The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates


And here is RBs birthday picture!

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An ongoing feature from your humble Scrapbook Archivist............
(Continued attempt to curry favor with the missus)

Originally from 10-12-16

From 10-12-2016
About a third the size of a regular chicken egg...

And he hasn't been quiet since!

Well, thank you for the heartfelt past-blast, dear Rival. Excuse me, though... he is in fact quiet when he is asleep.

And Lea has captured the magic moment of arrival! Just look at that dear little darling, facing the world with such innocence and neediness... so humble and so ready to love everybody.
Be still, my sentimental heart.
Thank you, Lea.
Salutations, Nurse Connie. She keeps a low professional profile so isn't registered here (yet!?) but she appreciates the shout-out and wishes all the vet techs (especially the bird-centric ones) a happy VT Week. :)
PS, she is the only person that the Bird steps-up for besides the Missus, so that tells you a lot.
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Tomorrow is National Reptile Awareness Day!

I can thank this Community for acquainting me with reptiles. Before I met reptile-lovers here, I was firmly in the "Ewwwwwww... SCALY!" camp, but I have really learned a lot. I am definitely a reptile fan now, and I consider myself very fortunate. Thanks, folks!

I also discovered that the Rickeybird is part eel, which, while not a reptile, looks like one to me. AND has scales!!!!!

Tomorrow is National Reptile Awareness Day!

I can thank this Community for acquainting me with reptiles. Before I met reptile-lovers here, I was firmly in the "Ewwwwwww... SCALY!" camp, but I have really learned a lot. I am definitely a reptile fan now, and I consider myself very fortunate. Thanks, folks!

I also discovered that the Rickeybird is part eel, which, while not a reptile, looks like one to me. AND has scales!!!!!


Similar ambush tactics, at any rate! Lol!
My two favorite Steph/vens!

Yes, Stephen, VERY similar ambush tactics, except the eel doesn't scream "NO!" when he lunges!

Steven... if you're at a loss for words, it's only because no EELucidation is necessary!
Everyday is reptile awareness day in South Central Texas:eek:

Watch where you step!

I hear ya Major TOM - when we lived out bush my aunty used to keep a shotgun behind the door specifically to deal with errant snakes/goannas/feral pigs etc etc. Formidable lady my aunty!

Meanwhile in Thailand recently these boyz happened across this 4 metre long king cobra lurking in a drain. And that one guy tackled it with his bare hands! Good thing for the snake that my aunty wasn't there or he may have found himself being transferred to that great big wildlife sanctuary in the sky!

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Everyday is reptile awareness day in South Central Texas:eek:

Watch where you step!

I hear ya Major TOM - when we lived out bush my aunty used to keep a shotgun behind the door specifically to deal with errant snakes/goannas/feral pigs etc etc. Formidable lady my aunty!

Meanwhile in Thailand recently these boyz happened across this 4 metre long king cobra lurking in a drain. And that one guy tackled it with his bare hands! Good thing for the snake that my aunty wasn't there or he may have found himself being transferred to that great big wildlife sanctuary in the sky!


Back in the '70's there was a song called " I don't like spiders and snakes"...and I agree whole-heartedly. :eek:


And here is RBs birthday picture!
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Tomorrow is National Reptile Awareness Day!
I can thank this Community for acquainting me with reptiles. Before I met reptile-lovers here, I was firmly in the "Ewwwwwww... SCALY!" camp, but I have really learned a lot. I am definitely a reptile fan now, and I consider myself very fortunate. Thanks, folks!
I also discovered that the Rickeybird is part eel, which, while not a reptile, looks like one to me. AND has scales!!!!!


Well well well, it has been quite the scaly week here.....................
Dinos, reptiles and eels, OH MY.
Dinos, reptiles and eels, OH MY.
Dinos, reptiles and eels, OH MY.
If we're off to see the Scale Wizard, I'm trading the ruby slippers for ruby boots. Knee-high. Iron toes.
Everyday is reptile awareness day in South Central Texas:eek:

Watch where you step!

I hear ya Major TOM - when we lived out bush my aunty used to keep a shotgun behind the door specifically to deal with errant snakes/goannas/feral pigs etc etc. Formidable lady my aunty!

Meanwhile in Thailand recently these boyz happened across this 4 metre long king cobra lurking in a drain. And that one guy tackled it with his bare hands! Good thing for the snake that my aunty wasn't there or he may have found himself being transferred to that great big wildlife sanctuary in the sky!


Would you be so kind as to explain to an idiot(me) what a goanna is?

I always thought it was Australian for iguana but have been informed recently that is not the case.

Please help a poor dumb country boy from Texas understand.;)
A goanna is a BIG monitor lizard, the biggest one I've ever seen in the wild was probably about 3 feet long but they get MUCH bigger...

This guy can explain it much better than me!

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Oh and my step-mother came home to find a 5 footer in her house in Darwin one afternoon. She backed out of the house VERY carefully and called a professional... !
A goanna is a BIG monitor lizard, the biggest one I've ever seen in the wild was probably about 3 feet long but they get MUCH bigger...

This guy can explain it much better than me!

That clip is awesome and educated the boy quite well.

Thank you so very much:40:
As this forumā€™s resident Australian cultural attache, youā€™re most welcome Major TOM although thereā€™s nuthinā€™ ā€œpoorā€ or ā€œdumbā€ about you!

They say everythingā€™s bigger in Texas but let me tell you itā€™s even bigger in the steamy tropics of Darwin! Terrific town to visit though, Iā€™ve been there maybe half a dozen times and thoroughly recommend it if youā€™re ever in the neighbourhood!
As this forumā€™s resident Australian cultural attache, youā€™re most welcome Major TOM although thereā€™s nuthinā€™ ā€œpoorā€ or ā€œdumbā€ about you!

They say everythingā€™s bigger in Texas but let me tell you itā€™s even bigger in the steamy tropics of Darwin! Terrific town to visit though, Iā€™ve been there maybe half a dozen times and thoroughly recommend it if youā€™re ever in the neighbourhood!

Yours is the one country that I have any desire to leave the "Republic of Texas"
to visit. Unfortunately I doubt I will ever get get the chance. However the people I have met from your country make it all the more enticing as the ones I have had contact with are wonderful people. The flora and fauna where you are seems incredible and I would love to experience it first hand.

I seriously doubt I will ever get the chance, however one can dream.:07:
As this forumā€™s resident Australian cultural attache, youā€™re most welcome Major TOM although thereā€™s nuthinā€™ ā€œpoorā€ or ā€œdumbā€ about you!

They say everythingā€™s bigger in Texas but let me tell you itā€™s even bigger in the steamy tropics of Darwin! Terrific town to visit though, Iā€™ve been there maybe half a dozen times and thoroughly recommend it if youā€™re ever in the neighbourhood!

Yours is the one country that I have any desire to leave the "Republic of Texas"
to visit. Unfortunately I doubt I will ever get get the chance. However the people I have met from your country make it all the more enticing as the ones I have had contact with are wonderful people. The flora and fauna where you are seems incredible and I would love to experience it first hand.

I seriously doubt I will ever get the chance, however one can dream.:07:

Dave any time you get the chance to pop over our way for a visit to beautiful BrizVegas youā€™d be more than welcome. I think Texans, Territorians and Queenslanders have a lot in common :)

Actually I wonā€™t be venturing far from home for the next few years either, at least not while we have our little Crown Princess - I canā€™t bear the thought of leaving her with a sitter. Considering I used to work for our national airline and would go to Adelaide for lunch thatā€™s a heck of a turnaround!

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