The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

*c o n t i n u e d*

Attention, friends and neighbors: keep your beer in the fridge and your hens behind locked doors. This gangster's nickname was "Reprobate Rickey". Think it over. Even the gangsters called him that.
Attention, friends and neighbors: keep your beer in the fridge and your hens behind locked doors. This gangster's nickname was "Reprobate Rickey". Think it over. Even the gangsters called him that.

The hater who keeps on HATING!
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
Saturday, January 7, 2017

The Bell Saga Continues

Mr. GoodWrench... about THAT BELL...

I was watching him, again, today, as he detached the bell from his cage play-top, threw it to the floor, jumped down (taking his green chile with him for sustenance, of course), and labored to get the bell back INSIDE his cage proper. Couldn't do it, just didn't have the strength. He often takes chiles inside using this method. This, for the Rickeybird, is a remarkable level of planning and focus. He really WANTED the bell INSIDE. At first, I thought he was accidentally tossing it overboard, because he instantly jumped down to it, but no... he was trying to get it back inside.

As some may recall, I took it out of his inner-cage after he completely disrupted our Christmas Day open house with his new toy. He was upset about being caged, and used his new bell as an aural assault weapon, to undeniable advantage (ringing it, clanging it against the bars, screaming), and wouldn't let me into the cage to remove it. The next day, I sneaked it out, and put it outside the cage, on his roof play area. ANNNND... his perceived evil RIVAL (my ol' man) witnessed the bird's inability to reclaim his bell. I *THINK* the Rbird registered that.

But watching him today... mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn... he was still plotting and working on it... same plan, toss it down, try to lug it inside. It was important to him so... I just put it back in. Why shouldn't he have his bell? Instant OKAYNESS. He "socializes" with it... passes by, greets it, rings it... he's CONTENT. He's not even obsessed with it. It's like he just wanted it where it belonged. Maybe JUST IN CASE HE NEEDS IT for an unexpected open house!!!!

I give you ---

The Rickeybird and bell on the roof, tossing it overboard --- DESPERATION.
[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - bell - YouTube[/ame]
The Rickeybird and bell reunited in the cage --- instant OKAYNESS. Bell recovered.
[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - bell 2 - YouTube[/ame]

Now, I may *STILL* remove it before future open houses...
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I love watching RB vanquishing the evil bell [emoji3] Archie does this with wooden blocks haha [emoji3]

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He's so smart! He had an idea, he made a plan and worked to execute it. His plan was good, and if the bell weren't so heavy he would have succeeded on his own. I wonder if he remembers how joyful the first day was...the bell in the cage, the NOISE, and wanted to recreate the moment.
He may have a love-hate relationship with it!
Remember when you said Archie seems to attack/destry orange things? I have noticed Rbird does, too!
Yes, Ms. K!
It was a real feat for him.
He "checks" on it often, scrambles over do give it a "ding!" then ambles away.
I honestly think he was sad about not having it!
Poor little stinker.
We have no idea what they really think or remember, ya know???

Oh, and... he can get small chiles into the cage (from the cage-top to the floor, then up and in), so he had practiced it over the years...
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He may have a love-hate relationship with it!
Remember when you said Archie seems to attack/destry orange things? I have noticed Rbird does, too!

It's always the orange ones and the green wooden toys get destroyed first, like they are his favourite [emoji4]

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Yes, and the green ones are high priority, but mannnnnnnnnnnn, those orange ones are prime!!!!

Hey Archie, howya doin'? This LOL RICKEYBIRD is dedicated to YOU... you're the one with the halo!

Four out of Five, you say. LOL

So, it appears that this Thread will hit 20,000 Views before it hits 100 Pages! I am going to guess that one sweet Rickeybird is likely not the reason for this huge following. :D
So do I appologize for the bell ? I am sorry Gail, if it messed up your holiday. But, c'mon, the poor little rickeybird, he likes it so much, the sweet little thing.
Yes, and the green ones are high priority, but mannnnnnnnnnnn, those orange ones are prime!!!!

Hey Archie, howya doin'? This LOL RICKEYBIRD is dedicated to YOU... you're the one with the halo!


Sometimes his halo slips :)

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Mr. Boat... thank you, sir. I think people probably find it entertaining that a grown woman is so fascinated by her bird... just as THEY are!

Mr. Wrench... I relent and agree. I have accepted the bell as the angelic and joyful noise it is! I have something else to show you, below...

LeaKP... I'm used to Nigel looking down his beak at me! Your picture there captures it perfectly. He really needs to learn how to say "Harrumph!"

Nicky... OMG, sounds EXACTLY like the Rb. From the little chirps to the SQUONNNNNKS. I love all Archie vids, halo or no!

And today's LOL Rickeybird (which is also my POTM entry) is...

*c o n t i n u e d*

Thanks for the Angel Bell AND the DEMON ball, Mr. Wrench.

I love this picture❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Let me be one of the First to congratulate you on hitting the 20,000 visits mark!!!!


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