The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

What a perfect moment to wish everybody a happy EAT-YOUR-VEGETABLES Day (tomorrow) and to encourage everybody to enter the June POTM Contest, which just happens to involve eating your veggies (aaaaaand fruits)!
Here's the POTM link!

Right, Rickeybird?


At great psychological risk, I have again agreed to channel the Rickeybird, who informs me that he has a good joke.



OMG Aunty Gail, that's terrible. But I love it! :D
Hahahahaha! RB's a riot!
Even his Honor, from on High was Belly Laughing with that one!

Julio elected to provide a recent retort:
A British Fleet Admiral and his DYH-Amazon walked into the Admiral's Rum Storehouse and .... (Sadly, the remainder of the story has been censored due to the nature of the material accidentally revived) ... .
Fellow PF-ers,
My (and the Rickeybird's) better half, GaleriaGila, is away-from-the-keyboard for a while....................
She'll be back soon.
I'll keep an eye on the ol' Scrapbook, meanwhile.
HAPPY FOURTH from our household.
(El Rivalo del Rickeybirdo)

The Boat's household wishes our dear friend 'GaleriaGila' a quick return to the keyboard! Have been missing her already... may the Sunshine... :D

And, a thank you for your celebration comments regarding the US's very special day which began in 1776 and continues until this very special weekend and with great hope, long into the future.

Your Good Friend,
Please let our Sunshine know how much she is missed around here!

The scrapbook couldn't be left in better hands, my Friend.
We love us some Abs and the Sunshine she brings! Please give her a plethora of hugs from her PF fam!
Thank you Kirby for the updates. Wishing dearest Gail strength, comfort, and love. Sending a universe of healing energy and positivity.
Please let her know I love and adore her and look forward to her return.

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Dear Gale and Kirby,

I miss you guys so much!! The Rickeybird..... well, lets say he IS an acquired taste.
They've been on my mind also..I sent Rival a PM some time ago but no reply. I hope all is well with them!

We would like to update everyone on what is going on with our beloved Gail.
She is dealing with some of the chronic Dystrophy issues that she has mentioned now and then. We step in to lighten the load when needed and are happy and honoured to do so.
We are encouraging her to take as long as she needs to feel better, and ask for everyone to keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She won't mind if you send her a message.
We appreciate the update Sweety... Thought's and prayer's from the "kid's" and I for Ms. Gail.

in the
Bad Penny Department

I'm back! Somewhat, sorta, semi-...

It felt like a big warm hug to see y'all have been keepin' the ol' Scrapbook warm for me.​


And, truly HUGE Amazon Feather Hugs and Our Prayers your way Sunshine!!!
Been missing you and the adventures of RB.

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