The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Rickeybird and his channeler never seems to delivery a smile or at least an OMG moments...

And, that reminded me of the events of yesterday when Julio went in for a very minor check-up. With the Monster Virus restrictions in place, I arrived on time in front of the Vet's Clinic. A Vet Tech met me and after providing my name, address, mobile phone number and what seemed like a long list of other stuff and findy the name of HRH. At that point, our normal Avian Vet Tech came out and while the other one was still asking questions, our AVT took Julio inside in his carrier.

Twenty minutes later the first Tech appeared with Julio screaming several words I have never heard him use, plus his normal I greatly dislike this place statements. I reach across and opened the door, she quickly set his carrier in the front seat and booked back into the safely of the building.

Then quickly followed by a call from our CAV, with the update regarding the visit. All is well!

Near all the way home, I heard from Julio regarding the visit and why that place is filled with devil people!!!

Anyway, RB would have approved of Julio's dissertation regarding those devil people.
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Now THAT's what I call state-of-the-Art patient service! Responsible, flexible, caring... oh, yeah. Thank you for sharing this, Admiral Boats. The Rickeybird had his last regular 3-month-er a few weeks ago, and he's okay and stocked up on his meds... so we'll see where his vet's practice stands sometime around June.

Meanwhile, I called and left a message for him and his staff... just letting them know they're in my thoughts. They're first responders, too, in my view, ABSOLUTELY!

Maybe we should all give our vets a quick hiya-hang-in-there call?????
As I already said... I called our wonderful vet... left a quick message...

Just a short "thinking of you, one of our treasured first responders, hoping you know your patients and their families are thinking of you, etc., etc.'

I encourage you to do the same, if you are so moved.

As I shelter safely in place, stocked up on the Rb's pills, etc., I am thinking of our vets everywhere (many of whom are on the front lines, in harm's way), and I am wishing them well.
And in related news, this wild Rickeybird is sheltering in place in his Patagonian nest-burrough, waiting for his delivery.


"Please juss leave green chileez on porch,
n scra
m, sorry no tips,
ybe nexx year,
prolly not!"​

But seriously...
Safe sheltering, everybody.

Nice idea, a big thanks to our veterinarians and their staff. I noticed that the emergency/24hour veterinary office was open with all the lights blazing as I was driving home through a thunder storm after picking up the wife's prescription last night. There are huge windows all across the front and you could see that was somebody waiting inside with a little carrier. So somebody was real glad to have those doors open. This place serves most of north-central ohio. We have been there ourselves with emergencies. Shout out to true first responders GREAT LAKES VETERINARY of Warrensville Heights, OH 44128.

Good luck all, and safe shelter.
Thanks for that. What a beautiful visual. Shout-out to ALL veterinarians answering the calls.

Forgive the double-post? This is from the POTM Contest this month (thanks, Anansi, for a truly unique platform!) and it just HAS to be in the Scapbook!

Crikey this.

The Rickeybird's "Quarantine This, JUST for FUN!"


The Rickeybird models latest PPE wear.....................
Patagonian Protective Equipment of course...........


The Rickeybird decides to make a break for it...........


He finally gets serious with quarantine.......................



Stay home and stay safe, parronts & parrots. Peace out for now,


Rival, thanks for simplifying this whole Corona situation.
And in related news...


Oh, Rickeybird!

When unable to shelter in his box, the Rickeybird uses a new PPE (Patagonian Protection Equipment) Item
[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions PPE (Patagonian Protective Equipment) Demo - YouTube[/ame]
Forgive the double-post? This is from the POTM Contest this month (thanks, Anansi, for a truly unique platform!) and it just HAS to be in the Scrapbook!
Crikey this.

The Rickeybird's "Quarantine This, JUST for FUN!"

The Rickeybird models latest PPE wear.....................
Patagonian Protective Equipment of course...........


The Rickeybird decides to make a break for it...........


He finally gets serious with quarantine.......................



Stay home and stay safe, parronts & parrots. Peace out for now,


Rival, thanks for simplifying this whole Corona situation.

Here we have another demonstration of correct PPE (Patagonian Protective Equipment) usage. The Rb demonstrates proper placement of the Gladware beak-and-head shield.
[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions Gladware Hat - YouTube[/ame]
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I have been channeling the Rickeybird again...


"Hey, eveRrbody! This here is tHe Rickeybird!
You like that PataGonian Protective Equipment I been showin ya so far??????"


"Well, then you gonna love my new line of ParRot Protective Equipment stuff right here.
Just tell m
e size of beak an send $9999tenmillyon$$$ dollars
to tHe Rickeybird, at P Oh Box 123 Rickeybird Rd Clevelan Oh Hi Oh.
Lookie here is my store!
I made all the stuff myself!"


Oh, Rickeybird!
RB is a truly talented Parrot. Not only his ability to bring a concept, to design, to manufacturing, to packaging and ready to provide for all his fellow Parrots...

What a guy! what a guy!
RB is a truly talented Parrot. Not only his ability to bring a concept, to design, to manufacturing, to packaging and ready to provide for all his fellow Parrots...

What a guy! what a guy!

Yes! In the forefront! First in the flock! Ahead if the game! Too funny!!
And now, for something CONSTRUCTIVE... !!!
This is National PET ID Week.

As the link below discusses...
~National Pet ID Week is always for seven days starting April 17. It gives pet owners a great opportunity to review the steps they can take to make sure their pet has the best chance of being recovered should the animal become lost.
It is estimated that one in three pets will go missing at some point in their life. It is also estimated that about 5 million animals enter shelters each year and of those 40 to 60 percent are lost pets. Getting those pets back home can reduce shelter crowding and free up valuable resources and kennel space for truly homeless animals.~

A terrible thing to think about, but... if the AWFUL should happen, we'll be glad we did!

Yes, Rickeybird, I'd even miss YOU if you went missing!


"YOU WOULD?????!!!???"

Yes, I would.
As an aside to you and all your other readers,this is one reason, important one, to develop a contact call with your parrot. Developed to the point that you ALWAYS respond to his contact call and that he responds to yours. That way if, god forbid, he gets loose outside, you can locate him more easily, I lost my very first parrot, a red spectacled Amazon, outside, but that was a very long time ago, before the Internet and well publicized information was readily available. without that key behavior in place, he had no way of asking where I was and I had no way of asking him where he was. Scroll forward 4 decades, Salty has a very distinct contact call he uses when he needs to be assured that I am close by and I have a specific response to that call. And I can use it to find him on the rare occasions he lands on the floor when attempting to fly and gets himself into an odd corner of the house. Hopefully I never have to use it outside ( he never goes out unless he is in his Pack-o-bird or in his Aviator harness).

Gale, thanks to you and Rickeybird for helping to provide sanity in this very insane time.
The need to have an active contact call for and from each other is truly critical as it clearly makes life at home simpler

But, If that worst moment happens, after that first 5 to 10 seconds, they are looking for a way back and by providing the contact call, they turn their head and then begin turning their flight in the direction of that contact call.

It is a tool that is greatly under used!

Thanks for the reminder RB's mama!
Thank you, Messrs. Wrench, Rival and Boat. I guess I'll give this thought one more bump... it really is important.

The picture you paint, dear Boatsie, of a darling bird, lost, looking around in terror... and then hearing The Call, and turning, hopefully heading home towards open, loving arms, well... that just gets to me, and it's really worth another thought.


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