"50 Shades of Nigel" 2017
Nigel - Himself
The Minion - The Rickeybird
The Butler - Severe Macaw
The Messengers - The Carrier Pigeons

And, in related news...

*c o n t i n u e d*

Well if Nigel gets 50 Shades of Grey, can Gus be the Hunchback of No True Dame? Nitro Flame? Naughty Dame? Know Ptomaine? Petomaine! Just google "Le Petomaine" for some exciting knowledge that you didn't even know you needed to know.
Its truly amazing where RickeyBird will cast his shadow: Found else where on the Parrot Forums:

A RickeyBird Event!

Quote: Originally Posted by Jeepnman
I was just wondering how people that volunteer at bird rescues ensure they don't bring anything home to their fids. I volunteered this past weekend and cleaned up ALOT of poop. I took a shower immediately when I got home and did not handle our parrot until after. I would like to volunteer more, but I am worried about bringing something harmful home.

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Post by: SailBoat,

When, I visit a Pet Store whether larger box store or a small mom and pop store, Bird Fair or Show, a Parrot Rescue /Rehome, etc... My entry into our home is always the same. Everything comes off and is washed in the washing machine and I quickly make my way into the shower for a detailed shower.

We never wear shoes in our home, they are kept at the door and never further.

The same process is followed with yard work and field hikes of any type.

It seems like overkill, but in fact you will find your home to be much clearer in general and you are far less likely to carry ticks, and the like, into your home.

Quote: Originally Posted by Kentuckienne
Careful Sailboat, somebody might put a webcam near your front door for blackmail! I hear a certain Patagonian conure is getting jealous, thinks you are trying to woo his hen into the world of Amazon Snobbery.

Post by: SailBoat,

We had to move to a newly built home with such precautions and security systems added as part of its design and layout! A certain response from the Amazona Society on Rules and Membership had to be placed On-Hold pending further review when a security breach had been found with Patagonian prints near by.

For the OP, sorry if this sounds confusing. It will become more understandable if you search for the "RickeyBird" Thread, which commonly is found by looking at the New Posts!

RickleyBird just seems to be everywhere these days!!!
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Every time I think I've laughed the loudest-and-longest, y'all kick it up a notch!

No safe word with the Rb, indeed.

Drop that mic! YES!

French flatulist???????????? Oh, Ms. K! Look where our parrots' antics lead us! How about the Hunchback of GusDomain?

Mr. Boat... Patagonian prints??????????? Oh, no! He may have hacked my Uber account. That would explain the mysterious charges for trips to Michigan!

Okay, I just laughed so hard I sneezed.

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