The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Ah, the RickeyBird Christmas spirit! SO many memories !

Gift idea - The RickeyBird Christmas SongBook! Only available on ...................wait for it................................................................................................AMAZON

Heh Heh

Another side splitter, for sure! And, holding to my promise, no refreshments -- a dry mouth! :D

Great humor Al!!!
Well of course, AMAZON! :D
Ah, the RickeyBird Christmas spirit! SO many memories !

Gift idea - The RickeyBird Christmas SongBook! Only available on ...................wait for it................................................................................................AMAZON

Heh Heh


Nice one, Master Wrench :D
AMMMMMMAZZZZZZZZON................... still laffin' about that one!!!!!!
GOOD ONE! lololol
And in further thanks, no good deed goes unpunished on Planet Rb, so here is --------

The sixth parody (@2017) from the Rickeybird Holiday Songbook.
I'm including a link to the original, for those of you who may not be afficionados of 1950s novelty tunes.


[ame=""]I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
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I'd much rather have a Rickeybird than a hippopotamus for Christmas!
Well, Terry, I'd say he's all yours, but I'd be outvoted hereabouts.

Okay, here's the last of the recycled parodies. The next and final one is all new for 2020!

And with that, I give you the following, sung to the tune (or at least part of it) of
"The Twelve Days of Christmas"


Merry Christmas, everybody!
"SEND NOW OR DIE." LOL, gets me every time :D

Happy Christmas and much love from our flock to yours! :smile015:
And finally... this year's new songbook addition is a version of a beloved classic, dedicated to all the dear avian souls who have passed on to the next realm.

In particular, it's for Terry's beloved little Phoe. We will never forget you, little rooster.

"I'll be Home for Birdmas"
(sung to the Tune of
"I'll Be Home for Christmas")

"I'lllll be home for Birrrrdmassssss...
You can plan on me...
Though I've crossed that Rainbow Bridggggge...
I'll still be home... you'll see!
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in our dreams!"

The Original
[ame=""]Phoe Will Be Home For Christmas | LYRICS | Bing Crosby - YouTube[/ame]​

Happy Holidays, good friends!
And finally... this year's new songbook addition is a version of a beloved classic, dedicated to all the dear avian souls who have passed on to the next realm.

In particular, it's for Terry's beloved little Phoe. We will never forget you, little rooster.

"I'll be Home for Birdmas"
(sung to the Tune of
"I'll Be Home for Christmas")

"I'lllll be home for Birrrrdmassssss...
You can plan on me...
Though I've crossed that Rainbow Bridggggge...
I'll still be home... you'll see!
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in our dreams!"

The Original
Phoe Will Be Home For Christmas | LYRICS | Bing Crosby - YouTube

Happy Holidays, good friends!

With tears of joyous memories, I see you my sweet feathered love.
Fond moments stream though my heart and warm my soul dear one.
Missing (each of) you goes without need for words, only warm tears dear one(s).
Especially on this special day, you are missed...
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And finally... this year's new songbook addition is a version of a beloved classic, dedicated to all the dear avian souls who have passed on to the next realm.

In particular, it's for Terry's beloved little Phoe. We will never forget you, little rooster.

"I'll be Home for Birdmas"
(sung to the Tune of
"I'll Be Home for Christmas")

"I'lllll be home for Birrrrdmassssss...
You can plan on me...
Though I've crossed that Rainbow Bridggggge...
I'll still be home... you'll see!
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in our dreams!"

The Original
Phoe Will Be Home For Christmas | LYRICS | Bing Crosby - YouTube

Happy Holidays, good friends!

Gail, this is so heartbreakingly beautiful, my Friend, and will resonate with so many. Thank you so much for posting this, it was perfect.
Wishing you, Rival, Rb & Pinkie a very Merry Christmas and sending much love to you.
It's a time of year for memories, isn't it?
Thanks, Boatsie-woatsie. You're a big ol' serious nuts-n-bolts kind of guy, but you are as sweet and sentimental as they come.
Bless ya, Terrio. Since Phoe's passing was on December 30th, he will always be part of our holiday celebrations. Well, really, that goes for all our lost loves, for sure.
And it's a great time to hold our darlings close. 2020 has reminded us that anything can happen anytime to anybody, anywhere.
Doggone it, I am ready to welcome 2021!
Hugs to all.
Love you Sunshine!
One of the fun things about an international forum like this is learning about customs around the world. BOXING DAY is observed in some countries on the day after Christmas. It celebrates elements of charity, shopping, re-gifting, and more, and it has found a place in the ol' Scrapbook.


Happy Boxing, parronts and fids alike!
At long last... 2021 is upon us!

Sing along with The Rickeybird
(to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne")


Happy New Year, Parrot Forums!
The Rickeybird Family couldn't have survived 2020 without you!
Heeheehee! Thank you Gail, and thank you Rickybird! That's perfect. :) Just a few more hours, and 2020 can disappear into the history books. Good riddance!
Thank you Aunty G, and sending much love and a Happy New Year's wish for The Rickeybird Posse from beautiful Briz Vegas, where it's 2021 already! Come on in folks, the water's fine :)
Happy 2021 to all birdz and their servants!

This is the first yearend I have so longingly looked forward too! Watching the celebrations as time works is magic as the Earth turns has been a joy to see... Yes, its Santa's secret for visiting all the children, but this year it is also my joy in watching the coming change...

Celebration started earlier today as I was able to enjoy a snowmobile ride with just enough snow to make it possible (smooth) and over landscape that I know and enjoy. The cobwebs slid away and it was truly worthwhile. Yes, we are at the cabin, it snowed Tuesday night after our arrival and it took the better part of Wednesday to connect to the World, if we want too.

From the pease of the backwoods to around the World, we wish each of you a joyful New Year!

Yes, I know that no one can say it better than Rickeybird, but from the Boats' to each of you may you enjoy the Year coming to its fullest...
Let us cherish the good that came out of 2020 (f'rexample, learning to cherish our essential workers, voting in record numbers, triumphs of medical science in vaccine research, etc.) and happily commit the rest towards the dumpster-fire of history.

Happy 2021, my good friends!
Thank you, dearest darlings, thank you. :10::10::10:
You, too, Rival. :p

And moving along RIGHT ALONG INTO 2021...

It's International Hypnotism Day tomorrow!
Of course, the Rickeybird thinks it's all about him...

Oh, Rickeybird!

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