The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Okay, I'll stop.

Guards, seize him!!

Meanwhile I cannot believe I managed to miss the Rickster's birthday - I simply cannot imagine what could have pre-occupied my mind to such an extent! Maybe it was having to evict a rather large spider from the house to rescue my severely arachnophobic husband. Hottie indeed :rolleyes:

Anyway ......


Birthdays should last for more than one day anyway :)
"Overly Dramatic Owl" That's clearly the signal that your life is about to radically change if you continue to disturb the Hunt Silently Rule again!

Julio just pushes one's fingers off the keyboard and takes over...
Birthdays SHOULD last more than a day. A week or three, at least.
As soon as I complete my takeover of the world, I will see to this. And I'll put Julio in charge of enforcement.

03-20-2020, 12:50 AM
As the world continues to combat the Corona virus,
our sincere greetings and good wishes go out to those who are in any level of literal or emotional isolation.
I think this photo of a wild Rickeybird expresses the loneliness and uncertainty many of us are feeling.
It also reminds me of the peace we can find in our fids' presence.
Thanks for finding some solace, solidarity, and amusement in our Scrapbook.



I was just contemplating the upcoming weekend in the weird new Coronavirus Age. Out of curiosity, I found the first mention of it in the Scrapbook.

When I wrote this post back in March, it all felt like a very new and bizarre thing. Now it feels like a FAMILIAR and bizarre thing. A short couple of months ago, I think I felt that it would be settled and over somehow, somehow soon. Now, I know better.

Just as with life in general, the virus has become a staple of Scrapbook commiseration, support, and even humor.

I wish everybody a safe weekend. Thanks for reading.

"Okay, heads up peoples, tomorrow is ""Visit Your Relatives Day""
but you are all STAYIN' HOME, feeel me?
I got special security cam
s hidden all over the worrrrrrld to CATCH you,
matter of fack, I already see you gettin ready to sne
ak off.
Enforcement Parrot The Rickeybird which am ME, address P O bOX 123, Rickeybird Lane,
Oh Hi OH, usa, don't make me COME OVER there, cuz I aint payin NO fines, foolz!"


Oh, Rickeybird!
Major TOM, I hope your aim is better than this guy's ........

It used to be but now that is a very accurate description of my accuracy. My eyesight is VERY suspect and my hands shake. The more I try to calm my hands the worse they shake. If I'm shooting at you run a straight line away. I'll never get close to you. If you zig or zag you might be in danger.:D
Our Jail house Governor closed all the Ammo Shops a month ago. Seems that she had come to believe that some Michigan Folk where having way too much fun, even while social distancing!

FYI: She has three (3) signers for her updates now, seems her long and repetitive answers had been too much for one (1), then two (2), so she has added a third.

Hey, anyone else notice that there seems to be two types of signers: The common angry ones and the far less common far less grumpy ones... No disrespect here, only something I noted of late.

Anyway, back to a much better life with our Parrots; Julio had a very stressful day, it seems that between the heavy rains our backyard was turned into a gathering area for a wide cross-section of local animals: Deer, Turkey, Ducks and three Ravens (likely using us as a back way into Canada)... Add the four Robin families with chicks and the fill in sparrows in every other open spot and the yard was filled with life and one very stressed Amazon!
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Poor Julio... it must have been like a single King suddenly inheriting America, in some Orwellian Universe. Nightfall must have been a welcome return to peaceful domination.

America! Gotta love us!

And gotta love our little world melting pot here on the Parrot Forums!
Our Jail house Governor closed all the Ammo Shops a month ago. Seems that she had come to believe that some Michigan Folk where having way too much fun, even while social distancing!

FYI: She has three (3) signers for her updates now, seems her long and repetitive answers had been too much for one (1), then two (2), so she has added a third.

Hey, anyone else notice that there seems to be two types of signers: The common angry ones and the far less common far less grumpy ones... No disrespect here, only something I noted of late.

Anyway, back to a much better life with our Parrots; Julio had a very stressful day, it seems that between the heavy rains our backyard was turned into a gathering area for a wide cross-section of local animals: Deer, Turkey, Ducks and three Ravens (likely using us as a back way into Canada)... Add the four Robin families with chicks and the fill in sparrows in every other open spot and the yard was filled with life and one very stressed Amazon!

...and the ENTIRE weekend here was gorgeous! Sunny and in the 70's! It has been sooo unseasonably cold and wet here.The fid's were in rare form Saturday! Since Amy comes out during the day and Beebs in the evening ( Amy will just NOT leave him alone,if both are out at the same time Amy HAS to be near him and that means if BB is on me,well,Amy wants to be too)
Amy,as usual,was sitting on BB's roof as Beebs was singing and whistling and beating the crap out of one of his toys in his house as Amy (and this is no story) talked to him for THIRTY minutes :eek: Every word/phrase he knows and then some,and LOUD with inflections in his voice lol. David was amazed.."I have never heard him talk so much!"

