The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates


And apparently Charlotte has been hanging out with the RB too much lately.

5:55am. Beatrice and MrC, along with their human children and their neighbors are sleeping soundly. The sun is just beginning to peek over the horizon. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the loudest and most obnoxious macaw scream imaginable breaks the early dawn silence. Beatrice bolts out of bed and runs downstairs, while MrC barely manages to get pants on before following. The teenagers in the house blearily stumble downstairs within a minute, asking if everything is okay.

Seriously, I honestly thought my bird wad dying. I've never heard anything like it. She flock calls from time to time, but there was something different about that call. She settled down, I fed all the birds because I was now wide awake, and made coffee. Of course I made a mess out of the coffee (the filter basket didn't close all the way so coffee and grounds went everywhere). It's been a long day and it's not even noon yet.
Kentuckienne... OMG, I didn't even THINK of that!!!!!!!!!! Diabolical birds!

Beatrice... It certainly seems more than a coincidence. That's one of the Rbird's favorite strategies for bolting us out of the bed. I believe he has correctly surmised that starting out at 20-25 decibels and then escalating doesn't do the job nearly as well as just kicking right off at about 100+.

Seriously, have you considered stand-up comedy as a second job? You are so fun!!!
I may DESERVE sainthood, what with tolerating the Prince of Darkness all this time.

Speaking of which...


Oh my the mooning Rickeybird, his influence has come upon Nigel as Nigel spent half the day butt feathering everyone.

The struggle is real.

Leo's been butt feathering everybody since the day I got him. He's currently mooning me as we type. Thankfully Charlotte and Goofy don't.
Performed by a perching parrot, the act of turning the back and hoisting the tail, thus exposing the nether-feathers in a display of defiance, mockery, or mischief.
Buttfeather, buttfeathers, buttfeathering, buttfeathered
"The bird would often buttfeather his owner when feeling ignored."
Synonym: "moon" (slang)
Oh Rickeybird, you darling boy, thanks for the daily laughter and rude gestures!

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