The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Yeah, but we can't invite the Rickeybird. He wrecked Salty's birthday Skype.

And he never stops.

*c o n t i n u e d*

Oh, Kentuckienne... you are an optimist and a positivist...
If ya want somebody to sing the "Booty" song and attack things, Rb's your partier!
I laughed so unexpectedly hard that I burped Diet Cranberry Canada Dry Ginger Ale through my nose.
Too much information... sorry!
That's hysterical!
Yeah, but we can't invite the Rickeybird. He wrecked Salty's birthday Skype.

And he never stops.


*c o n t i n u e d*


LOLLLL!!! The RB is too much!!!!

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He's too much, alright.
Thank you for your support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know RB has insurance issues, his policy not covering his overhooching, so I propose we start a gofundme page for the RBs outpatient treatment.
My good friends, the way things are going, I think BAIL MONEY is more likely what he'll be needing in steady supply... he gets locked up every day.

*f l a s h b a c k*

Hmmmm, Rickey..... for some habitual offenders there may be no offer of bail. Or it may be so high as to be unaffordable! :D
You're both right!

The bail *IS* astronimical; his hen has to do her own hair, watch basic cable, and hasn't bought new shoes in four years.
And he *DOES* have homies 'in the ins' so he can get contraband sunflower seeds.
You're both right!

The bail *IS* astronimical; his hen has to do her own hair, watch basic cable, and hasn't bought new shoes in four years.
And he *DOES* have homies 'in the ins' so he can get contraband sunflower seeds.

Hey man, come down to the Louisville area some time and I'll treat you to some shoes from the Zappos warehouse. Oh, so cheap. Oh, so many. Like in the spring a couple years back, all winter boots were $10. Including the $300 ones that look like you should be charging your date a LOT of money. I go every spring with a friend that comes up from Memphis, and she goes home with shoes for the family.
You hens are beyond wonderful. You scheme and strategize to keep us roosters afloat. We wouldn't be able to crow in the mornings if you didn't make a fine nest at night.

Of course, some of us roosters are more worthy than others.

[ame=""]Crickets Chirping Sound Effect - YouTube[/ame]
Crickets indeed.

*c o n t i n u e d*

*c o n t i n u e d*

Somebody stop this wild Rickeybird before he sings again...
Too late.

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*c o n t i n u e d*


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