The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

There's more, LeaKP!

There's alwayzszszszsz more...

Here we have available state-of-the-art new housing for Rickeybirds in their native Patagonian limestone cliff burrows. (Courtesy of a Chilean research/conservation project; note... I borrowed one of their graphics... the humor is all mine. THEY'RE a very serious project!)

LOL Rickeybirds

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There's more, LeaKP!

There's alwayzszszszsz more...

Here we have available state-of-the-art new housing for Rickeybirds in their native Patagonian limestone cliff burrows. (Courtesy of a Chilean research/conservation project; note... I borrowed one of their graphics... the humor is all mine. THEY'RE a very serious project!)

LOL Rickeybirds

Excellent idea. I am willing to establish/support a subsidy-charity to underwrite the return of all Patagonian Conures to their native land. It's politically correct. No humans allowed. I would reluctantly but humbly agree. *GRIN*

The Rickeybird STILL hates the DEMON BALL!

The gift that keeps on giving... it NEVER gets old!

Mr. Goodwrench (Al) gave us this toy ages ago (as the virgin adventure in the 'Members Give Away' thread). The Rickeybird seems to relish vanquishing it from his palatial penthouse estate. The ball has retained its powers! I let the bird blow off steam by trashing it a few times, nightly, before we settle down for evening cuddling 'vespers'. A mighty rooster needs to boot a demon or two before relaxing with his hen.

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - DEMON BALL - STILL! - YouTube[/ame]
This is a special post for me.
Some of you know that our member Marileen makes amazing crochet art, some traditional and some very innovative, such as 3-D "sculptures". She can make ANYTHING out of yarn, I think. Recently she offered to make me a Rickeybird, and I gratefully accepted. She absolutely refused to let me pay, so... in return, I used my art medium (painting) to make a portrait of her two African Greys, Harry and Toon, very personalized (with their different shadings and postures, as well as Harry's "special" foot). We agreed to post our portraits here, in thanks to everybody for making this a community where stuff like this can happen, and also to show off our boys!
Okay, Marileen... post that Patagonian!

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He still hates that ball, huh? I like the way he beats it up, then says "I am DONE with you, pal. Overboard you go!".
He hates it! But nothing puts him in a better mood than to toss it.

Sometimes (maybe one out of every ten times that he picks it up and slams it down) it bounces backwards at him and bonks him on the beak or head. That absolutely enrages him, and he has to hold it down and bite it several times before ejecting it.

I really think that's what makes the Evil Bounceyball so uniquely demonic for him. It fights back when he least expects it.
This is a special post for me.
Some of you know that our member Marileen makes amazing crochet art, some traditional and some very innovative, such as 3-D "sculptures". She can make ANYTHING out of yarn, I think. Recently she offered to make me a Rickeybird, and I gratefully accepted. She absolutely refused to let me pay, so... in return, I used my art medium (painting) to make a portrait of her two African Greys, Harry and Toon, very personalized (with their different shadings and postures, as well as Harry's "special" foot). We agreed to post our portraits here, in thanks to everybody for making this a community where stuff like this can happen, and also to show off our boys!
Okay, Marileen... post that Patagonian!

Tadaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.......I present The SilentRickyBird :D:D



Gail your painting of my GreyBoys is so beautiful!!!!
The expression in the eyes ..... the figure of Toon ..... Harry's paw!!!!
I love the SILENT Rickeybird!
From the beady little eyes right down to the skinny pink feet and pointy toenails!
I don't know how you DO that stuff!
I love him!
This is a special post for me.
Some of you know that our member Marileen makes amazing crochet art, some traditional and some very innovative, such as 3-D "sculptures". She can make ANYTHING out of yarn, I think. Recently she offered to make me a Rickeybird, and I gratefully accepted. She absolutely refused to let me pay, so... in return, I used my art medium (painting) to make a portrait of her two African Greys, Harry and Toon, very personalized (with their different shadings and postures, as well as Harry's "special" foot). We agreed to post our portraits here, in thanks to everybody for making this a community where stuff like this can happen, and also to show off our boys!
Okay, Marileen... post that Patagonian!

Tadaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.......I present The SilentRickyBird :D:D



Gail your painting of my GreyBoys is so beautiful!!!!
The expression in the eyes ..... the figure of Toon ..... Harry's paw!!!!

Seems that somebody has a problem with the SBird (Silent Rickeybird)...

This just in... The Rickeybird still has it!
Watch and be impressed as the mighty Patagonian rooster shows off his swaggg... beak-clicking and strutting. Move over, Steven Seagull.

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He DOES sound like a Geiger counter!
And you're absolutely right: when he's swaggin', he's at his most dangerous.
It's a rooster thang.

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