The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates




I thought the next line was "I come from the land of the ice and snow" as in Zeppelin. Google "Viking kittens" sometime's an oldie but a goodie, I still have the coffee cup.
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody, and thank you for making this thread (and this whole site!) a complete delight for me over the past many months. I'm so glad to have found this place. The Forums have given me advice, information, support, laughter, and as the site subtitle says, a sense of community. :)
Hey, I just realized something ... you say that the Rickeybird's proper name is Loro Barranquero. Are you sure it isn't LOCO barranquero? I found a spanish wiki article which, translated by Google, is nearly a poem:

They nest in caves
that pierce with their beaks
in ravines of rivers or sea cliffs

Also: "The Patagonian Conure has eyelashes, a distinctive feature among birds"
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THANK YOU FOR THAT, Kentuckienne...

It's beautiul, yes.

Yep, he has teensy-weensy little eyelash feathers. They're sort of tan in color. I suppose the fierce arid winds and sandy/dusty grounds of Patagonia necessitate them.

Loco Barranquero! Good one!
You should make him some homeland memes!
Despues el viaje a su patria el lorito loco tiene una nueva frase favorita .. "Che, Boludo!"
Ahora el me llama boludo y nada mas..

El lorito loco quiere dos cosas pa la navidad, un camion lleno de habaneros y una mona bien linda y joven!

¡Gracias! Yo no conocía la palabra "Boludo", pero lo hago ahora. Ahora tengo cierto argot patagónico.

What a great word to know. Folks, it is a word that is both risque and very familiar which one might call a man in Argentina.

Me gusta tu estilo. So how do you know Patagonian slag?
I always wait for this thread to come to the top.

Word has it that RB has attempted to bribe Santa this year. No word yet as to who turned him in. There are many suspects...birds of interest...but no arrests or interrogations have taken place.

I heard that he bribed Satan instead. Or maybe Satan bribed him, I forget.
¡Gracias! Yo no conocía la palabra "Boludo", pero lo hago ahora. Ahora tengo cierto argot patagónico.

What a great word to know. Folks, it is a word that is both risque and very familiar which one might call a man in Argentina.

Me gusta tu estilo. So how do you know Patagonian slag?

Yep, its commonly used as something you might say to a friend like hey, buddy/moron, whatcha doing or in a less friendly sense could mean b*sta*d. You can feminize it to as boluda, but it seems more common among men.

:D I have quite a bit of family in Argentina. That country needs its own slang dictionary with all the strange phrases and words they use for real! A funny joke is if you ever visit Argentina and dont want to sound super extranjero/a just throw "Che" in every other word :D

When I worked at a hotel we had a large Argentine guest base as well, every morning they would come down and say good morning and everything amd then, che, necesito agua caliente para el mate.. Never mess with an Argentine persons Hierba Mate!
From ME, you all get a big THANK-YOU and a *hug* (Che!)...

But from the Rickeybird, you all get...

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