The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

I have channeled the Rickeybird in order to provide his important input on this wonderful day...
Earth Day!


"Hello all you peoples, this here is the Rickeybird which am ME!
I am here to tell you bout ths here EARTH DAY which is very important day to celebrate all the animals an habitats an reesources an all of these here things
mostly Earth Day is about
ME, which am
the Rickeybird!!
I am repersenterating all these here habitats an animals an so forth,
Lot of people don't know ths but now you do so send money an green chileezs an other chilez an also an hot henz what nose how to party
over to me which am the Rickeybird!"

Oh, Rickeybird!
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Rickeybird just has a way of breaking weighty subjects down to their basics!

Just Wondering: Are there any lingering issues/effects resulting from channeling another's thoughts, especially on a regular basis? Just Wondering?
Why, yes, Mr. Boats, yes, there are indeed lingering effects from channeling the Rickeybird.

I find myself biting my ol' man's fingers if he scratches my head the wrong way.

On a more positive note, I can shell those walnuts like nobody's business!
Why, yes, Mr. Boats, yes, there are indeed lingering effects from channeling the Rickeybird.

I find myself biting my ol' man's fingers if he scratches my head the wrong way.

On a more positive note, I can shell those walnuts like nobody's business!

Yes it’s a thing Miss Gail and Mr Boats our fids have mind bending capabilities. Why I have almost drawn blood from anyone daring to offer subpar treats...

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...... sub-par treats! I gotta try that with Ms Wrench. Nah, I'd just get the frying pan to the forehead. BONG!!!!
...... sub-par treats! I gotta try that with Ms Wrench. Nah, I'd just get the frying pan to the forehead. BONG!!!!

No way I'm going to attempt that with Mrs. Boats! I'm already too near the bitter end of my rope. Plus her fuze is a bit short with this 'stay at home' rule, and the twice cancellation of a 'life critical' appointment tied a comparison of her root color and that of our Governor's...
Okay, we can take on a lot of big topics here in the ol' Scrapbook...
Social Distancing...
Sub-Par Treats...
Frying pans to the head, but...

[ame=""]Screaming Parrot - YouTube[/ame]​
Yup, but Mrs. Boats was far less self-controlled when our governor extended the 'stay at home,' again...

I sense an underground industry gaining in strength across this nation! Lead by a bi-partisan rallying call: 'Our Roots Shall Not Be Left Untreated!'
And, that comes directly from 'she who shall be obeyed!'
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Okay, I have your solution to the whole situation. If the parrots want to take over, I say let 'em. Get 'em a bunch of little masks and send 'em out to learn how to be barbers and beauticians, doctors, lawyers, whatever. Then we can just sit around while they come home and take care of us for a change. You're welcome!
Peace. Rival - OUT.

I just noticed a Grey at bottom right who isn't wearing a mask. He goes back to the cage until he agrees to get with the program.
Greys will always be an issue.
And Ekkies will be demanding such tricky buffet menus.
And Amazons just, well, um, they aren't the best team players?
And conures are gonna be ripping off the masks and playing with them.
The budgies and 'tiels will be demanding to hear "Slice of Heaven" all day and night, and...
The macaws will be wanting extra perch space for those long tails.
And you notice... you don't even SEE a Rickeybird there.

This isn't gonna work.
It just isn't.

Back to social distancing and general Corona protocols and the usual Scrapbook fare.
I give up. I try to provide some constructive ideas and what do I get?
The only thing I cared for was the Aussies' music suggestion.
And with this, I give up on trying to civilize this bunch.
Can we all just be friends and bust a move together?
[ame=""]DOGGONE BIRDS - YouTube[/ame]
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Slice of Heaven, a bit too early in the day -or- a clear need for a Cold One!!!! Early...

Or just pick up from where you left off the night before...

Rival you do realise Dave Dobbyn (with or without The Herbs) is a Kiwi don't you? Mind you that's never stopped Australia appropriating anything good from New Zealand and calling it our own, we've been doing it since Phar Lap!
Oh, he already shared with me his cleverness in calling you all "Downunders".
Please don't get him started.

After all, tomorrow is Prepareathon Day.

It's not to late to apply that to this whole COVID thing, right?
Let's just bust that move and lift that cold one after all!

A quick list or a reference driven collection of controlled assured survival.

Yaa, quick list:
other stuff as your leaving and just grab...
Oops Rum, okay, more Rum.
Remember to close and lock the door, :D

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