The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates



Errrrrmmmm.....that's less of a mask and more of a Mankini!

(Borat approves :D )


(Never thought we'd see the day when the Rickeybird was naughtier than Borat, yet here we are!)
My loves, my loves, my loves! How do I ever do without you? I don't! You are always held and cherished right here.

Does the Rickeybird share my sentiments? Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure!
At one point, I was away from him for many days (the most ever in our 30+ years together). I was of course beyond desolation in my certainty that he was grieving himself into a shivering little feathery skeleton. My ol' man assured me that the bird was eating, playing, preening, screaming and carrying on amazingly as usual. Oh, I didn't believe it, no way! Well, when I returned home, my first stop was of course the cage. Without hesitation or variation, the Rickeybird perked right up, showing off his usual healthy featheration, bright eyes and rosy pink feet, and hopped to his regular perch whereupon he always awaits his first green chile of the day, and barked "HELLO!", signalling his usual impatience with the room service. It was as if he were saying "Oh, yeah, hi, where's my pepper?" Since then? Business as usual.
Life is good.

That's my boy.


Back to 2021!


Welcome back dearest Gail! My, some Roosters are petulant and food-obsessed beyond belief. The loyalty!! :D
Sunshine! (More apt a nickname has never been given!) Welcome back, my dear friend! You were sorely missed! And don't let the RB's irascible manner fool you. He missed you almost as much as he misses his green chiles between servings! And that's HUGE!
Speaking of GREEN CHILES, I think it's time for me to raise my gnarly head as Scrapbook Archivist again. For those of you who are new to the ol' Scrapbook, I occasionally fulfill this role when I think that a topic merits some extra attention. Sorta like a trip down Memory Lane, looking at previous posts. Without further ado.............................................

"Green Chile Playboy"

"Green Chile Girlfriend"

"Green Chile Love Song"
Cover Your Ears
[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - The Rbird romances his daily green chile - YouTube[/ame]

"Greeeeeeeeeen Chile Harem... all finished*
That "Green Chile Love Song" gets me every time... those lilting, heartfelt, dulcet Patagonian tones of love. Oh, my little darling dear, my own.
[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - The Rbird romances his daily green chile - YouTube[/ame]
What a lovely interlude!
On with the Scrapbooking!
That is freaking hilarious !!! Like an ode to green chilies.
I'm sure Paul McCartney wrote a song called "Chile Love Songs" didn't he??

"The Rb wants to fill the world
With Chile Love Songs,
And what's wrong with that?
I'd like to know" :) :smile015:

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LaMartina has your Ode right here, Mr. Wrench!

Marty, I salute you. Chile Love Songs, indeed. A monumental find, and a monumntal Scrapbook addition. Thank you.
I'm sure Paul McCartney wrote a song called "Chile Love Songs" didn't he??

"The Rb wants to fill the world
With Chile Love Songs,
And what's wrong with that?
I'd like to know" :) :smile015:
New Addition to the Rickeybird Scrapbook Hall of Fame.
CHILE Love Songs
[ame=""]Wings - Silly Love Songs [Original 1976 Music Video + HQ Audio] - YouTube[/ame]
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Hee hee hee, love it! Now of course I'll be running around the house singing CHILE love songs for the rest of the day. THANKS! Lol!
Thank you, Aunty G! It's a tremendous honour to have my humble contribution to the Scrapbook elevated to such levels of monumentalness!!

I do believe that it was "Chile Love Songs" that earned Sir Paul his knighthood, and deservedly so too :)
Well, as Archivist and all-around Scrapbook Scholar, I was floored by this amazing addition. I intend to construct an official CHILE LOVE SONG trophy which will serve as an all-purpose Reset, Reward, and/or Recognition for worthy contributions. The first one will of course go out to LaMartina as soon as I get it all Photoshopped and cutesied up. Then I'll give myself one for coming up with it!
O Mr Rival, that's very kind of you, but a trophy is not at all necessary! The mere ability to contribute to your magnificent Scrapbook (and to leave an earworm running rampant in your brain for days on end!) is all the reward I will ever need :)
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And this first edition goes out to..........................LaMartina!


That "Green Chile Love Song" gets me every time.
rickeybirdproductions - YouTube

I'm sure Paul McCartney wrote a song called "Chile Love Songs" didn't he??
"The Rb wants to fill the world
With Chile Love Songs,
And what's wrong with that?
I'd like to know" :) :smile015:
Thanks to LaMartina for the video detective work!

Only available in the Rickeybird Scrapbook!​
Thank you Mr Rival, I am truly privileged and humbled to receive honourable mention from such a Noble and Distinguished Archivist as yourself! But you should know, of all the rare finds on the whole of the interwebz, that you Rival, your Good Lady and that rascally Rb are the rarest, and most definitely the finest find of all :smile015:
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Well, I'll be darned. I wanted to find something really cool to post, so I Googled "chile love songs, parrot" and guess what popped up.
The Scrapbook post itself!

Thank you, Rival and Marty. Good fun. Love it!


[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - The Rbird romances his daily green chile - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Wings - Silly Love Songs [Original 1976 Music Video + HQ Audio] - YouTube[/ame]​
Ah!! How I missed Rival and your hilarious contributions! And the Rickeybird? Yeah, him too.

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