The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

He's at it again, Laura!


Oh, Rickeybird!

But seriously, it's an inspirational day...
Whether they’re your backyard’s star cardinal or the common pigeons that flock to and fro in the park, birds have always held a spot of fascination, love, and adoration in our hearts. There’s a certain awe that can only be tapped into when watching an eagle soar. Unfortunately, most birds are either endangered or protected, this is mostly due to habitat loss or illegal pet trade.
That’s why the Avian Welfare Coalition created National Bird Day: to raise awareness of the hardships and plights of these important animals and how we can initiate the change needed to create a healthier, more sustainable relationship with them.
Birds are often considered living links to the past, being the closest-related animals to the evolution of dinosaurs. They’re often keystone species in the ecosystems, signifiers of its health and vitality. For example, the holes left behind by woodpeckers are often used as homes for a large variety of other animals. That means if woodpeckers were to run out of a food source – or out of the right kinds of trees – so, too, would all the animals dependent on their pecking skills.
While National Bird Day may be relatively new, having been founded in 2002, the adversity that birds have had to face is nothing novel to the animal kingdom. Just ask the Dodo, the Labrador Duck, or the Passenger Pigeon, considered sacred by many Native American tribes and often the subject of many works of American art until its demise."

Julio was in full celebration mode yesterday and with great luck, no children where wounded and general adult blood loss was at a minimum!

Happy the wonderful day past without a hospital run... :D
Today is National "CORN THAT POP's day!!!

January 19, 2021

A favorite day of all that enjoy the intrigue in the happenings on the Parrottforum!!!

Today is National "CORN THAT POP's day!!!

January 19, 2021

A favorite day of all that enjoy the intrigue in the happenings on the Parrottforum!!!


I wonder if RK is getting his fill today? Where is Lea an her flock?:confused:

Ms Gale, checking in. You all doing OK? many members I haven't seen in a long time :o

Lea and RK
Desi and her Conures
Billdore and Perry
Katie and Jasper
Tami and Levi
Lord Triggs
and many more,and of course our Ms Gail and RB (Rival too)

I pray everyone is ok!

Tami still posts once in awhile, but yah, many have dropped off.
The effects of suffering the elongated social distancing and lockdown Nationally and Worldwide. International turmoil as different countries approach limiting resources, especially 'online' time in areas that do not have the national bandwidth enjoyed by other nations. Add the effects of limited medical services and individuals avoiding medial support that when they do need it the stay commonly is extended. Plus any number of other emotional and physical effects caused when our social self is limited.

Sorry for the intrigue, but near everyone is effected very differently by this Worldwide Monster Virus. Some stories I know, others are little more than a guess based on much, maybe too much, on what and where.

Huge Warm Amazon Feather Hugs and Heartfelt Prayers for each!!!
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Fresh-off the Parrot AP!

Sunshine has released a message of being Alive! Awaiting conformation from RB, but he could be busy keeping an eye on his GF.

Prayers and Huge Amazon Feathers Hugs Dear Friend!!!
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Happy New Yyyyyy... uh...

Okay, the ol' Rickeybird Srapbook fell off the grid there, didn't it?
Forgive me? Forgive me!
There befell upon me and the Scrapbook a great spate of interwoven events involving medical and logistical challenges. To recount these events in such a way as to do them justice would toss a mighty scourge of detail and distraction where too much time has already been lost to them.
Suffice to say that the Scrapbook's better angels
abided and prevailed.
The Scrapbook is back... or... is still here...
Thanks for the communications and messages and loves.
Looks like 2020 prepared us pretty well for 2021.


Are ya with me, folks????? XOXOXOXOXOXO
Looking forward to catching up on new birds, new stuff, old birds, old stuff...
Love you all.
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And just like that, the sun comes out again! Yup we are with you all the waaaaa-haaaaay-haaaaayyy-haaaaaaaayyyyyyy Aunty G, wouldn't wanna do it without you and the Rickmeister and His Rivalryness. Loving youse all!! :smile015::smile015::smile015:

Exactly! Nice to see a post from my buddy! Don't keep doing this to me Ms Gail..I'm too decrepid fro all the stress.

Happy New Yyyyyy... uh...

Okay, the ol' Rickeybird Srapbook fell off the grid there, didn't it?
Forgive me? Forgive me!
There befell upon me and the Scrapbook a great spate of interwoven events involving medical and logistical challenges. To recount these events in such a way as to do them justice would toss a mighty scourge of detail and distraction where too much time has already been lost to them.
Suffice to say that the Scrapbook's better angels
abided and prevailed.
The Scrapbook is back... or... is still here...
Thanks for the communications and messages and loves.
Looks like 2020 prepared us pretty well for 2021.


Are ya with me, folks????? XOXOXOXOXOXO
Looking forward to catching up on new birds, new stuff, old birds, old stuff...
Love you all.

Couldn't agree more about 2021....ugh
Yaaaaaaayyy! Welcome back, Miss Gaily Sunshine! No need to ask, OF COURSE we're with you! :)
Ahhh so glad to see you!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My loves, my loves, my loves! How do I ever do without you? I don't! You are always held and cherished right here.

Does the Rickeybird share my sentiments? Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure!
At one point, I was away from him for many days (the most ever in our 30+ years together). I was of course beyond desolation in my certainty that he was grieving himself into a shivering little feathery skeleton. My ol' man assured me that the bird was eating, playing, preening, screaming and carrying on amazingly as usual. Oh, I didn't believe it, no way! Well, when I returned home, my first stop was of course the cage. Without hesitation or variation, the Rickeybird perked right up, showing off his usual healthy featheration, bright eyes and rosy pink feet, and hopped to his regular perch whereupon he always awaits his first green chile of the day, and barked "HELLO!", signalling his usual impatience with the room service. It was as if he were saying "Oh, yeah, hi, where's my pepper?" Since then? Business as usual.
Life is good.

That's my boy.


Back to 2021!

They miss us so much.......sometimes...:rolleyes:


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