The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Chaos is KING around here. Mr. Wrench sent the Rickeybird a stainless steel tubular bell, which made its way into his cage. He can't be loose because we have people coming and going, and he's MAD. He has been clanging the bell against the bars to spectacular effect all day, and he won't let me in there to take it away, nor will he come out, not even for a green chile because he knows what's up. As a joke, I think I should have bought a box of ear-plugs and offer them to everybody.
Chaos is KING around here. Mr. Wrench sent the Rickeybird a stainless steel tubular bell, which made its way into his cage. He can't be loose because we have people coming and going, and he's MAD. He has been clanging the bell against the bars to spectacular effect all day, and he won't let me in there to take it away, nor will he come out, not even for a green chile because he knows what's up. As a joke, I think I should have bought a box of ear-plugs and offer them to everybody.

Ear-plugs and Rickeybird? No, not a joke, a requirement by OSHA!

We had been visiting my Mother this late morning and a local Church had brought a group of kids to sing Christmas Songs. You will never guess who, elected to sing along! Yup, our Amazon!! The Kids Loved It!
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There is absolutely nothing to match a fully amped-up singing Amazon... some are spot-on in pitch, some hilariously off, but...
For me, they appear so completely self-sbsorbed and snobbish, with that posture and that feather stuff they do, and the eyes pinning... absolutely sure that the world has nothing more important to do than listen to their caterwauling.
There is absolutely nothing to match a fully amped-up singing Amazon... some are spot-on in pitch, some hilariously off, but...
For me, they appear so completely self-sbsorbed and snobbish, with that posture and that feather stuff they do, and the eyes pinning... absolutely sure that the world has nothing more important to do than listen to their caterwauling.

There was no question that he was totally in the moment! Yup, spot-on discription.

Merry Christmas, Good Friend!
Thanks, buddy.
I mean, it's not a stereotype if it's true!
And Merry Christmas!
Chaos is KING around here. Mr. Wrench sent the Rickeybird a stainless steel tubular bell, which made its way into his cage. He can't be loose because we have people coming and going, and he's MAD. He has been clanging the bell against the bars to spectacular effect all day, and he won't let me in there to take it away, nor will he come out, not even for a green chile because he knows what's up. As a joke, I think I should have bought a box of ear-plugs and offer them to everybody.

This post would be so much better with video.
Soon, Kentuckienne, soon. MAN, that bird loves his 'percussions'. And pursuant thereto, I give you...


For your holiday enjoyment (or torture?), I put together a playlist of my little percussionist's performances.
The Little Drummer Rickeybird.
(*groan* Y'all know I find every little thing he does ADORABLE!!!!!!
(1) plays the cage bars like a xylophone
(2) clangs and clacks his link-toy on the bars
(3) drums on walls and bars
(4) does beak-clicks, and then ends with an adorable finale, saying "HELLO, GAIL!" in his squeaky little voice!

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - cage bar xylophone - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions: Percussions. - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Scene 4 - Hotel Rickeybird - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - Beak-clicking, "Hello, Gail!" - YouTube[/ame]
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I TOLD her not to put that bell inside the cage. But NOOOOOOOOOOOO. She got it out today and it will definitely be an external toy from now on. I swear to God that yesterday he saved up his energy until he heard people arrive and then went to town. Then they left and he caught a few zzzs before next time. Several people made jokes about throwing him in the oven. I thought that was pretty funny.
Kentuckienne... the bell is now on cage-top to avoid any REPEATS of yesterday's chaos, when he was clanging the bell endlessly and wouldn't let me get in there to take it out.

He wound up tossing it overboard in the vid, but that was just excitement. He wanted it back immediately. Sometimes he just "kisses" it (bonks it gently in the same way he bonks my lips with his beak). He loves his bell, which his Uncle Wrench and Cousin Salty sent him for Christmas.

Anyway, this is today's rendition of what we endured all Christmas Day yesterday.

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - bell - YouTube[/ame]
That's HILARIOUS. I like the shock of realizing he threw it off the cage..the remorse..the longing for its return...

I wonder what he would do if the Demon Ball were attached? He would be conflicted. We loves it! We hates it!
Yes, I believe that would cause some sort of Rickeybird psychotic break.

Meanwhile, he denies it was himself that made all that noise anyway.

*c o n t i n u e d*

This Rickeybird is not happy with his Christmas presents!

*ignoring The Hater's remarks*

*c o n t i n u e d*

WHAT THE... MUTATION????????????

The stuff of nightmares...... the ultimate bad trip...... and once seen, cannot be unseen......
Happy New Year to all my parrot peeps and their flocks!!!!!!!!!!

Here is a special "Auld Lang Syne" from the Rickeybird, as suave and gentlemanly as ever!

*c o n t i n u e d*

Indeed? The charges mount. Let me speculate. Public Intoxication, Public Nuisance, Impaired Flying...... I'm sure the poor hen just went along with her abusive rooster.
You shame your species, bird.

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