The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Yet again, the Rickeybird thinks that everything is all about HIM.


Oh, Rickeybird.
The Rickeybird is in a tiff again.

"Tomorrow is National EVERYTHING YOU THINK IS WRONG Day!
YeAH I COULD TOLE YOU THIS LONG time ago, you all wrong bout everything, wroNG ABOUT CAGE door NEED being close, wrong about not we dont gOT ENOUGH GREEN CHILESs, wrong about new toys enough which we aint got, wrong BOUT WHO RUNS PLACE HERE not YOU WRONG WRONG WRONG.
WRONG TODAY WRONg tomorrow, matter of fack, this here is National EVERYTHING YOU THINK IS WRONG YEAR!"

Meanwhile, the REAL facts...

Oh, Rickeybird.
Well, it is only fitting that the other shoe drops, so to speak.
TOMORROW is National EverythingYouDoIsRight Day.

So as soon as the bird is finished CROWing about how everything we humans do is wrong (and that day ends today) he can start EATING crow and admitting that in fact, we are correct in everything. To wit: the cage door belongs closed, we don't need any more chile peppers, there are plenty of bird toys already, and we the people run things.

That settles it. Peace. Rival out.
Oh, what a lovely idea.........................................................
Just a little tweaking.............................................................

"Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye.
Four and twenty Rickeybirds,
Baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened
The birds began to squawk.
Back into the oven.
Chain the door shut with a lock."

No, no, no, let's make those last lines...
"Throw 'em all a party.
Let 'em rock around the clock!"
Oh, yeah, much better.
“Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of poop,
The Rickeybird’s bombasticness
Throws Rival for a loop!

The chiles will be flyin’,
The chooks will fly the coop,
And Rival will be eatin’ crow,
Coz he’s a nincompoop!”
“Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of poop,
The Rickeybird’s bombasticness
Throws Rival for a loop!

The chiles will be flyin’,
The chooks will fly the coop,
And Rival will be eatin’ crow,
Coz he’s a nincompoop!”

Nice! :) Good one
“Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of poop,
The Rickeybird’s bombasticness
Throws Rival for a loop!

The chiles will be flyin’,
The chooks will fly the coop,
And Rival will be eatin’ crow,
Coz he’s a nincompoop!”

Brava, brava! Encore! RIT-ROOO!
[ame=""]rickeybirdproductions - RIT-ROO redux - YouTube[/ame]

Thank you, Laura... aren't these lovely tributes?
My heart just swells!
As the world continues to combat the Corona virus,
our sincere greetings and good wishes go out to those who are in any level of literal or emotional isolation.
I think this photo of a wild Rickeybird expresses the loneliness and uncertainty many of us are feeling.
It also reminds me of the peace we can find in our fids' presence.
Thanks for finding some solace, solidarity, and amusement in our Scrapbook.

As the world continues to combat the Corona virus,
our sincere greetings and good wishes go out to those who are in any level of literal or emotional isolation.
I think this photo of a wild Rickeybird expresses the loneliness and uncertainty many of us are feeling.
It also reminds me of the peace we can find in our fids' presence.
Thanks for finding some solace, solidarity, and amusement in our Scrapbook.


Ain't it the truth, Lea?

Hey, wait a minute...
That's a familiar sight, somehow.
I know!

Remember the part in the move KING KONG were Kong recalls the lone peak of his original native home, and seeks to recreate the advantage by climbing to the top of the Empire State Building for his last stand against Humanity????


Come down, Rickeybird, come down!
Everybody knows what's next.

[ame=""]King Kong (1933)- Climbing the Empire State Building Scene (9/10) | Movieclips - YouTube[/ame]
And, in unrelated news... I have channeled the Rickeybird for his thoughts on... this day in history!

"Well hello thar, daddios and bobby soxers, lookie here.
On this here day in 1958, March 24, Elvis Presley was inductrinatored into the US Army.
Was rock star of all time and also manly man signing up in Army. Tells whole story right here.
[ame=""]American Singer & Actor Elvis Presley - Biography and Life Story - YouTube[/ame]
So I gonna remake this movie an I gonna star as Elvis. Pretty sure is going to be big hit!
Already workin on hairdo.
Lookin for extras, so all y'all hott thenz that wanna play groupies, and nose how to party,

Oh, Rickeybird!
Speaking of the Scrapbook, here's an official "heads up" and "hiya" to the newest Patagonian on the Forums... Tialu! Everybody, thanks for greeting and supporting one of the Rickeybird's cousins! Tialu, and Rain... welcome!!!!

Thank you for the kind welcome!! And I'm so sorry for the late response. Life has been hectic since I last posted and has only gotten more so since the chaos with the corona virus! [emoji30] Hope everyone here is still doing well! P.S. Seeing the goofy photo edits of the Rickeybird serves as an excellent mood lifter, lol.

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Never too late. Never too late!!!!
Hello, and welcome back.
Thank you for checking in!
And in related news, this wild Rickeybird is sheltering in place in his Patagonian nest-burrough, waiting for his delivery.


"Please juss leave green chileez on porch,
n scra
m, sorry no tips,
ybe nexx year,
prolly not!"​

But seriously...
Safe sheltering, everybody.

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