The Rickeybird Scrapbook, 1984 - Updates

Reporter: "Wildlife activists have observed that these wild Rickeybirds gathered in their Senate Gallery to discuss and establish a SET OF RULES governing press coverage of their activities in greater Patagonia, as well as interactions with the public. Conservationists had anticipated that these rules might be the eventual basis for Universal Patagonian Parrot Companions Rules to be used in human households, but... in an eerie parallel to recent world-wide political activities, participants were apparently unable to agree on anything other than random screeching and squabbling."

No rules here, people.
No rules.

Colonia gigante de loros - YouTube

This report has really opened my eyes to the seriousness of the Patagonian Conure situation. I think that the Patagonian masses need a GREAT BIRD to lead them to unity. A bird with maturity, sensitivity, intelligence, a keen sense of history, an unassailable moral compass, a vision for the civilized future of his species.............................
Well, it's an obvious next step, isn't it?
Sorry Rival, but the cottage is filled to capacity this weekend! So, there is no room at this inn! I hope that you have upgraded the doghouse!
Although your kind support of RB's homeland is sincere, it is likely not going to 'fly' well with the other member of the household. :D
Happy 4th of July, everybody!

(sung to the tune of 'Yankee Doodle Dandy')
by the Rickeybird, which am ME!"

"Ohhh, I'mmmmm a Yankee Doodle Rooooooosterrrrr,
Yanka- doodle-doodle- DOOOOOO!
A real live nephew of my Uncle Sam,
Here on the 4th of Julyyy!
Don't need fireworks --- I gots boss works !
Runnin' this place the way I pleeeze!!
Rickey Rooster came to Forums
Just to have a partyyyyy!
I am that Yankee Rooster Boyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"


Oh, Rickeybird.
How did I even miss this post? Yes indeed, Happy Belated 4th, to Yankee Doodle Roosters (and Hens, and Parronts) everywhere.

Please allow me to make up for my oversight.

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Wow that’s the most extraordinary rendition of the Star Spangled Banner since Roseanne Barr!
Kevin bows the red tail to those matter they are bowed in seeking earmuffs but bowed nevertheless.

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Reporter: "Wildlife activists have observed that these wild Rickeybirds gathered in their Senate Gallery to discuss and establish a SET OF RULES governing press coverage of their activities in greater Patagonia, as well as interactions with the public. Conservationists had anticipated that these rules might be the eventual basis for Universal Patagonian Parrot Companions Rules to be used in human households, but... in an eerie parallel to recent world-wide political activities, participants were apparently unable to agree on anything other than random screeching and squabbling."

No rules here, people.
No rules.

Colonia gigante de loros - YouTube

This report has really opened my eyes to the seriousness of the Patagonian Conure situation. I think that the Patagonian masses need a GREAT BIRD to lead them to unity. A bird with maturity, sensitivity, intelligence, a keen sense of history, an unassailable moral compass, a vision for the civilized future of his species.............................
Well, it's an obvious next step, isn't it?

You almost got this one by me!
The Rickeybird is an All-American Rooster, as all the lovely, wholesome 4th-of-July posts clearly showed. He has many ongoing and important civic duties to discharge right here in the USA.
The only obvious next step is for you to get comfy on the couch. Ha! :)
Today is NATIONAL EMOJI DAY... didja know?
Which made me think of this...
Do ya ever miss a certain member and wonder how they're doing??
A couple of years ago, our member Teknogeddon made this little RB emoji for me.
Haven't heard from 'em in a while...

Hugs'n'kisses wherever you are, Tek!
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Oh love this emoji, did you put it in your keyboard?

Kevin needs a dancing emoji [emoji23]

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I don't know how to put it my emojis, but I will figure it out!
BTW, I heard from Tek, who is fine!
Sometimes I just snap a few photos and then see if I can come up with captions, ya know? A buddy helped me with these.

The Four Stages of Chile Enlightenment for Parrots
~Respectfully and affectionately submitted by me and my Buddhist friend Kar, who truly loves the Rickeybird~

You contemplate the nature of chile, self, chile and self, chile or self.


You are in the chile. The chile is in you. You are one with the chile.


You turn inwards with a realization that chile is parrot, parrot is chile, all is life, all is all.


You disappear into Chile Nirvana, Enlightenment, and absence of all worldliness.

You disappear into Chile Nirvana, Enlightenment, and absence of all worldliness.


In True Oneness! :D

You leave the mess for your Staff to Clean-up.
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Thank you for this hilarious extract from “Zen And The Art of Chile Demolition” by Master Rickey T. Bird - the nature of the Rickeybird is truly irrepressible!
Ah, yes, LaM... the mysteries of existence...

My Buddhist friend Kar often tries to educate me in transcendental ways. There really are 4 stages to Enlightenment, as you may well know.
I'm glad she is so open to having fun with it.

I told her of your '4 Stages to Chile Destruction' extrapolation and she laughed so hard that she sneezed. She referred me to the book...
"If You Meet the Buddha On the Road, Kill Him"
and said maybe the Rickeybird is Buddha, in which case, we should amend that to "If You Meet the Buddha On the Road, Put Him in a Bird Cage".
This caused her more merriment than she could explain to me.
You disappear into Chile Nirvana, Enlightenment, and absence of all worldliness.


In True Oneness! :D

You leave the mess for your Staff to Clean-up.

Yes indeedy! The Rickeybird and that chilli are certainly "one" now...until it comes out the "other" a few hours :rolleyes:

We live life a moment at a time, Jim, LaM, Boatster.........................Nirvana to poop..................poop to Nirvana...........................Nirvana to poop..........................

Sometimes I just snap a few photos and then see if I can come up with captions, ya know? A buddy helped me with these.

The Four Stages of Chile Enlightenment for Parrots
~Respectfully and affectionately submitted by me and my Buddhist friend Kar, who truly loves the Rickeybird~

You contemplate the nature of chile, self, chile and self, chile or self.


You are in the chile. The chile is in you. You are one with the chile.


You turn inwards with a realization that chile is parrot, parrot is chile, all is life, all is all.


You disappear into Chile Nirvana, Enlightenment, and absence of all worldliness.

I feel I went on a spiritual journey!!!!

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