The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Yes, indeedy, Wrench, old Sport. All scrapbooking aside, if we we were closer neighbors, there'd be no wenches or pirate parties safe on the Eastern Seabord, and no Patagonians or McCartneys invited. Cheers!
Well, I'll be darned. I wanted to find something really cool to post, so I Googled "chile love songs, parrot" and guess what popped up.
The Scrapbook post itself!

Thank you, Rival and Marty. Good fun. Love it!


rickeybirdproductions - The Rbird romances his daily green chile - YouTube
Wings - Silly Love Songs [Original 1976 Music Video + HQ Audio] - YouTube

I don't think Mr. GoodWrench needs any help in the swashbuckling department.
(Rival The Hater is just pouty because the Patagonian and the Beatle ddn't invite him to their parties!)
Party on, Silly Chile Lovers!
It is becoming common to complete a goole search and end-up here on Parrotforum! Seems that Parrotforum is becoming a regarded Parrot source! :D
Ain't that the truth, Boats? It's really true!
I follow a person on Twitter who is designing parrot tarot cards. Yesterday I peeked in to see what they were working on and found this!


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So... Kinght of Rods is an old-school card, eh? Hmmm... "the depiction of this card seems to suggest a fiercely energetic, restless person who is not ready to settle down".
I love it. You have forever added something new and interesting to our Scrapbook.
We hereby annoint you the Mistress of Tarot-nes of the Scrapbook! Congratulations. The Rickeybird says to tell you that he is eternally grateful. And so am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Knight of Rods!
And look at his little helmet!
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Hmmm, does anyone else see a likeness of: The Knight of Rods with a well known Parrot about town?
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The Mistress of Tarot-ness. That’s a title I never even imagined would be mine. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude.


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The first and last experience that I had with 'tarot cards' was at a Kanas City Convention Hotel long ago. The individual was using population % (my opinion) in the assigning mean; past /future/current and was missing me to a point that it was sad. Anyway, that ended any interest is such cards. I'll have to reconsider the 'art' now that Parrots are involved. :D
I follow a person on Twitter who is designing parrot tarot cards. Yesterday I peeked in to see what they were working on and found this!


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Kinda looks like RB...head gear and all saying "go forth and plunder" wouldn't put it past him.

GO FORTH AND PLUNDER? Of course, Rickeybird the Plunderer!

If you draw this card, I predict that you'll be needing a good bail/bondsman (and a few thousand dubloons you can spare to lose) ere the sun setteth on yon horizon!

The artwork is a classic piece of work, too... the "burrowing parrot" was the original common name for yon Cyanoliseus patagonus, forsooth.

I am so happy to know this. Inger, I will absolutely want a deck. I'll be counting on your Tarot-brokering to help me secure one, lassie! I'll buy you one, too!

I think we all should know the Tarot-ness of our darlings!!!
It’s not complete-she’s been working on it for AGES-but I did send a tweet asking if there was an end in sight. I think it’s really wonderful!

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I'm gonna follow this with baited breath!
And I decided to enter the POTM Contest this month...


Before there was a PARROT FORUMS Rickeybird Scrapbook, there was an old-school hard copy scrapbook, dating back to 1984.

I believe this is the oldest photo of him. He barely had his "big-boy" feathers, with short tail and stubby wings. Those beady little eyes haven't changed a bit... okay, neither have mine.
And... a few short decades later...

The Rb had to go see his veterinarian for a regular check-up.
An attendant came to the waiting room to fetch us. As she looked at his file, she said... "Wowie, he's gonna be 37 next month!" This met with remarks and exclamations from everybody there.
"He's older than I am!"
"He's older than my mother!"
"Is he really still alive?"
"Birds get that old???"
"You had him ALL THIS TIME???"

And a kid said "Gee, how old are YOU??????"
So there I am, feeling like Lady Methuselah and her pet bird, as I hurry down the hall to the exam room...

Safe in the room, at last.

The ancient one.

"Well, if you didn't tell my age, they'd never guess it!"
LOL, The Ancient One. You Crack me up, girl! O WIZENED SWAMI, speak forth your wisdom! "BRAAACCCCKKKK !!!".
In life, it is generally our kids that define our age! But, as we are finding, our Parrots seem to provide equal and more surprising definitions!

Be brave Dear Lady! After all, there is great pride to having a Parrot that had been with you since you had been but a young child! :D
Wizened Swami, notwithstanding! Indeed, gentlemen, clearly, I was a small girl not yet in grade school when this parrot darkened my doorway!

As the Rickeybird says...
"Fafffvv mmugghummff jju jurrr mmmmfffgghhuf!"
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