The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Cool evening in the Great White North. Shortly after the cold front pass by the folks down the road lost power. They showed-up at the front door with a bottle of Tequila and a request for a warm place to partake!!!

I may be a bit late joining the party! But leave the porch light on. :D
The joy of riding the big bus!!!
Now that is my idea of a good neighbor. So are you, in fact, even at a distance because you have inspired me to scavenge the archives for some related funnies. This gets many points with the missus. My thanks.

So page 307 continues along the "Boating" theme. lol





omg look what I found, we missed good neighbors day this year, tequila and all.
Thank you, my love... your little collection was clearly a labor of love.
And admiration. Maybe even envy.
Party on, all you roosters.

"YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I got this!!!!!

Let's load up the van with tequillah, harmonicers, an pool floats

an hit t
he road.

I got yer

designated biter

right here!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oh, Rickeybird.

Oh my stars look at his little pink feetz and his goth black toenails! I just died.

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OMG, I never realized! And his little goth cat-eye look! And big hair!
Stop the presses: the Rb is a GOTH.
[ame=""]40 Years of Men's Goth Style (in under 5 minutes) - YouTube[/ame]
This explains a lot.
I love then-and-now photos of our fids.
Here we have two "bad hair" aftermaths of the RB's bath times. The first is from the 1980s; the second is very recent. I recall being horrified the first time I saw him post-bath. I was afraid I had ruined him. After all, I bought him on complete/clueless impulse, with little knowledge of parrots, their habits and needs. And this was all wayyyyyyyyyy before I had a wonderful site like this one, so I was really WINGING it. It's a wonder that he lived.


He hasn't changed much. WHAT'S HIS SECRET?????
I love then-and-now photos of our fids.

Here we have two "bad hair" aftermaths of the RB's bath times. The first is from the 1980s; the second is very recent. I recall being horrified the first time I saw him post-bath. I was afraid I had ruined him. After all, I bought him on complete/clueless impulse, with little knowledge of parrots, their habits and needs. And this was all wayyyyyyyyyy before I had a wonderful site like this one, so I was really WINGING it. It's a wonder that he lived.



He hasn't changed much. WHAT'S HIS SECRET?????

You know they say attitude is everything sooo...RB has that “I look good” thing going for him!

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Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... we're worth it?

[ame=""]"Because You're Worth It" - YouTube[/ame]
Was just wondering what Rickeybird was up to this early morning (Monday, 10 June) as there are National News Reports of a 4.0 Earthquake reported North and East of the Cleveland Ohio area. Not saying that RB was involved, but one never knows about such happenings in his region of this World! :D
Oooooooooooooooh, funny you should ask...
As far as I know, the Rb is innocent of direct involvement, BUTTT...
Way back in New Mexico (home of more frequent quakes), birds occasionally showed odd behaviors just before and after seismic activity. I belonged to a parrot club, and many of us observed our fids doing such. The Rb would uncharacteristically hang upside down from the cage and would also sing "Rush, Rush" (an off-key sample from his Paula Abdul favorite hit of the day).
Go figure.

Geez, Mr. Boats, you are certainly on top of national events...
Well, likely because we are located in a want-a-be News Market in which not much happens, so we get far too much National News!
Happy Father's Day, Dads.................................
A few not-so-great Dad-Moments from the Scrapbook Archives now.............................................





Cheers, Dads! :)
Indeed, happy BELATED Father's Day from Planet Rickeybird!
Interesting how some given names cross over from one gender to another. Evelyn is another one that's now mostly associated with females. I had an Uncle Vivian who lived back in the UK many years ago now,when i was a 10 year old i was HUGELY confused about how I could possibly have an uncle named Vivian... he was a lovely bloke too, thankfully completely unlike the character in the following video .. and a warning, DO NOT VIEW if offended by EXTREME VIOLENCE!

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At the Rickeybird's request, I re-post his rules from time to time, lest any newer members be caught unaware. Shout out to Uncle V!

Thanks for those rules, Kevin understands and adds: nobody near the penthouse unless food is involved. Popcorn will take you far but green beans will put you in a category all by yourself. It’s all about the palate here.

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At the Rickeybird's request, I re-post his rules from time to time, lest any newer members be caught unaware. Shout out to Uncle V!


Okay, I've got some RIVALoftheRICKEYBIRD'S rules, and I expect them to be obeyed without question.

The Rival's Rules
According to me which am the Rival

1.Just do what the Bird wants.
2.Any questions? See #1.
3.Thank you.
Sooo many rules.
Seems that the more rules there are, the more that are forgotten. Not on purposes or anything like that, just the way things are. :D
Reporter: "Wildlife activists have observed that these wild Rickeybirds gathered in their Senate Gallery to discuss and establish a SET OF RULES governing press coverage of their activities in greater Patagonia, as well as interactions with the public. Conservationists had anticipated that these rules might be the eventual basis for Universal Patagonian Parrot Companions Rules to be used in human households, but... in an eerie parallel to recent world-wide political activities, participants were apparently unable to agree on anything other than random screeching and squabbling."

No rules here, people.
No rules.

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