The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

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  • #461
Allee, LeaKP, Luvvvvvvv you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kentuckienne... on YouTube, the complete collection is on the channel
"rickeybirdproductions". I need to change/add that link. Thanks!!!!


LOL Rickeybirds

Hang in there, RB! I'm sending you birdie bread with a surprise inside! ~Harry
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  • #464
Oh, GEEEEEZ, the jailbird is gonna make a break for it!

So Harry likes the bad boys? This could result in charging Harry with conspiracy to free a digicidal maniac...

I give up. I'll just let him loose.
Haha, Harry does love the bad boys! I doubt she would even notice a new charge added to her long and illustrious criminal record!
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  • #467
Thank you! Thank you!

Have I said lately that this site has rejuvenated my joy in that journey, and enriches our lives daily? Well, I just said it again.

Thank you, Community!
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  • #469
Kentuckienne... you can do anything you want: you and yours have brought me so many grins and giggles! Speaking of which... I thought this video was lost, but I found it!!!! Wrench's vid of Salty laughing (in the "What's Your Bird's Funniest?" thread) got me looking for it. It's the Rbird imitating my irritating giggle. *CRINGE*

[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - giggle - YouTube[/ame]
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  • #477
About catching the bop assaults...

Kentuckienne et al...

I just realized that I'm going to have to catch that bop asssault using old-school techniques. The fights with the Demon Bounceyball only happen when he's on top of the penthouse roof. And of course there's no way I can leave him out alone. And I never put the ball INTO the cage with him... he thrashes it and himself senseless. Back to the future... I'll just have to keep trying. I'm actually concerned that he has perfected his technique to the extent that he prevents it from attacking him. Hard to say. But I'm still on it!
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  • #479
Honestly, he seems to feel really good after he ejects it a couple of times. I have watched lots of wild Rickeybirds, and the males defend their cliff burrows year 'round, spatting and snapping and seemingly trying to toss each other down the canyon walls. The entrances are only a few feet apart, so they fight a lot. I think maybe it's good for him. Or at least sort of natural...

[ame=""]Colonia de loros barranqueros más grande del mundo- Balneario El condor - YouTube[/ame]
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Archie is just the same with the orange wooden cylinders he has and if you go to clean up poop with paper towel. He seems really happy with himself that he's vanquished the evil things [emoji3]

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