So I took Amy for a ride to get supplies. I knew I was going to have to wear a mask at the pet store. I was freaking out that something on my face would freak him out so I wore it in the car. He grabbed the elastic band and snapped it back on my cheek! :eek: Then grabbed my beard and YANKED on it instead of his usual preen job and trying to remove my sunglasses. Wrestled/chewed my finger with amazing self-control and bite pressure. At the petshop everyone was wearing PPE and it didn't seem to bother him as he greeted a few patrons with "hello's" and Amazon speak.We stopped for lunch at the local Arbys where I shared my chicken/bacon burger and curley fries..He ate a big piece of tomato some lettuce strands a small piece of chicken and a tiny piece of cheese and nibbled at the bun..another good day with my green dino.

Another beautiful day here and we're going to do some errands.

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Now THAT is a great Corona story. Love it. The fids have to figure everything out for themselves. I'd give a million bucks to see Amy snapping the mask-strap. Oh, my GAWWWWD, would I?!
Thank you, Jim. Thank you for this!
You know the expression "it in't over 'till the fat lady sings"?
Well, here in our PF world, it ain't over until the fids say it is!
Your humble Scrapbooker has channeled the Rickeybird again.
Here he is...


"Oh hey yeah, this here is me which am the Rickeybird an I got a headsup which is this.
TOMORROW is America National Rescue Dog Day right here!
So few years ago, somebody brought this here little bird home from some henhouse called a recue program, whatever,
her name is dog
not a very good looking hen no feathers cant talk not one egg yet, cant talk nor sing.
but i like her, i throw pellets at her an she chases em which is pretty funny for sure! Toss pellets up against wall she crashes into it!!!!!! Hehehehehehehe!
So ALL YOU OUT THErE BE LIKE ME WHICH Am THE RICKeyBIRD and help a lil hen like this one out!
Is no skin off yer beak and you can throw pellets at her!
Okay, bye now."


Oh, Rickeybird!
Her name is not dog. She *IS* a dog. Her name is Pinkie and we rescued her, and we LOVE her. Unlike SOME roomates, she is sweet and obedient and... nevermind. The only thing we agree upon is that it's good to rescue dogs... or ANY animal... if you can. And by the way, they make great COVID-sheltering roommates!!!
My middle brother, of who we have little contact with these days, has a little white dog they rescued just prior to Julio taking-over our home. They elected to visit out-of-the-blue, which is their common way of doing things.

So, I answer the front door and just as I get it open when their new white ball of threads came rapidly into the house and beelined to where Julio was sitting on his cage. Dog barks and Julio goes into full eagle display plus fully puffed feathers including neck and head. His eye went orange as he flow straight-up, hovered for a couple of seconds (just long enough for me to consider that what was next the dog was not going to like). In full Kill the white thing flight, Julio came rushing in on the poor white ball of thread. Barks went to yelps as the ball was rapidly closing the distance between her and my brother.

It was easy to see that the screaming eagle was going to strike before the dog could close the distance. Yup, talons made contact with rear section and then pushed off as Julio turned after release and headed my way. The white ball rolled into my brother, while Julio landed on my shoulder, complete with a full 'ownership' display.

Did I say, we don't see my middle brother and wife much these days...

Yup, that rush of pride was full-filling! :D

Oh, almost forgot, Hear Hear to rescue day!
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I love pupperz...doggo's..pooches..whatever you like to call them. would love to have an English bully...but...:(

Your humble Scrapbooker has channeled the Rickeybird again.
Here he is...



"Oh hey yeah, this here is me which am the Rickeybird an I got a headsup which is this.
TOMORROW is America National Rescue Dog Day right here!
So few years ago, somebody brought this here little bird home from some henhouse called a recue program, whatever,
her name is dog
not a very good looking hen no feathers cant talk not one egg yet, cant talk nor sing.
but i like her, i throw pellets at her an she chases em which is pretty funny for sure! Toss pellets up against wall she crashes into it!!!!!! Hehehehehehehe!
So ALL YOU OUT THErE BE LIKE ME WHICH Am THE RICKeyBIRD and help a lil hen like this one out!
Is no skin off yer beak and you can throw pellets at her!
Okay, bye now."


Oh, Rickeybird!
Her name is not dog. She *IS* a dog. Her name is Pinkie and we rescued her, and we LOVE her. Unlike SOME roomates, she is sweet and obedient and... nevermind. The only thing we agree upon is that it's good to rescue dogs... or ANY animal... if you can. And by the way, they make great COVID-sheltering roommates!!!

We had a wonderful day.................................. "dog" didn't bite me, or throw food, or destroy my things, or poop everywhere, or scream like a banshee, or attack my friends. And all she asked in return was a kind word and a pat on the head.

Keen observers would have noticed this little black and white sheepdog creeping onto the forums of late. He is my alter-ego and inspiration for my username, as he prefers to call himself The Scarlet Manuka.

"The Dog" was born in the dirty clothes basket in the bathroom of Aunt Dolly's Holiday Home for Cats in Tauranga, NZ. He was adopted by Ninky Pooh, a Persian cat, who taught him all he needed to know about coughing up furballs.

Aunt Dolly is the only one who knows his real name, which is apparently so awful that any time she goes to mention it, the following happens.....



(No actual Aunt Dollys were harmed in the making of the above cartoon.)
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