The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Sometimes I have fun imagining that the Rb has an active fantasy life. Like for example...

Bath time IN REALITY... he is the Rickeybird with a toy boat.


Bath time IN FANTASY... he is mighty Neptune smashing a flagship.

And again.

His Reality... the Rickeybird snoozes in his rocker after lunch.

His Fantasy... the Sultan rests up as Sheherazade readies her charms!

Oh, Rickeybird.
And again.

His Reality... he's screaming his lungs out.


His Fantasy... he's Pavarotti at the Met.

Ouch!!! I can understand his Fantasy of being Pavarotti at the Met. But, for those that so enjoyed those works of true art. It's a bit painful. :D
The Rickster and the Pavmeister have one thing in common - they just open their mouths and that glorious, mellifluous sound comes out!
Oh, Mr. Boats... gird your loins... uh... ears?!
LaM... yesssssssss, from their lungs to God's ears!

Over on Facebook looking at a bird group and I discover that RB is apparently on tour.


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Over on Facebook looking at a bird group and I discover that RB is apparently on tour.


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That HAS to be someone else in a Rickeybird costume! :52:

And we all know how RB feel about dress up games...

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Señor Ricardo has stunt doubles everywhere!
I don't know what to think... costumes, stunt doubles, dress-up games...
Who does he think he is: JIMMY BUFFET???!!!???!!!

The Rival informs me that a major archive expose is in the works.

Stick with me, dear friends, during these difficult times. You know where to find me.
[ame=""]Margaritaville Parrothead Pool Float - BossMan - 30 second spot - YouTube[/ame]
Happy to stick with you and Rival and the Rickeybird Ms Gail, ain’t no place we’d rather be!

PS Lilly went crazy for the Margaritaville pool floats :)
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Your humble Scrapbook Archivist presents
A Compendium: A Bird's Realities and Fantasies.

Sometimes I have fun imagining that the Rb has an active fantasy life. Like for example...
Bath time IN REALITY... he is the Rickeybird with a toy boat.

Bath time IN FANTASY... he is mighty Neptune smashing a flagship.

And again.
His Reality... he's screaming his lungs out.

His Fantasy... he's Pavarotti at the Met.

And again.
His Reality... the Rickeybird snoozes in his rocker after lunch.

His Fantasy... the Sultan rests up as Sheherazade readies her charms!

Oh, Rickeybird.

And based upon the above intell, I submit the finale.

As we see the Bird.
A parrot head.


As he would see himself.
Buffet, Parrot Head God.


Rival, peace out.
My avatar shows the real parrot head around here.........................
"Wasted away again in Rickeybirdville..looking for his long lost shaker of chilli's"

:rolleyes: :18:


"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I got this!!!!!
Let's load up the van with tequillah, harmonicers, an pool floats
an hit t
he road.
I got yer
designated biter

right here!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oh, Rickeybird.
Mr. T Richard Bird,

Please stop somewhere in South Central Texas and pick me up!
I have many chilies. What ever color you would like.
I have at least one seriously hot hen, will procure more if desired.
I have enough tequila and other spirits to get us to margarita land.

PLEASE PLEASE take me with you!
Forget the van Major TOM, sounds more like a magic carpet ride to me, complete with “spirits” of every kind! ;)

PS Pick me up on your way thru would you please?!
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The Magic Bus springs eternal! Climb on board!
Crank this up with me, y'all.
Bring the birds and kids! And Tequila and chiles... and the Peter Paul Mounds for your Conductor (that would be yours truly).

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