The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

The Rickeybird Scrapbook
November 20, 2016
"A Very Special Arrival"

Some of you may know that our Marileen is a gifted textile artist. I am also an artist (painting, sculpting). Recently, we exchanged portraits of our birds. I painted her guys. She crocheted the Rickeybird.
He arrived... OMG, the colors, the posture, the eyes, the pink feet... and with a litte help from my ol' man (puppeteering) the ATTITUDE...

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - The SILENT Rickeybird - YouTube[/ame]



Thank you, Marileen!
Well if this whole retirement thing doesn't work out, I may have a promising career as a puppeteer. I have been reduced to surrogate animation of my nemesis. Kill me now. No wait, I am assigned to go buy more Serrano chiles tomorrow.
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
November 20, 2016
"A Very Special Arrival"

Some of you may know that our Marileen is a gifted textile artist. I am also an artist (painting, sculpting). Recently, we exchanged portraits of our birds. I painted her guys. She crocheted the Rickeybird.
He arrived... OMG, the colors, the posture, the eyes, the pink feet... and with a litte help from my ol' man (puppeteering) the ATTITUDE...

rickeybirdproductions - The SILENT Rickeybird - YouTube



Thank you, Marileen!

Thats awesome! Show us the painting too! I love bird drawings/paintings, plus I found them super fun to draw. I used to love drawing.. took a few different studio drawing classes in high school and college, havent tried to do anything in a while though.

Well if this whole retirement thing doesn't work out, I may have a promising career as a puppeteer. I have been reduced to surrogate animation of my nemesis. Kill me now. No wait, I am assigned to go buy more Serrano chiles tomorrow.

You guys crack me up! I would love to meet the almighty RB :D
Well if this whole retirement thing doesn't work out, I may have a promising career as a puppeteer. I have been reduced to surrogate animation of my nemesis. Kill me now. No wait, I am assigned to go buy more Serrano chiles tomorrow.

No, man, you should totally take advantage of this. As surrogate Rickeybird, you should have the same privileges to bite, scream, and poop wherever you want. That's some serious negotiating coinage. USE YOUR POWER!
Well if this whole retirement thing doesn't work out, I may have a promising career as a puppeteer. I have been reduced to surrogate animation of my nemesis. Kill me now. No wait, I am assigned to go buy more Serrano chiles tomorrow.

No, man, you should totally take advantage of this. As surrogate Rickeybird, you should have the same privileges to bite, scream, and poop wherever you want. That's some serious negotiating coinage. USE YOUR POWER!

Oh geez, I hadn't thought of that. You are genius!
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
November 20, 2016
"A Very Special Arrival"

Thats awesome! Show us the painting too! I love bird drawings/paintings, plus I found them super fun to draw. I used to love drawing.. took a few different studio drawing classes in high school and college, havent tried to do anything in a while though.

My pleasure. Here are the paintings I did for Marileen...
The two Greys, Harry and Toon.
Bob the Budgie.
Note that Harry's "special" foot is true to life, and Bob is a dwarf budgie with unusual wings and tail.... again, true to life.

The Rickeybird Scrapbook
November 20, 2016
"A Very Special Arrival"

Thats awesome! Show us the painting too! I love bird drawings/paintings, plus I found them super fun to draw. I used to love drawing.. took a few different studio drawing classes in high school and college, havent tried to do anything in a while though.

My pleasure. Here are the paintings I did for Marileen...
The two Greys, Harry and Toon.
Bob the Budgie.
Note that Harry's "special" foot is true to life, and Bob is a dwarf budgie with unusual wings and tail.... again, true to life.

Awesome! You did them really well, I love littke Bob and his dwarfness.
(You should do Charlotte)

Wow Gail, little Bob looks like he is going to jump right off the page! And i will bet its even better in person. Very talented lady for sure. I could never do this in a million years. I have no patience for painting ( except for living rooms and kitchens that sort of thing).
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
November 20, 2016
"A Very Special Arrival"

Some of you may know that our Marileen is a gifted textile artist. I am also an artist (painting, sculpting). Recently, we exchanged portraits of our birds. I painted her guys. She crocheted the Rickeybird.
He arrived... OMG, the colors, the posture, the eyes, the pink feet... and with a litte help from my ol' man (puppeteering) the ATTITUDE...

rickeybirdproductions - The SILENT Rickeybird - YouTube



Thank you, Marileen!

Marileen - this is friggn amazing! Arrrg, TWO talented ladies on here - I cant take it!
I can do Charlotte...
Tell ya what. I think I'll do a drawing of her. That way I can just post, and you can print it off if you want. Badda bing, badda boom. I can probably find enough pictures of her that you've already posted, so I get her looks and posture just right.
It may be a week or so before I get to it.
Thanks on all your thoughts, Mr. Wrench.
Isn't she amazing?
I have no idea how somebody sets about textile sculpturing... no idea...
Tarzan yell, eh? Maybe the Rickeybird can find somebody to do a remix. I'm sure YouTube is awaiting with baited breath.
[ame=""]REMIX Johnny Weismuller Tarzan Call by Dalai Lala - YouTube[/ame]
Nigel is rolling his eyes, "Stay off the African continent!"

Such a snob.

I promise, Nigel!
Rickeybirds would be an invasive species!

Meanwhile, back at home...



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