The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

#feelinghappy [emoji4][emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]

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I almost cried...:17: when I saw your post Ms Gail! So..SOoooo...SOOOOOO happy to see you back! :60: sighhhhh...

Good to see you madam!!

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A big hug Gale !!! I been missing and the RB an the Rival. No pressre to write back, just know we care !! The FeatherAdventures of the RB can wait.
Hello, everybody, from Planet Rickeybird. We hope everybody had a fine Labor Day!!
Hi Hi Hi, Gale ! Good the see you! L.D. was fine here, perfect weather. Took Salty out for a nice cold beer and some fries ( he doesn't like them), and some new toys. Then steaks on the barrby ( I ruined them!). We hope yours was as pleasant ( without the burnt offerings).
Enjoyable weekend at the Boats' Julio was very busy with all the guests that had elected to gather in his back-kingdom. Social distancing was not evident as the turkey pushed the rules to the side and the deer clearly had discussion face-to-face...
Sometimes our neighbors can be such animals!
As we continue to struggle against the pandemic, your humble Archivist offers a few "Best of the Scrapbook" selections, in hopes it lightens this day's journey just a bit.


Responsible mingling.


Sheltering at home.


Still gotta do routine stuff.


PPE ----- Parrot Protective Equipment -----



This fledgling crow graced our porch for about a day.


And that wraps it up for today, folks.


Stay safe, everybody!
Hahaha! Kirby, that was awesome!
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
Memory Lane
Episode 1

There's a Party! You're invited.
Actually, you're already here.
I have retired from the Moderators' Team.
It has been a great 36 years (so far) with the ol' Rb and our Scrapbook, and a great (almost) five years here with the Parrot Forums.
To celebrate both, I hope you'll indulge me in some trips down
Memory Lane!
This is the first.

I remember it as if it were yesterday. It was 1984. I was still in college, and I had just gotten a paycheck that was dearly needed for rent, Ramen Noodles and library fees, but... noooooooooooo! Whatever drew me into the new bird store in Las Cruces, New Mexico, I will never know. I knew nothing about parrots, except that I loved them. A 3-month-old Patagonian and I met, and minutes later, I was driving home with him on my shoulder, minus all my money and then some.
This was my favorite singalong of the moment, and I always associate it with that day. Join me?
[ame=""]Deniece Williams - Let's Hear It for the Boy (1984) - YouTube[/ame]​
Gail, you have brought so much sunshine to the Mod team, and to the forum. It has been such an honour to work with you again, and you will always be a part of the Mod team family. I love you, my Sister.

I love this trip down memory lane and look forward to the next entry. What a fantastic journey you and Rb have been on together, 36 years and counting! It is a wonderful gift that we all get to share this with you. Thank you so much for that!
The year is 1984, and a love story for the ages is born in a little pet store in New Mexico. A love story that would one day go on to warm the hearts of legions of parrot lovers all around the world. Thank you for sharing your journey with us and all the joy, tears and laughter that go along with it, your story has come to mean so much for so many :smile015:

And one of the biggest selling singles in Australia (probably the world!) in 1984 was this nugget of pure gold by Stevie Wonder. Well Aunty G, we just did, and we do!

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I got a little emotional when signing off that last post, and I neglected to thank the Mod Team AND the membership for their support and help and reassurance as I was evaluating the various health and other situations that made this move the right thing to do. Fellow (former Mods), you know I have only the greatest respect and affection for each of you. Separately, you each possess monumental talents and qualities, and TOGETHER, you are a Team unparalleled in my world. I don't even have the words at the moment. Fellow members, you are a Community of fine human beings and humanitarians to which I am blessed and grateful to belong. Administrator Doug, thanks to you for being the perfect Captain for our ship, all these years. Thank you all, all, all.
I got a little emotional when signing off that last post, and I neglected to thank the Mod Team AND the membership for their support and help and reassurance as I was evaluating the various health and other situations that made this move the right thing to do. Fellow (former Mods), you know I have only the greatest respect and affection for each of you. Separately, you each possess monumental talents and qualities, and TOGETHER, you are a Team unparalleled in my world. I don't even have the words at the moment. Fellow members, you are a Community of fine human beings and humanitarians to which I am blessed and grateful to belong. Administrator Doug, thanks to you for being the perfect Captain for our ship, all these years. Thank you all, all, all.

Terry, it's never a real party until you show up. You've been my guide since I first turned purple, and forever beyond.

Thanks, LaMartina... that was a good one, too. And @1986, here's another treasure you told me about, you little slice of Downunder, you! This is looking like a good, happy retirement party after all. YAY!

Crank it up. Everybody sing!
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Sweetie, you have always been my guide in how to be a better person. With your incredible compassion & understanding for others, you have been a shining example of who I aspire to be.
I look forward to many more parties together:)
I'm just Posting to say " I Love You."

We have crossed paths so very often my dear Sunshine! Sharing moments of support for each other and have been a light in the dark when the World seem to swing away, catch it's breath, and return with a smile...

Enjoy your retirement from the Mod Family, but return when RB provides a moment of inspiration.

Cheers Good Friend!
Party ON, Terry-o the Merry-o! Let's just move in together.

Oh, Mr. Boats, we go wayyy back, don't we? You and Mrs. Boats and Julio and the Rb...
We're the most special of friends. I recall one night when I was very blue that maybe my extended hospitalization/absence from the Rb might have caused irreparable trauma to him, and you were having NONE of that!! And I got back in that saddle. didn't I? Yes, I did.
The Rickeybird Scrapbook
Memory Lane Retirement Party
Episode 2

What kind of party would it be without the Beastie Boys' anthem?
Another blast from the past. The year was 1989... Tienenman Square... Bette Davis died... Weekend at Bernie's... shoulder pads in women's fashion.

And as for the Rickeybird? He was five years old. I was finished with school and working. I lived a few minutes from the office, so I could give him some nice out-of-the-cage time in the morning, over my lunch hour, and after work. Still, he was caged so much! It was a big change from the carefree, spoiled life of a shoulder-parrot who was with me almost all the time, and I struggled to provide an enriched environment for him, with a television, lots of toys and treats, etc. By this time in his life, I had found an avian vet, gotten a healthy diet regimen, and learned about teflon and other dangerous fumes. Still, it seems like the Dark Ages, doesn't it? The Internet? Ummm... it was in its INFANCY!
Rickeybird, how did you ever make it???????????????????????????????
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