The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

LOL Rickeybirds
*c o n t i n u e d*

Ricykebirds are not good community members.

I need a Rickeybird.
LOL Rickeybirds
*c o n t i n u e d*

Ricykebirds are not good community members.

I need a Rickeybird.

Always had a feeling that you had been living two lives! And, the really crazy part just showed its face.

You could PM Rival, and possible arrange a visitation - not sure you could get away with an extended visit! Mom is likely watching, Ooops this is her Thread!

No reason to look here, nothing going on! Nope nothing going on here!
OH MY GOD, Gail, the Salty pic just arrived! Thank you so much, this is going in my office at work, so I can see Salty all the time. How did you get his eye so 3 dimensional? It follows you around as you change viewing angles. I got to get a really nice frame to set it off. And you left the color tests in the back , that was interesting to see how you matched it up. Anyone can get their bird painted by you is getting a true piece of art! Thanks again, and RB should be getting a nice bell in a day or two, from Salty.
Mr. Good Wrench,
I am so thrilled that you're happy. I specialize in 3-d follow-you eyes in all my portraits, peoples and parrots. Yeah, I do heavy textures and layers of paper as I "build" a bird.
Thanks for letting me immortalize the Salty One.
Really, really nice work Gail. I see lots of technique, unique and thoughtful. You should do like an on-line gallery show sometime.
There's always my eBay gallery, but my life here in our parrot community is more precious. Thank you again. Charlotte's next!
I cannot decide if the Rickeybird is worse at dancing or singing. And since I would have to watch and listen to more in order to determine, I think I will just leave the question to posterity. :cool:

Rickeybird will show you his posterity. But...but...buttfeathered!

In the interest of continuing education...
Lexicon Update
re POSTERIORITY, word coined by Rival and Kentuckienne...

Performed by a perching parrot, the act of turning the back and hoisting the tail, thus exposing the nether-feathers in a display of defiance, mockery, or mischief.
Buttfeather, buttfeathers, buttfeathering, buttfeathered
"The bird would often buttfeather his owner when feeling ignored."
Synonym: "moon" (slang, obsolete)
Illustration (using the now obsolete term "mooning")
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Rival, I just put your imaginary slingshot in an imaginary wood-chipper.

Meanwhile, back at the Rickeybird Ranch...

*c o n t i n u e d*

I think it sets an international precedent. I'm going to report the missus' bird for property destruction, robbery, burglary, domestic violence, felonious assault, and abuse of other animals, and I HAVE EVIDENCE in photo and film AND eye witnesses (other than my wife, who always covers for him). He's goin' DOWN.

*c o n t i n u e d*


This is indicative of how badly abused and brainwashed you are, my dear.
You continue to "LOVE" and champion your "boyfriend" who abuses you while ogling and singing about another woman's booty. Good thing he's locked up at the moment. I may alert Jennifer Lopez that she is being cyber-stalked by an anti-social Patagonian CON.
I think it sets an international precedent. I'm going to report the missus' bird for property destruction, robbery, burglary, domestic violence, felonious assault, and abuse of other animals, and I HAVE EVIDENCE in photo and film AND eye witnesses (other than my wife, who always covers for him). He's goin' DOWN.

The UN is worthless in most regards! Interpol is under the guides of the EU and therefore just as worthless for your needs, since the crimes are not in their backyard, not to mention that they have been really busy of late.

You could try ICE, but the rumor is they have been busy, well that's the rumor.

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