The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Let's make it OFFICIAL!
The DOG is the official Manuka of the Rickeybird Scrapbook.
A brief anthology and theme song...

[ame=""]Footrot Flats The Dog's Tale - Trailer - YouTube[/ame]

And there you have it!
Fair dinkum Ms Gail, this is the best whānau a Dog ever had!
And as if it's not bad enough to find a faithful guard Dog on duty when tryin' to raid the Hen House ......


.... we can always call on "Irish" Murphy's pigs for backup!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd... speaking of interlopers...


The other morning, this baby crow (see the bluish eyes and scruffy, round body?) was hanging out on our front porch after having fledged, and flapped, flightless, from the nest. His parents were never far, feeding him and squawking to him. He left a huge selection of poops on the porch, which my ol' man had to hose off much later. It's usually best to leave everything alone as Nature works things out. Sure enough, in the afternoon, he flew to a nearby branch. Now he's high in the trees somewhere.
These photos were all through a window.

I just HAD to channel the Rickeybird for his birdly advice...


"Okay lookie here this lil birdy was trying to horn in on my hen an my terrtorryy yesterday an I which am the Rickeybird wasnt havin none of it
he was a lil rooster I CAN
TELL , now hey if was a lil hen well maybe could be differnt but NOPE.
So he op
up his mouth at me like he gonna say something an i just said YOU GO WAY!
an that was that.
Okay, that is a
signed, me w
hich am The Rickeybird"

Ahhh, The Rb is such a generous soul.

I named the little visitor "Nineteen"... get it? Corvid 19???
SOMEBODY left a familiar-looking poop on the porch this morning. I like to think it was my little buddy Nineteen.

I wanted you all to meet him!

I swear, this "chick" flapped around all over our porch for the better part of the day before he flew off. There was more poop than I ever saw in my life. It was evvvvvvvvvvverywhere, steps, patio furniture, railings, everywhere. Took me an hour to power wash everything clean.
You're welcome, Nineteen. Don't come back to thank me.
Nuthin' like cleanin' up bird poop to keep ya humble, 'eh Rival??
Awwwwww little 19! So cute! It also reminds me of my favorite uncle and my cousin, who are cattle farmers. I wanted to know what all of the calves were named. Well. Apparently you don’t name them. They called them by the numbers on their ear tags. “That one there is little nine.”

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I'm see this guy as 19+ as the other is clearly 19-

The parents had clearly taking good care of the little guy. Proof provided by volume! Carry onward 19+
Thank you, dear friends, dear LaM and Inger (I LOVE that story!) and Boatsie!

Good grief, Rival (aka my ol' man) has done nothing but kvetch about the poop!

I tell you, it was GLORIOUS! There were gigantic plops of poop absolutely everywhere, pooling on the steps, splashing on the ramparts, streaming down the walls, meandering in and out of the furniture nooks and crannies... proclaiming to the world that this was a well-fed, healthy, robust young corvid!

And the surprise plop yesterday was such a welcome souvenir!

Yessssssssssssssssss, GLORIOUS!
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd... speaking of interlopers...


The other morning, this baby crow (see the bluish eyes and scruffy, round body?) was hanging out on our front porch after having fledged, and flapped, flightless, from the nest. His parents were never far, feeding him and squawking to him. He left a huge selection of poops on the porch, which my ol' man had to hose off much later. It's usually best to leave everything alone as Nature works things out. Sure enough, in the afternoon, he flew to a nearby branch. Now he's high in the trees somewhere.
These photos were all through a window.

I just HAD to channel the Rickeybird for his birdly advice...


"Okay lookie here this lil birdy was trying to horn in on my hen an my terrtorryy yesterday an I which am the Rickeybird wasnt havin none of it
he was a lil rooster I CAN
TELL , now hey if was a lil hen well maybe could be differnt but NOPE.
So he op
up his mouth at me like he gonna say something an i just said YOU GO WAY!
an that was that.
Okay, that is a
signed, me w
hich am The Rickeybird"

Ahhh, The Rb is such a generous soul.

I named the little visitor "Nineteen"... get it? Corvid 19???
SOMEBODY left a familiar-looking poop on the porch this morning. I like to think it was my little buddy Nineteen.

I wanted you all to meet him!


Yes indeedy! Just look at those beauteous blue peepers:) My fave color even.
Ms Gail throw out RB's noshed on used food for the little dood. Maybe he'll stick around and make frenz with you..annit will keep Kirby busy and out of the bars...whatelse does he have to do besides power wash "boon" whilst in lockdown????:D Oh...and if I remember correctly...didn't Steely-Dan do a song called "hey 19"? lol

Aunty Gail, I wonder if you’ve caught up with an amazing raven in England called Fable? I stumbled across her on the interwebz a few weeks back. She’s so sweet, and so smart it’s scary!


As Fable would say, "Boop boop!"
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Corvid-19! Clever! Cute little baby, Abs! Though likely not so cute to poor Rival who's stuck with power washing duties. I've seen how crows throw down on the fecal front! Ouch. Lol!

And loved the video, Martina! Raven's are massively intelligent. Once, in a bird store, I watched one develop a game with my sons (5 years ago, so 7 and 4 at the time). Simple enough game, as it was basically 'follow the leader' with the raven doing a jumping move from one side of his massive cage to the other and encouraging my children to follow suit. But it wasn't so much the complexity of the game itself as the clever way he went about communicating to my boys the rules of this game and that he wanted to play with them.

I was amazed.
FABULOUS! Crows and ravens are such special, special, special, special birds. I am besotted with Fable. What a spectacular creature. Thank you, LaMartina.

And Stephen, wow! I had heard about stuff like that. Witnessing it, especially with the kids as participants? Just wow. I will have to ask you sometime: did the boys register that it was something unusual, or was it natural, like... just another fun interaction with another intelligent being?

And whilst we're contemplating the beauty of these interactions, Rival is watching the video intently, and I'm thinking "gee, he's really absorbing this!" until he exclaims...

"Man, I bet that thing makes poop the size of a Buick!"
Yes, darling, a Buick. Thank you.
My boys just thought it was really cool. Lol! But by this time, they'd seen all the tricks Bixby, Jolly and Maya could do, so bird to human interaction wasn't as unexpected as it would've been for me at that age. So, beyond the initial amazement, they were just too busy laughing with delight to much notice how unusual it might've been.

Hahahahaha! Of course that was his takeaway! Poor Rival is scarred!
FABULOUS! Crows and ravens are such special, special, special, special birds. I am besotted with Fable. What a spectacular creature. Thank you, LaMartina.

And whilst we're contemplating the beauty of these interactions, Rival is watching the video intently, and I'm thinking "gee, he's really absorbing this!" until he exclaims...

"Man, I bet that thing makes poop the size of a Buick!"
Yes, darling, a Buick. Thank you.


FABULOUS! Crows and ravens are such special, special, special, special birds. I am besotted with Fable. What a spectacular creature. Thank you, LaMartina.

And whilst we're contemplating the beauty of these interactions, Rival is watching the video intently, and I'm thinking "gee, he's really absorbing this!" until he exclaims...

"Man, I bet that thing makes poop the size of a Buick!"
Yes, darling, a Buick. Thank you.



Me too Uncle Jim, me too! :D
And, moving right along!

Could there be any more PERFECT holiday than...
National REPEAT Day!!??
Parrots of the world, help America celebrate!!!


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