The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Quoth the Rickeybird
*c o n t i n u e d*

Quoth the Rickeybird
*c o n t i n u e d*


Yeah, humans have rights. The right to spoil companion birds rotten. The right to toil endlessly, providing all sorts of fresh foods, treats, toys, to do whatever it takes to keep the fids content 24/7/365.
*c o n t i n u e d*

*c o n t i n u e d*

Nobody lulz harder than yours truly, while doing these, my friend. Thanks for YOUR lulz!!!!
*c o n t i n u e d*

This wild Rickeybird thinks HIGHly of himself.

Anytime my Amazon gives me the stinkeye, I am reminded of Rickeybird and I am left laughing, which only PO's my Amazon even more!!!

Richeybird could be a direct cause of reduced Amazon Stinkeye at our house!

Love the Rickeybird Scrapbook!!! You continue to more than Support Your Honored Position as part of the Parrots Forum!!!
Well, Mr. Admitted-Amazon-Snob, I am honored and gratified to be a part of any phenomenon that helps you hold your own amongst your Amazonsters!!!!!

The Rickeybird STINK-EYE even manifested itself in Marileen's crochet-portrait...

*c o n t i n u e d*

*c o n t i n u e d*

Clearly a sincere bird...

Anytime my Amazon gives me the stinkeye, I am reminded of Rickeybird and I am left laughing, which only PO's my Amazon even more!!!


Can I copyright that word??????????????

You could try, but you are going to have to prove prior use of the word. And, that use would have to predate its use in the documents of 'The Amazon Society, UK,' which included that word as part of a discussion regarding Amazon Behavior at its 1974 International Conference.

Now, with a pre-agreed amount of Middlelands Ale, they likely would assign that copyright to you.

Having said that, with over 40 years, that copyright has expired and the word is now available as part of general use without notation.

That all said, I'll going to enjoy more Ale. :D
Rival is sighing in resignation as we speak/chat... he'll be drowning his sorrows in his own ale. He's a home-brewer. Meanwhile, back at the Rickeybird Ranch...


Thank you, Mr. GoodWrench, for the tubular stainless bell. It's a perfect size, I THINK the very same as his previous which was lost in the mists of time. But unlike when I sprang the new perch-scale (D'OH!) on him, I'll take my time introducing it! Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!! I love the sound.
I'm just seeing this thread and it is awesome! You and the RB look fantastic!!!

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