Reporter: "Wildlife activists have observed that these wild Rickeybirds gathered in their Senate Gallery to discuss and establish a SET OF RULES governing press coverage of their activities in greater Patagonia, as well as interactions with the public. Conservationists had anticipated that these rules might be the eventual basis for Universal Patagonian Parrot Companions Rules to be used in human households, but... in an eerie parallel to recent world-wide political activities, participants were apparently unable to agree on anything other than random screeching and squabbling."
No rules here, people.
No rules.
Colonia gigante de loros - YouTube
This report has really opened my eyes to the seriousness of the Patagonian Conure situation. I think that the Patagonian masses need a GREAT BIRD to lead them to unity. A bird with maturity, sensitivity, intelligence, a keen sense of history, an unassailable moral compass, a vision for the civilized future of his species.............................
Well, it's an obvious next step, isn't it?